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Ttals standard sitíele is compounded wltk „ jreatest care. lts effect are as wonderfnl and atlfrctoryMtt lt r.iore riy or fadei halr to lta Tontofo] cOÓ? It remores all eruption, Iichlng aod dauraf ujd the scalp ly In u becomes whlt and clean ' Hy lts tonic jirojiertle lt reetort the capm-, ijlaud to thcir normal [Kr, preTentlog ba)dM,J and maklnif the lialr grow thitk and utroni;. Aa a dretslng, nuthing baa becu iound ao effectn or desirable. Dr. A. A. Ilyrf, State Arrayer of Mamachoseti saja ol lt : '1 eraaMH it the bat prrparalUm L ita iutended purposca." BÜCRIÍÍGHAM'S DYE, Por ihr IV h Uk er. Thls elejtant preparatlon may be relied on to chantre tbe color of the biard from grtj or au; oU„ uudesirtble thade, to brown or black, at dlacrrtloc It is eajllj applied, beina In one preparaUon, ud qnlckly and effictually produces a permanent cúlot which ill ncither rnb nor wash off. MANVFACTURKD BY R-P.HALL&CO.,Nashua,N.H. Sold bj all Drnpgists and Dealer in Medicine. 1030-107S-e6w The Leading Toy Sb Fancy Goods Eoosi OF MICH. VVhcn visiting; the City of Detroit do not faili. cilat HEYN'S Mimi Formerly Hussel! House Bazaar, which ís now locatcd at ii Wotulwanl avenue, former siaod of ihc old ALHAMBSA DOLLAR STOEE. These two well-knnwM places of public patronagi- liae n centlv l)-n Consolidated unjer m.tnifement, and we desire to cali special attention to our large anti well selected line of To-2, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Flatad Tare, Wlütney Children'a Carrkges, Velocipedes, Express Wagons, kt., te. VVhich ara II continue to sell at popular pnce. An ejrly cali is rcspeclfullv lolicited H. HEYN & BR0„ HETWS EAZAAE, 92 WOODWARD AVE., DKTKOIT. RIICH. UMI 7 VEGETABLE BALSAM1C ' ELIXIR l a ture cure for Cought, Cold, Whooping-Cough, and 11 Lung Diaeaset, when taken In season. People die of comumption aimpy because of negiect, when the tímeljr use of thii remedjr would hare cured them at once. Fifttfone yearë ot constant use prores the fact that no cough remedjr bat tood the teel like Boten' Elixir. Prlc 35o. 6. nd % JiO pi boUU. Tor Bale KTery wher Dr.Baxter's Mandrake UlTTERÜ Wiil cure Jaundice, Dnpepiii, Llver Complaintt, Indigestión, and all dieeases arisine froro Biliouineas. I'rice 25 ets. perbottle. Tor Sale Everywhsro. I1KVU Y .V JOIINSON'S ÁRNICA AND OIL , TuINIMENl JFor .llati and Beatt. ¦ The most perfect liniment tter ¦ compounded. Price 25c and 50c Tor Sale Krerjwhn. mier,: ¦É c 1 I ¦ J 00 -4 j Mm jfcLate: H aHTI(reut improvcniont! 1'erfectly karmWa totlotliwurskin. Try it. Directionx sinipla; I lUult musical; savenearlvall tlierubbuy ! iiti." 1) W. TREMüK GE1TEBAL liSllllCê Api! OITFICK 07LE CASPEB EIKSET'S SEOCESY STOM, COR. lil'KoN AND FOllíTII ST. orlli Br!lili lii.iniiM((iiu) (of Iondon and Kdinburgh,) Capita] 1H,IHH)Jhü, UoM. Defroll Flre and Wurlne In. c Guh Aaeb ItMt.iOl Sirliiullclf1 In, 'oinp'j'. ""¦ Caen AeU tiiiWi- llouanl In. Co., of Xcw Vur Oah mmtm tl.lHHi.iiOO. Kri -ullural liiaiwancc om1 WATBKTX)WN, - Kif VUKK. Í Cash Assets 1.200,001). barnes liheiully adjusted and promptly p yr . , iH FA J'""Lt M1LL10HS OF ACRES "'" Itiutot sale 1q the tl fC COLDEN BELT A l of Kansas, by the ka I ¦ UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, of ma rlch Soll tbe ion eer on, wlth good niarkeU ea mm For DficrtpHve and Illuttrattd B telth Map; Snt Fret-, Addrat LAND COMMISSIONER, -KanM DIvW KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 11' .rH STKPHEN PRATT. ¦ ANTPAt-lUBB O Hitth ana Low Pressnre W west. l.w'iiTlurüiiiil KmiriliBlx. ,l" Itopálrlng (loue. RiveUaml H'lWr$!l0 ale.


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