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For Sale- A good house, lot and bnrn at a bargiiin. An immediate s:ile is de9red. Fortermsenquireof Mis. L. E. Polliemus, No. 21 North División street. lw Dr. Elizabeth D. Pope wil! have office hours o Wednesday of each week, frora 11 a. m. until 5 P. m., at 48 State St., opposite corner from Dr. Rose's house. 52-54 J. J. Goodyear lias a complete stock of goods at 5 South Main St. Wïnes & Wordea have a very large assort muit of' gloves and hosiery, very uheap. It will pay you to walk up to Sheehan's university store to buy your children's books. Second hand books at half price. Anything in the drug line you can get at Goodyear's. We have just recoived a lare line of new carpeta in the latest patterof. Wtmm WOKDEN. Go to Qoodyearg drug store for your drugs. Wines & Worden carry a very 6ne assortuient of cloths, caMsiimires, cloakings, deniuiH, shirtings, tiok, flminels, to, Drujrs, medicines, toilet artieles, etc, at J. J. Goodyenr's, No. 5, South Main St. Black and Culored Cash mores and Buntings at WINES & worden. Spring dress goods in large varieties at WINES 4 WOUDEN'S. One of the tnost desirable assortuients of spring prints, very nice, at WINES WORDENS. We have ooe of the largest assortments of bleached and unbleached coitons in 4 4, 42 in., 5 4, 6-4, 7 4, 8-4, 9-4 and 10 4 ever in Ann Arbor, at satisfactory prices. WINES 4 WORDEN. If you want a good gent's shirt, cheap, gO tO WINES & WORDEN'S. For one of the best asüortwents of laoes, edgings, ncckwear, &o., cali oü WINE8 & WORDEN. Silk and linen handkerchiefs can befound cheapor than at any other house, at WINES & WORDEN'S. Black silk, colored silk, trimuiing sillcs and satins at prices that defy competition t WINES .1 WORDEN 'S We aell a good Fluck towel for five oeots. WINES ik WORDEN. Table Linens, napkios, towcls, curtains and curtain tixturus at WINES i WORDENS. We are the only house in Ann Arbor wbere you can find the genuioe "Broadhead Jamestown" mohairs and alpacas. WINES & WORDEN. A General Stampede. Never was such a rush made for any drug store as is now at Eberbach & Son's for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's Few Discovery for Consumption.Coughs and Colds. All persons afflicted witli Asthiua, Bronchitis, Hoarscness, Severe ('oufjlis or any aftection of the Throat and Lungs can get a trial bottle of this great reuiedy f ree, by calling at above drug store. A Místate. It is a mistake to suppose that all remedies known as bitters are bcverages, for hops and malt bitters are strictly a medicine, purifying, invijtorating and nourishíng la his effects. Try a free sample bottle. "POR SALE OR TO RENT. Two blocks south of the unlvcrsltr eround i lih three Iota and barn aúd f ruit. ttuquire on the premlses of lötf J. B. 8TKBRB. ÜOR SALE. A Urge Btock of Wines, Liprs, ií Cígars - ! AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURK Belonglng to the estáte of the late Charles Kltaon, wlll bc sold at public auctlon, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1,1881 At No. 35 North Main Street. M. DOPFY I , . , 105253 JAMES KITSON, f AdminlBUiítor. THE AI ARBOR BAKERY E8TABLISHED IN 18SS, BY DEACON REUBEN HALL Who made regular trlpg wlth bU dellvery wagon as far west as Nlles, and then dld not meet wlth as many pople In hls long weary drives, as hls succoxsors of to-day during a single forenoon, whlle dellvuring goods. Look l'iir our Aüvertiseineiit in a few lajs. im-m HALL A MO8ELEY. VT OTiTFi A '"OKOKOIA.-Forlnlor -áJ IV 1Í7A raation nbont thee stats nml the Kivannaii Muhninii Nkwm. Wmklv (mammolh 8 pacu Bheut) a year ; IJ.illy $10 a year The beat papeia In thu South, ijamule couiva & cents. Addremi, 1032-53 J. H. B8TILE., Savanah, Oa. Notlce to Credltors. OTATB OF MICHIGAN. County oí Wubtcuw.H IT Nollce In berebyglven, that by ut order ol the I'robate Court for the (JT.unty of Wai-htfnaw, made on the 25th day of August. A. D. 1881. alx monih trom that date were allowed for creditors to preiut thelr claims agalnst the estáte of Hlram Whedon late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of sald deceaxed are requlred to prenent their claima to ¦aid IVobate Court, at the Probate ( ifflcc, in me city of Ann Arbor, for i'iamlnation and allowtuce ou or before the tweuty-flfth day of February neit aud that uch claimB will be hcard before said Court oa Frlday, the twenty-flfth day of November aud on Saturday.the twenty-flfth day of Februari, nexi, at ten o clock In the forenoon of each of aald days Dated Ann Arbor, August th, A. D. 1881. WILLIAM D. HARKIMAN, 1053-M Judie of Probte.


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