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i , H9m M IIanii N' Farmer or llOllltl l0 without II ENK Y & .tonudos Ykw v aki Oa I.inimknt. lt ¦fjAÉHlnnhlein cufei of Ifnrta elther on man or b BjnfCrl and Public Speakers slioulil use 1 Ki.ixik, as it removes hom - and inereaaei the powwoftha voice. ia i!cii-e rusy ebeki and a fclr n. purify the blood by tbc um tÁ BAXTmi M AM)I!KK ÜITTKHPROFESSORI .Had trota l'rufracur iluiaXorü' Acid PhfMphibtf. !:... in by lendin phylclD. Mak llRhtrr biKcnit, ihIh-ü. -t., ml !,. althler tlian ordiuary ünking i'owln rn. 8oM at b reannblf! prW. Hortfurd A1umiic lul Cook Ilnk ent frw. K nmforrt Chymir! Work, FrorMirn-f , R. 1 nd 81 Lako St, Chicago. ïiias-w THE GREAT CURE RHEUMATISM I A it 1 for tlldiMunor tho KIONEYS, , LI VER ANO BOWELS. . It olauMM the ëjitcm of the aorid poim tht oauac tho dreadful lufsnni whioh ' 1 ouly the victime of Rheummtism can roalíao. , THOUSANOS OF CASES oí the worat forma of thls torrible diieue hve boen quickly rclioved. In a short tuna i PERFECTLY CURED. ,' hMh4 woBderfuUiicoo, aud n iuinjeiuic , Balo ín every part of tho Country. In hun1 dredsofcaseaithMonredwbereftU nis had . f failed. Itis mild, but effioient, ('EltTAIN i IN 11M ACTION, bittharuiloftüiualloajoa. tyït ilmillil, Mtreny tbcusand 1 N' t I.lfo toall the itniortantorganBof tho body. , Tho natural aotlon of the Kidueyn ia restored The lAvcr !¦ olewiHtl of all disons, and the i ,' Bowelamovefreelyaud healthfully. In tbia ( , waythe worst diseaacs aro eradícated trom thesystem. ' As it has bèrn protrstl by thouanda that i ia the most efföotual remedy for oleansing the ' yatom of all inorbid ascretiona. Itahouidbe uncd in evflry housohold as a ¦ SPRING MEDICINE. ' Alw.v cure BILIOÜSNE8S, ' IION, PILK3nd all FEMALE Dueaus. , Is put np inlry rtble Farm, in tin cana, one packaitpof whiclnnaKeedquarUniMicinH. AllinMaukl ram, trj Oonrrntratcdfnr ( ' tbeconrenli nc "f Uioee wimrainicimuiily pre port' t. Itactnvithequnl efficiency tnrithtrform. , GKT rTOTTrtüR Pltrcr.IST. I'IÍIÍ'F. 1.OO , ' WKI.I.S. KICHAltnsON A Co.. I'rop'pi, , ' fn.u,.... i inii-i.i' iü Ki_iM.Torr_ , TH I Hfllll '" iinnil Dihililv.Si. U HlIMf Iliiiiliichc. Bilioufioesa, ] i IIUII IM .i p.iii. liidiKrntion, W nn.l Ltver Coiiiplnlnt becawd tpéedttt " find ierni;tnciLlly ml with the Irast exJ VI] JAI.T BITTKKr-, whloh l.lwr. Kiilnry, un.l tin Hlo.xl. rrnk niuiii;; Jn rl itrtroying M ¦ BI ¦¦¦' hWy 'ontlnuc worklng TIN {iv ttn-1 Titk'ht without aidJTU; PW nature? HOPMAN 0M ALT I HITTKK noiirinh, Irriiirlhcn, and i nupitoi't the enttr system. av m% g% not cmII ezpiuive '! ton u h-n ¦ t II lek. hm bh IIOI'S ApT tilii. MMtyad millerlns. A ¦- NOT ' lti cruiK-. but n I l ¦ ii'inc. li'int-inlH i um Mm In ¦ ¦ iiimii o! i X TDmC UADV ' A 8heaf of liarIey i i W I nnUC mrinlV bluwn in bottl. ' ' BLACK I'1'. RED letten. Ak for Frre Tiial Hoilli-, é lOOMor,? TUTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUiViPH OF THE AGE. SYW1PTOM1S OF A TORPID LIVER. of appetit,Naua,bowelB costive, the back part. Pain unier the snoulderblade, fullneas . , v, ifh atlisinclination'to exertior mind, lrntubility of tempor, Low pinta, Ixïm y, with a fueling of hivlng neg' d Boma iluty, wearnifBS. Dizziiieas, FluttennK of the Efeart, Dots beforo jtbo eyerve1low Skinffeadache, Heatle. ñessat nipht, highfy coloreitTrine. IF THESE W AEKIWGS AEE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASESWIL1.S00N BE DEVELOPEO. TUTTS PILLS reepvlllydapted to inch CM e Une e!Tp-l iichachango f feeliiiK Hf tt HMloiiUh til1 BUÍTerer. Therlnrri'r Ibr Aipllte, nI ratie the bMiy tu Tftke !¦¦ ttiiiü the ftjstem ia ¦ioiirlalied.aii'1 by liieirTonlo Act Ion on the Iilu.llx' i wia. SK.ol are proilucgil I'; -Ut nnrnu SU, S.Y. TUTT'S HAIR OYE. oA Hmv. nrWinsKKRs changad to a fíiosav le applicatiuii of ihiHlYic. lt inn n ii'iiiiral color, mCU Itistai.taneously. EMM bf ÜtK0tBiT ul tiy xprM o icipt uf $1 Office, 35 Murray St.. New York. f Dr. TITTS tM lLf THiihlf pfrlUN nd l Tul Iíit.-1(íIi til bf mall.-d IKLK ¦ iplUtiun. 10H2-K4 SUBE REWARD ! CHEAPHOMES ,X CUAV HALF MILLION ACRES SFIjEIsTIDIID FfflE LANDS FOK SAL.E BV 57 Rapids.& Indiana Railroad Company. Railroad Completed Through Center of Lands. Uu uot go West or South initll you leani liat Michigan offers intelligent farmen. Ton eu Io botter wltb Int inoney ncaicr lioine. LmhIi ricli. dij, mul gentlj rolling. ThiiliertMl ïnaliily with Snijar Maple. Rook Elm. BamwoMl, Ash, Hen'li, Heinlook, etc. umi are wel] watered bj lakei, rlTcri and spring brooks. Strong sous, line crop8, liealthr cllinate, mIiooN umi diurrlies, bitelligeili io)ula(iiin, inainlv from Kastern Statrl aal ( anaila. For Bo ifca Mips, eto., áddren W. 0. HUGHART. OOMaUWORKB. GRAND RAPIOS, MICH. X1T1.K l'illil 1"' I $500 REVARlTT tl '. fnr íiny l . Livcr Compll t'. 81e Headarhc, IndiConatfpátlon or Coí-iivent'i. wecannotcure ith WcKtV VejreftlUle l.iv.r Pilla, ha the direc.¦ rrir'lv compllcd with. '1 hev ire pnrely eitall, and BttrerlUl togtreiatWIictloii. Saar Cnati-d. Large boies, conuinluir 3() I'lllf, j cintK. For ale hy all drui'ififtê. i eware of coanterfeiti aad Imitatloii". The t'ciiDtni1 mannfnrturod only hy .n Hl N ¦'. WEST A ) . "Thi1 l'lll Makers," 181 Jk 1S3 W. Mdlnon ML, Chicago. Free trial psekage st-nt by mail prepald o recetpt of a 3 Cf ut Ktamp. 1060-UOl


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