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Ilerald: Our unión school ground hnve undergone considerable mproveinents. The trees have been benut tul I y trlmmed. A new siiliwalk Ims been laid all around. The tenee h been lowered.and theground outside of the sidewalk haa been graded down to ts level- In fact the school am! siirroundlnSM looka handgnm ti... t,-;.., miñe, grarimg and leveling off was done by Joo Iieasley in workmanlike mannnr, lor wliich he doserves credit. The harvest festival held here last week, Wednepday, was a comí'1"'" ... in ever,) partretnaï. Hom. s. (!. [ves preclded, and thé Gheltea and LlBi bands rarnhhed the iiiusic. 'i'here was speaking and sn;iiifr and excellent enting. Kev. S. Clement s as orator of the day, and he gave n hi.story of the county, wliich he had been familiar with for a perioil of S(i years. The bllowlng officers were chosen tor the enMiinr }ear: l'resident, SanipHou l'ark(r; iecreary, V. II. Wines; treasurer. ,Iams KcLane; vice-preeldents, .). K Vokem, Lynden; ,T. M. Whitaker and K. A. N'ordinan, Lima; S. ('. ( ooper, Sylvail ; W. I). Sinitli, Dexter. Cliip Basket.- I!. Kemp has umviil ta Ann Arbor and 8jld his residence here to Mr. Frencli. Uutter and egjti are almosl a luxury. Thr new bniWIntofd. H. Kembl is iiig ahe.til nicelv. Mrs. Win. Martin la recoverins froda her Illnen. ('has. M. Davis atlendi'd the :mnu:il family reunión Of tlie_l)aviscs at Flowell week lietoie last. siiiney Warrlngton resume Work sooii. .Maj. I,. II. Ives anil wite, of Mason, have been rWting Hon. s. ;. Ives and family. Mis. O. A. Wilsey, of Sylvan towoahip, aged 60 yeais, died reoeiltly. L'nion school ojiens neït Monday. New sleel rails are beini; luid lietwe-n t'liiti place and Oran Lake, 011 the M. ('. K. R. Nilin. bers ot Chelseaites are camping out 011 Carendnr Lake. Dr. Gates is ?aid to have lost lifty tons of hay on his preniises by lire recently- niostly insured. Wni. Martin, ticket and freighl agent, has been haviiiíí a two weck' vacation. Hcrald: There was a rousiii} temporalice meeting :it the Methodist cburoti Öanday cvciuiiir. Tli cliurch was lilltd to overllowhijr to liear Manon Ijoug. 'J'lie speaker was fully up to the occasion. Hia address of au liour was listened towlth roarked attention. The good templara had provMed for the expenaeof the evening, and uear the close of the meeting it becaine apparent that soróe kind ot' u colleetion must be taken, in order to let the peopre down easy. 'l'lic luiincniws friends oí John 11. Ciarte, were la oarnwt sympathy with liim in his affuctloo, and when a colleetion lor liis benefll as asUed, nearly everybody in the house were ro.-idy to respond. Rer. Mr. EIuflMn MKtilc Mr. Clark a cali on Tiicsday niormng, at his home in Tecumsch, aml presented hini wilh !?2s.0) in behalf of Ilis Clielsea fiïends. At ( he was rather overeóme, hut soon rallied, and with his usual wit said, "well, wife. the ravenshnve and a black one this time," thelr kindness to hiin and his taniily we wait his coming with ptoèunt antioipationx. DEXTKIt. Leader: Mr, Hussell, of Dexter, gave a very Interéélltlg lectnre on the subject of temperance to a ratlicr thin audience In R. K. hall Tuesday evenin;;. His hearers w era mostly ladlea - many of them young I adíes, and they did not have thcir beauz with them either, which we think was h nlly gallant on the part of the beaux. Dhip Hasket. - Dewey BHlcblUb, al Lansing, spent a few days at Mr. tannard" last weck. L. Palmer & Sou, at thcir wooleu milis, are ovcr-rnn with orders. Kev. W. C. Allen returned and beid rcirnlar service in the Webster ('onjrnational church last Snnday. Mr.-. E. K TwrloTiiM gone to Iowa to see her son Kdwanl. Don't foryet the juvenile band of Ann Aibor, at o-tcllo's 1 in 1 1 to-nijrlit. MANCIIESTEIt. Kntcrprisc: Tlicyare sellin tickets f rpni here to Kansas City, Atehison or Omaha, via. L. S. A M. S. Hy ., torU.40. Enterprise: II is ajiuost time for tho 'iioncst I rei' h:uljl fniw" " hiiUnn ni Ilis coat and wend lus way to tlic sclioofhemse, and vote liigher wafres to the teacher, tor money to purchaso a few pictnren to hrifrhtcn up the sehool-room; also for inaps, a cfobe and niany ottirr thiuge irce-sary for the BUCCesS Of a school. Kntcrprise: Mission Siuulay wasobserved by the Lutheran cliurch, of this villaje, at the Prcsliytcrian church, The house was crowded all day, and the atteödanee frpm all the neighborin}r towna was larde, Ann Arbor fumishlng ttiree omnibus loads. The mornirtg mtvíccs, devoted to foreign missions, were conducted bv Kev. Neuniann, of Ann Arbor, and addresses wei made by lievs. Judd, Ziinniei man and Vontobrf. The colleetion nmounted to$(iM7. The nfternoon was devoted to home niissions, and all tilt! abovc nained ininisters dellvered aspropiiaté addresse. A colleetion of $11! Ül was receiveii. Chip Basket - School opens ne.xt Mouday, and the nniuial school meetiii}; is held the same eveiiin. Kn'hbc Bros., of Freed.mi, liad üOÍ biishels of wheat froin 30 acras, a little over 20 bushels to the acre. Mis s. II. Perkins has (jone west. Mih. ('. Fisk and Mrs. K. Kent havi' heen visilinj: In (rand Haven. Kev. J. B. Gillmaii has returned to Macomb, III. Mrs. Mat I). lïlus-er and ehildren are recreatin at KliDger'l l.akc. Arthur Case Ims taken liis hay fever to Maekinac to dispose of. The farmers ot Shaion held their annnal picnic mi the I7th uit., at the ftttn of I). P. Kose, and had a grand time. ÏPSILANfl. Will Snyder has sef ureil a situatioii in Petoskey. Ilis health iieeessiialed a chance. Tbe T.lght Guards went through their Competitiva drill last Saturday with few errors, and stand waltin with freat hope depietcil On their laces for the Viirklovvn Inicie blast to cali them. Commercial: A society has been organIzed In this city among our colored frienda to care for the needy stek and bury their dead. It is a worthy object and nrgnlzed underthe lawaof ttie state. Mr. A . Artis is the president. Vpsilanlian: The building fonnerly occupled 'iv the Vpsilant.i ('arriage Co., on the bank OÍ tha river In rear of the arcade block, is tn be titteil up for a tanncry bv the proprietor, Mr. Georga Moorman. It will bc oceitpii-d by Ml1. Duttciihofer, late of tho linn of Irion it Duttenholer. ('(inimereial: Tlie liaptist ehurcli in its new position, ncarcr the groiind, reailv looka tifty per cent. hetter than it did stilted up on hi;li Wall, lf prior to iiiovíiií;, it had been on the MNOf level as now and eiiMonced amid hciiutiful blinihbery and ornamental shade trucs, it would have been the deliirht Of t lic beholders and ttuly iintni'il '-tiie oottage eiiuich."


Ann Arbor Courier
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