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Truc to Bar Trut Too rancli laiiiHit be Mtld ol tlie ctwtaiilii'iil v, iii' and raother, oonstantly irateh11(l JIMC f o hejk?a# nos, Mpwh in ti. 'ir belfeljj tlic .-y-lfin -lionlfl ha _'h rlwniing, tln: Btomach and bowels regulated, blond piirilifil. nmlarial ]'-,n extcriiilnitcil, musí kaow tliai Klrrtiic Bitten are tiic oniy mre remedy. They are tbe nd puresl medicine n tlie worlil, and only ei - li A Son No prepararon I have usetl etui ron ,, witli Kellowa ('i'iiipm'.uil Syrup ot ílypo-' phosphltes for rc-toriiii: strength to Ene nervous pyitem. I tliink ii üm beat medicine I ever tiaed. w. j hoknku, BÉffiilo n. y. Iíiiiii IiiiiI ( Wurls. '1 liif the pruiuinutu mm iiHiiiL' f Prnvidí reputa lü widc. I' .ir::1 i. il wit li u liinil . hut by eiiefuetio, peiseverini; indusin 1 r unimla of tlidr si i gtovm to a m i_iiiiinlc whicli is little short of tbe marvel loui fhey manufacture io fiii)riniiuciiiiiiiitu'-, I'icif. 1 1 1. 1 -i oí, I's Plu-pliatic li.-i kinjr I'owder. madi' IV un lita Aci.l Phoaphate. 'l'his Powder Ib packed in Un omm oí tlic luual -i' ¦-. and made accortliny ti. tlie ol i'n.l. lioixtord, Ue weU known aulboriu 011 bread. nuuies of tlic Inventor mía hiaiiuríicturer f tlie are ;i unaiaiitc íority and Inilllilulih K.v M. I Mu. NV. H. Mookk: Ukak Sin: -AImiiiI the liil o( I ín , inhci I wat tükon illi ;i very sovpre ntlaci ni rlu:uinitisin in bullí of my kuavi. I V4 recommeoded to u.-s' I)i m 's vmimiuhaTKD Ahnh a. 1 can clicri iully reeoiur mend it tQ every onc troubíetl wiúi iIkiiihatlSm M. I'. ÜKADV. Itnt'kl'u'.s Árnica Salve. Tbe BbOT Smvk in ilie wodd torCui-. BrUises, Sores, rici'rs, Snit Kla-mn. Sores, Tetter, Cbajiped Haodi, Chilmajiis, Ccirn-, and all Skin Kniptimi-. and tiv(-ly onrus I'üi-. !t iá guara 11 ttecl to ¦live perfect satlsfaetioii m monev rcl uudeil. l'ricc, Z3 Cents per box. I' lufli .V Son. lOfiO-llOI ciin I'!iy.-ii;n. claiui Huis and Malt 1 I are tlio lw.t Do 'ot be Ilcccivcd. In these ¦ ick medicine udveratify- iiifT to lind muwoTmy ni . and liich rcnlly ddes as ri coinincntled. Klectric JSitters we can 011cl1 I being i true aml relial'le n nn'dy. and onc Ihat will do as recommended. 'l'luy invariably cure stomach aml livercomplaints dlaeasea of tlie Udneys and urinary dillicii'.tics. Wc kuow wbereoí we apeale, and can readily say, irive tliem a trial. Sold at litty cents a liottle l.y Eberbach & Son. KcmikmI Froni Ucuih. William J. CouRhlin, of Somerville, Mas?., says : " In the t'all of 1870 I H taken witli a violent bleedinfr of' the laogs, followed by a severè eouh. I was so weak at ooe time as to be uuable to leave my bed. In the siinnncr of l77lwasadniitted to tbe city hospital. Whita lliwe the doeton said I tiaü a bote ia wy left luog as big :t a hall' dollar. 1 vas so far pone at one time triat a n 1 tbat I was dcail. I gvn ap Impe, tmt a friend told meofDR. W.M. IIai.i.'s BalSAM FOll 'i HE LrSOs, I ot a bottle wheu to my surprise and gratiñeation 1 commenced to rae] bettor, a:id to-day I l'ecl in b Oían Ï Ksvp in Üip rvisi i write this bopiog every one affl cid with disea.-cil Lungí will be indueod to take Dr. Wm. Hali.'s Balsam vnn tiik. Lünos and be convioced that BODmmption c:in be cured." 9oW by Drmtjiat. 1826-78 A Cougli, Cold or Sore Throat should be ítopped. Neglect frequentlyie sulttt in an acu rtible Lttnff Uisease vt tumptío. Brown's Buonchiai. Troi 11 es are eertcdn tó gtét taief di Anilina, Bronchitis. ('oiiiIis, ('utunli, ConkWHptive and Thrunt Jh'siases. For thirty years the Troches have been recoiumended by physicians and always give perfect MtüftOticn. They are not new or untried but having been tefted by wide and oontant use for nearly an eníire gencration, tbey have attained well merited rank amongthe few staple remedies of the ae. Pitbfic Speakers and Singirs use thtím to olear and strengthen the Volee. Sold at twenty-five cents a box everywhere. 10Ö7-58 Mothers! Mothersü Motliersü! Are you disturbed at night and broken of' your rest by a sick cbild suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of culting teeth? If sn, go at once and jret a bottle of MRS. WIN8LOWS 8OOTH[ÑQ SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little 8ufferer imuiediately - depend 11 pon it; there is no miít'ke a bout it. Títere ia not a mother on rar;b vrho hap it, who will not tell you at odcl' regúlate tha boweN, and give ti -t t uiother, and relief and health to the chili), [ operating like magie. It is perfVctly gafe to use in all cases, and pleasant to tlie Usté, and is the prescrjptioo of ow oí tlie oldest and best fennle pTiysicians aun nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. 1005 PILES ! PILES! ! PILES ! ! ! A Snrt' Cure K011111I at LJUt. Xo Ono Nc il Suffer. A sure cure for the Blind, I int; and Ulieratod 1J1' i. Dr. Wlllima 1 an [ndian ren l)r Williain.s1 Indiun Ointinent. A single liox bas cured thewortf chronicca and 30 years .-taiidinir. Noone lieed sutl'cr íive min lites atler sppIyiDg tliis wonderfu! sootbiug medicino. LoUcmib, lnsirninents, and Ek'ctn;rie.s do more balín Ihan good. Williantt' üintment atüorba the tumors, allays the intense ítehing (particuhuly at niglit after gettlug warm in bed), acts as a poltice, givea Instant and painleu relief, and is prepared inly for l'ilcs, itchi. tln prívate piula, aml notliing 1 Kead wliat tlie II011. .1. M. Coflfilberry, of Cleveland. sa s aliout Dr. U illiains" índian Pile Ointment: "I have uaéa - of pile cures, bul it affords me pleature to say that I have never fouud any tliinir wliich ijave sucliinimfdiatoanil j.iennanent relief as Dr. Williams' tndian Olnttnent." Fr sale by all droguista, or malled on reoelpt of price $1.00. JAS. K. DA ISA CO W I10I1 (fatt, Detroit. Midi., Agents. lOSfi For sale by H. J. Buown it Co. Agent and Canvassers Make from $25 to $50 per week telling goods for E. G. Rideout .t o., lo Barclay -tret, New York. Send for tluir catalogue and ternis. 1000


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News