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? oV"CVAl wis c,o n sTsÊ TllE' CHICACtO & NORTHWESTERN RATLWAY Is the OI.DE8T ! BKs I coNSTRÜCTBD ! BEST EQUIPI'ED ! and henee the LKADING RAILWAY - OP Til- WEST ANO NORTHWEST. It líe abortes) and bent route hctweeu Chicago nid al] polnts in H:rti:rj IUiïks, Ion. Saiota, Wtooíis, iJatraiza, CaUfor;::, Otasn, ::::u, Utah, Colorado, liibj, Uontana, !7idi COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, dkv:h, lkadvillr, SALT LAKE SAN FRANCISCO, OEADWOOD, SIOUX CITY, Colir Iipid:, Los ï::no:, ïohutau, aal all poiatí Ín tl . ri-.Dríe s:l tos West. Ais) ler küwicïM, Grito Bar, Oihknb, Sattoycan, Vaiqtit'.:i, Fssd Ís La:, Watertows, Eougnjf- Smak. limaaïi, Si. PU. llisanpcüj, Harra, Vslsa, At ("ouiuil illuffs th" tralnB of the ('hlcapo a, North Weottrn aDd tlie U. P. R'yt deptirt from, rand ute the Biuiejoiut uuiou d. At Ohleau'o. cIojc conncctions re made with t he Ijikc Siiuri.', MicblKan Central, HaKImore & Oblo, Port 'u iie tinrí lli']ii)(]vni]ia. and Chicago A (iractí Tniíik Hj'h, kikí fea Kiiukü'c and Pan Handle Houw. Close Connections Made at Junction Points. It In the OM. Y rnnuIíiK Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BKTWKKS Chícau" and Cotincil Bluffs. l'nlllliaii Ihemn II All Nlglit TraliiN. [Oflitfl up ai licket AKntf telling you via tniB road. KxHmin'' your tickets, ana reface to hay i( they do pot red over the hicao aod NorihWesiern Kailuay. [f you ish the Best TrrtvrHnx Accommodations 11 buy vour tick-i'ta iv ihit roate ÍSTAND WILL TAKE NO OTHKR. All Ticket Agen poli ticket by thl Line. MAItVIX Hl 1TT. 1(i:!1-k! 2d V. P. & C.t'in Man'gr, CUlrago. 'plIK POWKR OP AHKESTINO DI8EASKS diní l;iyed ty ililt pit-pnration is honoiably ackoow]. odRed by the Mt-diral Facalty Ín every wectioD wherc it Cal lit-ni Miiroduccd; and 1 he lare sale is ttie h' st trnnraír I umiioii in hicb it 1h held by the public tVr the t'ffect produced hy ii;i,i.nvsoíii'orDSYRi'P OF IIVI'OIMIOMMIITKS :he iDTentoT ill refer to the medical gentlemen ttèn are attiichnd hereto. [Eltmct from a li i I.tnn, Mí?., March 1, 1876. Mct-nr. Fi.ixowí & t'o., St. John, N. B. tíents: 1 have yrewcrihed your Syrnp (Fellowp' Hvpotiboophittt), ín mv prseifea', lor homc hundrede .f pal fiiiH, wheit; ii ue wa HídiCíiH'd, iih quiíe ..... i .!. A. McAUTHCU. M. D , onth í.'omraon St. ELÜHIDOE B1MP8ON, M.I)., of Hudson, N. Y., w r;tea: "I Imve lued Hyruo ni HTpophoupbltea made by Mr. Fellow?, Ín c:n? oí f'oneamptiun, and other Lung and Tliru.a dteu"ii, with the muet (.'ratlfylug rufultí.'1 K IN CI.AV. M. D.. ol llOKWiwh, N. S. : Mí knoW of fio' better medicine íor permum suffering Ir .ni ¦zamafloii ol the iuwth oí ÜM Bratn and and Nervona siyatem, i rom lom continued stndy, or lUe conj,'h Allwlng 'j'yphotd Krver, Ac, .te." (II AXDLEK CRANK, of Halifax, N. 8., wrilcp : "I have HBL'd it ireely tu mv practice, both In diheat, aa Coosumptlofl antl lírotn hitih, nd in iniaiitile diíCHMí ni the prima vla, or -, wltta eiaineut eucoiae." 1011-KM c e m NERVOUS DEBILITT! A 4 ure - iiaruiileeif. Dll K. ('. WlMT NlRVr. AND BRAINTHTimNT ¦ i lor H -i uleiunii, Ni-rv'idarhe. Mental !¦, o Memory, Sp'-rm ittTrlitH, UnpottfMy. l're-inature Oíd An-, tioo, aelftboie, r over-indolgeace. vilrc'i lirada to miíery, decav itnrt death. One box ill cur recent case. Bnch boi contaloi onmontb'l ii.atm'iit. Oue dollar box. or sil bcixeí for Bve dolía' p ; 8eot by malí prepatd un rt-celpt ot V'e Mínete? ais hoien t(t cure any case Wiih each order reet iv d by iiBloraixboxe,accoiiipanied with flve dollars, e 111 end the purchaier our written pmMM to return the money if the trentment doe not etlect a cure, (.itrirante, ¦ only wheu the treMment 4 orderttl direct from us. Aditrea JOHN C. WKST & C'O., Solé ñwwtotom, -i .V 183 W Madison BU, Chicaeo, 111. Sold by -.Brown & Co. A.Baaeett Wholenaie Agenta, itrolt, Micb. 1060-1101


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News