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A Paper By R. C. Hitchcock

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Passing by the lon; list of rights due to cnildren as such, in the faiiiily. imd tlmt pther .catalogue, ao tadly oeglected and ftbused, their rilits iv,m the Btáte, I pro'i'imI at once toglanee at that whlch more nearly concerns us protcssionallv- their i nghts in the schoolroom dlie ttam f rom iih teachers. ¦ IllUe Icllow ma 1118 tWTOlJ ,„,.„„., lus lirst slock, Mild n his tirst pocket He eau nn more keep.hlg hands from that pocket, ladies, that you could avoid n pee,, ui your niirror the morning yon don vour first seal-skln cloak or your spring bonnet Ho his hand comes In contact with those nttie spberesaosmoothandDeMtiful. Wint kind of one is it, lie wonders, red or blue? He niu-i tee,and dot skilied n the art of pocket-usmg, out come a halfdoxen and lipon the Hoor they go. His lidie Iieart beata like a trip harmner, tnr he fean ili.-ir loss. "Bring me those niai-bk-s- "t n,v all you have." Oh, wlut :i trial liv tliey are big fortune; their value oQnol he told hut there is do appeal; Hornatter how lenderly the little fingers Mnger over tlic last. uhich he issorelv te.npte.l to lie nboiU and save. He kllOWS he ,1Uíht n,,t to havu (JroppeO them, but how neoniniensiii ate the tault to the penalty. Whv, they are lus property, and later in 11 te lie wilí flfht gun in hand, and the law will proteel him in it. tor thinga of lew value to üiui. His senae of jrretlbè ís keerfly wouuded, and he will never have quite n rlghl (eHlngtovsrda you, anJ many honrs II I. '],,st brooding over tbs loss. I rmre lward t ¦ boy who in a similar ru'gbed home t lus father witb urgeut vuquest lur him to ge{ b policeman imineiliiitely to go and recover lus jiropcrtv. But shall we not takesway playthinirg If used in school to the hijüry of order? Ye in R proper whv. Teli'ihe littlc heaH that' he has oome to Bcioni to Ktmlv and not to play, you will keep them tor liim- not take them awav from hini- until he goes home: or, if yon fear this will not be elfvctunl, send them by a achnolmate or ekrnr them yourseli to the father or motlier. 1 know onler must be kept, luit bet ter yonr patience be tried a httle tban the Beeda of injustice planted in the fertile soil of bov's heart I have a Mghl to deprive the boV in I kindly way of the knife that woiild mar tlifl desk, but not to keep tover nlght it it is possihlc for me to return it. J fear the practiee is quito genei] of thus keeplne artlcles whicii seem trivial te the teacher witli scarcely a thought of the childt rightg m the matter. i be chlldren liave n rijflit to a puuctoál observance of school hours. I have no right to a minute tha properly belougí to BClMJOl lime. IHir have I a i, (O keel. them one minute after they should be dlínusscil, for any contenlenee of mine How do we feel on a liot Snndijy I' a hm-winded munster keeps us untll ten minutes pnsl 12 for his sixthly and seventhly? I doubt the piola (if ever keeping a seholar fter school hours to learn a loson. Whocan ro grumbling Come, vl he do a's muoil work next ilay l'or Itf 1 wonld not entirely 1 ji 1 1 í -, 1 1 chis as n meuns of punishtuent, but w 'iild tnake it a rare ocenrrence. . The cliiklren liave a riglit to be comfort - able. I liave known a teacher to keep a class standing witlí toes on n crack I'or twenty minutes, heads ppright, liantls by skles or folded calroly over the chest. Try it yourself, my dear friend, if yon who liave done tliis are here, and see how you like it youiself. I say, leí them be coibiurtiilile as posslble consistent with healthful attitudes of tlie body. They have a right to a frequent dMBge. Did you ever try to be Niobe or Cleop.irta in a tablean. or Bit for jrour pietnruf If so, yon liave learned to dread the fprmer and to bless t Ín; Instaatabeoiis proceas of the jatter) aml don't niake classic tableaux of your acholara and think you are keeping splendkl oi'dcr. 1 li'l! you it's splendid tortllrtí. 'l'licy have a riglit to be treated as ladies and gentlemen, to just the same courte.-y and pollteness yon would uxact l'ruin them or expect trom your equals in society. They have a right to tlíeir own self respect, nd lo a t reatment troin w 1 1 ic-li II nol lake this way or (letraet from ihe respci of' thelr mates. In ycars and iu knowledgc they are uur inferiors, bnt this íives no riht to insult them, tyranni.e oyér them or neglect them. In Innocente, in nattve nWllty, In promise at iiselulnes?. they may be far our tuperiors, and by and by some of them may soar far above us in the wlieel. 1 know a jíood oíd lady up in New HampBlire uhuse wliole stock of pride lies in bflltng hoT Bhe whlpped a little boy whö has sínce been boftorêd with the frorernorship of liis state and varlous other hlgh dlgoitics. How much lier birchinfr had to do with bis getting the postiiiaster-i;eneial ship, etc., 1 do not know, but like the nioiher of Gracchi, 'sbe coñtlnually produces liim and says. "üehold my .lewell." In case of necusation they liave a rijrlit to a filif and impartial hearinj. I do not supböse we can all, for lack of time and, perhaps, other reasons, always resort to Bronson Alcotfs trial by a jury of thf jieers of the aecused, but he has an lindeniable riglit to be licanl in his defehse, and so otter my proper testimony In bis case. Oh, well do 1 rcinembcr tiiese jyorda of doom: "I don't want to Kcar une word - 1 know you are guilty," and then Ihe rattan. How hable we all are to allowour l'eelinirs at the moment to carry ns away, to think under the irritation eaiised liy Ihe present Dffenie, "Why. I HU eonstantly animyed hy this fellovv; he must be made an example of." Last April I heard the venerable and respocted Friincis Gaggtírell, superintendent of thje Cambridge. Mass.. schools, teil tbis: He was in the hiibit of keepin a "black book," in whii-h he recorded the otleiiees Of each pupil, ffiviiif: a page to eacb. At the commenceinent of the term a boy liad otlended. Irritated and in a morbid state of miiid he said, "Tb boy is un oíd offenderj he must be punlshed." He tule! the lad to reinain after school, ntending fully to intlict ü whiljpplg.' But, as was bis' usual custom, he tirst releired to bis record, expeoting-tbere t tin J a long black list, and lo! to bis surpriaíj tlieru was hut the boy's name at the Ue'ad ol tTiq page. It is needlüas lo .y tliat tho boj'reeeivcd a kindly reBuke, under wliiuh lie broke down in tears and went home ith love in his hcart for ilis teacher and frienü, aman rarher thnn a brute w i tl i self respect in his beurt nstcad of a buniim ,-ene ol injustice whieh would have followed the castigación. A quamt story of Gen. Jackson is tohl a tbe New Órleteos Demociat. Durinjf t lio lutter part ofliis lite he MI la the hábil ot coiU Ing down toNewOrkansto ser his oh! f rienda and corarades Ín armi and particípate i thé eelebratlon on the frlorlouth of .lanuaiy. It liappened on one of these vNit tlmt tlie ehrhth oecurred on Sunday, Gen. Planche ciflled upön the oíd lierp and reqQestod hiin to aooompany tbe military tu the hallli! giound m Ihi' annivureary of the greñt day. "I :un going to church tomorrow," miklly obaarved tlíe General 'l'he milltaiy preiarationj lbr llic celebralicms went lin, and öunday mornhig da wned biiiflit and hi:iu! it'nl. At 10 (i'flock en. Called at tbe St. ('liarles and intonned Gen. Jiickson tbat tbe inililaiy and civic rfrocessions ero readv to aeconu'WY liini to ilie scène of glofy. "Oenc'Tnt l'lauf.bc,'" PMpMided Ola Hlofcory, tnniinif npon liini the flanee of his 'kindling eye, "I tOjd oii I uas gol II to cbiireb todav." GenaráJ Pktoohe witlídrew, muttering to biniscll, " I nitgtlt bave known lictter." The eelebratlon was postponed tili the next day, and Oemtral JaeWaon liatened on that dav to one ot the moíi eloquent dis 'onrscM ln tbe church on Layfáyette sqnare iroin Dr Scotl ever pronomiced iutliepull'it


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