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"Am" Robisou is testing the mineral water of Mt. Clemeus. Mrs. R. E. Frazer and fainily have returned from Cheboyga. John Moore has returned from a somewhat extended trip abroad. Chas. E. Hiscock, cashicr of tlic Savings bank is off on a vacation. Eugene B. Abel, of the firm of Bach & Abel, is again absent In New York on business. Mrs. N. Keith, of Dexter, lias been spending a few days in the city, visiting relutives and friends. Qeo. W. Moore, who has been absent from the city for several weeks, is expected home in a day or so. N. R. Waterman, of Cassopolis, dropped in last Monday and shook hands with liis old friends here. Col. Crawford and wife, who have been journeying some time in Europe, returned home last Friday. Chris. J. Reul and wife, of Indianapolis, are visiting with Mrs. Reui's father, Matthew Iloward, on High street. Mrs. Latson and daughter of Ann Arbor, are the guests of the Wood-Freer families in this village.- Chelsea Herald. Chas. S. Millen has been spending some little time in Saratoga, seeking renewed health from her famous springs. Miss Mary A. Beal and sister, Eva, o Northville, Mich., attenüed the teachers institute at Plymouth this week. Mr. J. W. Knight, casliier of the lst na t iniiiil bank, has returned home from ¦ vu catión trip and visitamong friendo. Miss Nellie Ila.litt, of Charlotte, wlio hiis been visiifng MissMauiie Bliss in this city returned to her home Tuesday evening. Prof. Williani J. Cocker and fainily oí Adrián, are visiting their parents', Dr. B. F. Cocker and wife, on West tluron street. John Duryea, some years ago foreman of the CouRiBit press rooms, now residing in Detroit, has been in the city the past week. Miss Abbie Hitchcock, of this city, high school class of '81, has secured a position in the schools at Manistique, upper pcninsula. Airs. T. P. Taylor, mother of Louis D. Taylor of yie lst national bank, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Cooley, at Lansing. Mrs. Will Adam?, formerly Miss Mary Muehlig, of Hastings, Mimi , is in the city. She came to attend the funeral of her brother. David O. Taylor, who has been spending hisvacation in Fenton, left Thursday tor his home in Ann Arbor.- Fenton Independent Mrs. Clarcnce Carey, of Juckson, accompanied by her little daughter, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ilenry C. Waldron, on Elizabeth street. Mrs. Clara Doty Bates, well known to the literary world, has been staying a few weeks with her parents, at her oM home just west of the city. David Marx, known to fame as "Little Mack," returned yesterday from the east. He combined business and pleasure in his journeyinga. L. R. Slawson, of Bay City, for mauy years one of Ann Arbor's business men, is spending a few days in the city, looking over old scènes. "Sid" Millard will hereafter perform his famous "umbrella act" In Detroit, having secured a position in Parko, Davis & Co.'s printing offlee. Kev. Dr. Geo. D. GNlespie, bishop of the diocese of western Michigan, lias been in the city during the week, visiting members of his old pastorate. Miss Permelia A. Noble, the lady who attends tlie general dellvery window In the I "-t,. Hii-i', luis been vlsiting friends in Manchester this week. Miss Ellen Curtís, daujrhterof Iiev. D. A. Curtís, has rccently been pending a few days in Ann Arbor, as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Beal. Prof. J. II. Simomls, formerly leader of the Ann Arbor city band, is in the city. He will take upa permanent residen In. Detroit, after September 5th. Lucius Kniffht, a foriner Ann Arboritc and gradúate of the law department, who ha- been living in Kansas several years, lias been spending a few weeks at his old home in the 31 ward. He returned to the west last Tuesday night. Mra. Fanuíe Palmer nee Hawklna, of New York, and lira. Jennie Graham, nee Hawkin, of Cedar Springs, Iowa, are vlaiting thelr ister, Mrs. E. D. Kinue. EU. Waterman caine to the city the fore part of the week f rom an extended business trip through the eastern and middle states, look ing healthy, hearty and happy. Clinton Clark, of Pittafield, a brother of County Clerk Clark, Ieft last Wednesday for a trip to Dakota, accompatiied by a cousin, F. P. Clark, of Massachusetts. Jolin Mulholland, another of Ann Arbor's old boys of whom she ia proud, at present cashier of the First National Bank of Bay City, Is spending a few daya at his home in this city. Mra. T. J. Wramplemeir, of Louisville, Ky., kuown to our people as Duckie Swift, is at present stopping with her siater, Mrs. Qeo. Loomis, of this city. She is accompanied by her mother. Mrs. LorettaE. Brownof Findlay, Ohio, and Mrs. Sarah A. Rice, of Medina county, Ohio, arrived m this city last Wednesday, aml will remain a few weeks the guests of Mis. Beal, and Mrs. Ilowe. Dr. H. II. Turner, of Ann Arbor who was here last week, purchased a considerable body of land in Omega township, and will put 8ubstantial improvements on the same. - Pringhar (Iowa) Tribune. J. E. Beal left last Saturday evening for Chicago via Oscoda, Alpena, Mackiuaw, Cheboygan, Petoskey, etc, etc. He will attend the regular convention of the Beta Theta Pi society in Chicago previous to retuniing. The following meiubers of the Beethoven gesangvereiii of thiscity, have been attending the sangerfest at Grand Rapids this week : Albert Mann, Titus Hutzel, U. Kempr, ii. umder, Jr., Geo. Gruner and Geo. Keubier. Frank Hangsterfer left laat Wednesday morning for Cleveland via Detroit, on a business trip. He was accompanled as far as the latter place by his sisters, Misses Lizzie, Clara and Lulu, where they reinained visiting fnends. Mrs. Mary Hunt, nee Brooks, daughter of ('hurley Brookg, formerly of tliis city, but now of Kansas City, arrived hereon Thursday noon, accoinpanieJ by her daughter, on a visit to her old friends. She is stopping at the residence of J. B. Saunders, on Fountain street. Geo. E. Wanty, of Grand Uaplds, made maby of his olü friends in Ann Arborglad, by giving them a hearty grasp of hls hand du ring the past week. He returned home accompanied by bis mother, who has been spendinfr a few weeks with old friends in the city, last Mondav. Robert B. DeVinney, of the state land office, at Lanslng, has been spendlng a four weeks' vacation at his old home at Dexter, tu rompan ied by UU wife. " Rob " dropped in to see us last Wednesday, and a half hour'a chat brought up the good old times "when we wcre boys together." Marien Elmerand "Hicey," song ol E. E. and Rutilla E. Beal, have been enjoyinr a stay of some two weeks on the farm of their nncle, Mr. G. J. Daniels, of Unadilla, Livingston couuty. Their surprise and joy upon finding a wee baby sister at their home when tuey returaed last Wednesday, can be iinagined, but would be difflcult to describe.