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Dr. Haven As A Bishop

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Bislíop E. O. Haven' BptWOpai labors were confined almost exehisively lo Uie Pacific coast, whithcr lie removed soon after his election. Tima what tlie California Advocate publishes, t will be seen tliat the Bishop's death just at this time is un irreparable lo.-s to Mithodism lu that reglón. That pllpíT - "ín May. Ihno. Dr. Haven wm alected ¦ Bislinp in the Methodist BplacotMl hurch. and his rcsiilciici was wMgneá liiin :it S.-ui Franciíoo. A soon as liis work pannltted, he moved tal tliis city, and at his own re(iicst was left to look kfter the cliiuiti on this coast for one year. He liopcd hy t)mt time to kiiow the wants of the charol, the character of the areuts and agencies she employs, and to utUt in organialns out forces so as to makc thcin more eSectlve in the protecutton of our mission. BUhop Saren Kudiad with eDUiiuiaam tbe hiatorv and condition of California and of all the oa-t. He entered into the very heart oL the questiona before us, educational, political and religious. His lermonaaód lectures were clear, pertinent and Impresslve, culminatin; in that spleniiid efiort at Berkêr ley, at comiiii'iH vinent of the state univereity, wliicli so fully establislied bis i putation among Die Mople orall claatet. Be rorked very hard, truveling, U-cturing and preaching coustantlv. He muited to all the preaehers, ind as many as poat their homes. His urbanity, kiodneas and sympathy won evcry oue vvho made bis acquaintance. He did a work ot infltience and lmportanoe even to the brief period of his labors here. Uis deatb will be lamented by every Methodist preacber un tlilscoast. Our brotbren of the Methodist Splacopal chilMfc souih ieel this loss fclmoet as luuch a we. The ministers of otber denomlnatiouf shan: in our adlolrsUon for tliis vrifteci leader of our :tnil In gorruw at bis f all. The of Uymen f the church lament with their paston; the women and rbilUren tliechui'i'b 11 feel the shadowof thiagreat (irief. l'itxinally, va of the dopository tlud it bard to reouncile ouraalvei tothfa sad cbange in our coriw of brotherly, synipatbiing fi'lloM -lal'orers. Bislmp Haven was one of us, luid bis room in llie same building witb us, ani] was keen 1 y alive to the interot of tbis paper and of the depoeitory."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News