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licniiM Spriiigs Era: It il reported inat an attempt wiu made last weck to kkinap a Mies !rl- bilt why any man BhotfW do euch tooüsi! tblng i Botetatêd. X.miiuc.. Iron Berald: A.doctorsaya timt imii catch cold throurii tlielr ankles, luit n l,uly in town thlnka Ifiey wonldn'i ;i tlu-y louki-d aller tlicirow n :u"k'cs a ami'Miiy aa ilicy i,)„k after u preUy irl'f, ;nm,i Tnntm Bénld: We m it ¦Wed tlisi the üttited States la importlag '""¦ l="-íí-ly t., ürail. T1Ü8 nuutbe the vi..;;.1;í;liy-i;r,:;.2.r;;ív"cs; ¦yN It, Uwee Aagmi ,iays. Quiiuy Henrtd: The Ufree Coldwirter orsan.liavMij: ;l tri-party seano,. In all thpj haveyetwi.OinreJerilugtoeacliother tley have adherèd strlctly to the truth. Im g somewhat icmarkahle OOMlctertag St. l-ouis Lfiüwler: "I'uould have Im-n rv i„ sii,.,,,,, iXr'íiíVíí,!:!!!!; timo in writiilg a bOOk thal lias made liim no fnends in tUe nortli. and lias eren ¦ade liiin niany cm, nu, -s at home. Safrinaw HeraUl: II is charged tbat Mr. Bookwalter, thé democratie nomlnee In Ühio, d. ¦clin, 'd Ui vuil' lor ( (ailield tor president on personal gtoamdB, and wants (o be eJected Styveroor ni OWo thal ilic adinlnlstratlon nuv be rebnkid. Not very niany OMn peópte will break tlieir neeks tryfqg to .'-'t in a volé tor Bookwalter. lbion Kt-iHililicaii: Albion ooltoge is to have a new ohscrvalory, to cost $10,000 Prof. Kiikic is tn fmve qliarge of the rala ing of the nihdB, itnd ul la suffleJent guaran ty ttet they wifl be forthoomlnr The required amount is to !¦ raiaed from one bundrcd pereons, and a chiben of Album héads the list wilh $500, or onc-twentietli of the enttre amount. Kiiton RapMs Jóürñal: Borne of the old settlers are Dtlkfing of a "big time" to be héijl ui the BoilingSprings. September 7tti 11 claimed, on ood authoritv. tliat the vanous trilles of Indians throughout the l niied States held tlieir annual council on tlii spot at the full of the moon in September lor upwards of lr.Oyears, representatives coming froin all the tribes who wcre not "on the war path." Adrián Times: The Chicago MMfiace giving dtsgnstlng prominence to the alieged conversión and reformation of two notonous membcra of the city's derol monde, In the coaree of a revival movement there whlch seeins to take lu the city's sloma as its leadinc Held. Snatchin branda trom the burajng i a god thinr, but lach cases had better iindergo a goed term ot' probation before there [g ton niueh parade made about Ihem. Holly Adverti.ser: Mathew Yassar, In not Informed, but we prégame tlmt he did, tor lie has stndied témale eharaeter closely , and must Imve known th:it the NKOteM ''I the colleee depended mateiiallv upofi the free distribution of gum. Marlette Index: Thomas Loyd, the biff boy at Downing, who has been lately uientioncd in oor exchanges, has jiist moved to Marlette, and is livintr ith his parents on Dr. Wevers Kerr l'urin. The boy is eleven yeart old and ordinarily weighs 196 ponnds, bilt ha ving been alck he only weigha iso poanda. Hls general heaitb Is ftood, he is active, and hls strength is nearjy etjiial to bis ie. His t'ather is one ofthe section men on the railroad and only Wejgh8 180 ponnds. Allegan Journal : Xn old soldier named ('ook haVlng siapped ín the face an Oblo rufflan who "wished toCod President (arlield would not recorer from bis injuries," was fined $32 fof aasauU and hattery. The Ciocinhatl !ommerclal at once proposed to receive one cent giibscrlpüons to pa,y the line. In R few hours enouh bad been re1nJ i p.ij the nmninil wlilcli was forwarded to (has. A. ('ook, the patriotie wlio resented th.e insult. But the cents conüniieil lo ponr in, aml tip to Anif . ITtli. the lirnd anniniited to !7. TbM speaks volumes lor the innale pátriotlñn OÍ the Amei iean pepple. Ulisslield Advanee: The railroads earry a Ion ot wheal IV Chicago lo New Vork and load aml unload il al the terminal pointa tor $2.40. A Ion s aboul the weight of twelve men wbo Toad and unload Ihemsclvcs wil hout troiible to the eompanies. 1 1' carried at th_e vune rateas i;rain their traiisporlalion should 0O8t Ihem 20 cents nplece, butsa matter of tact the 'om]anies cliar;;!' ttu'.ni $ii apieee. Making all taii' allowances tor the addition:ü aicoininodations aocorded thé men. (he con eliisi.m is still inevitable ttlflt either the prevailint; Irelgbt rales are rninoiiily low or the passenger fares t-xiortmnatcly high. Miildleville Repnbllcan: It is often the case that a si ranker will be seen wandprinii about the sIkcIs earetully exitininin the sijrns, aeeming to be in aeareh ot' setae place of l.u-iiK'ss, and mauifestlng annoyaqee because be cannot flnd the degired plaee. He shortly ejives Bp the sc-areh and (iniidly isk a eitieu here the saloon is. l pon being Infotmed thatwe do nol n.-e Bucll deailly weapons in thiq (lace, a dU gUSted look overspreads his faöe, wllile he elimlis inlo bis vehicle and depaitg, inwardly eondemnin sueli a "blasled place. that has ndt enterptiao enough to support a saloon." Spéaklng of the atlempled suicide of two-young girlB t Battïe ('rc-ek, recenfly, the XVibU t that place savs: "There is uo doubt but, these irU had tallen, mul tlial their inisery and dlsgrace led lo the rash net whlch ended one (Ifé and nearly terminated the other. There are many yOllllg 'irls in 1his eily who are treading the dieadtul iath of proslilution, and wljdsq llvea are In dftnger bourly. Wliat causes tliis condition of things? We anuwer. that anioni; H aie a class of vile procure--is who coin inoney liv the lit'e blond of the youtig and innocent. These are not on the alert tor the daughtert of t lic ]ioor alone, but the rich as weil. They woulil nul lusitate or stop at anytllin wliich would place moxtey in their poelcètg. No person's duughter is safe while they ply their horrible vocatlon. These coraborant- and liveuas shoiild be ferrited oul and made t) teel the heavy hand of the law wilh all lts welght This staleuienl is not too Btnillg, as facts are known whicb wlll snbstantlHte It ('olihvaler liepiibliean: A few days ago si ciiiidnn from the state school, fonr girls aml two boys, wele sent to homes near Mason ('ounty. On their way lhe aliracleil a creal deal of at tent ion, especialh on the rain trom W hite Plgeon to Grand Kapids 'l'lie pollte conductor. Mr. .1. (. ('onlin, became so inlerested in them tliat he bad a collection taken lip lor tbein, wbicJi amouuled to over seven dol larS. He also atteiided can'1'ully to their Iransler to the other road at (rand Rápida, aml made airan'emeuls wilh the other eondiiclnr lo lor Ihem, at Hecd City, warm diniiers, and lo tiansler them lo the Ludington tmin. A gentleman of Inrge wealrii, fivihg ai Muskégon, happened to meet them and wat so captivated wilh the yoiinjíe.-t, a lillle i;irl tour yearold, that he bas u ritten lo sei if canuol arrange il wilh the perron to whoin slie wai conslgnod to ftVlopl her as his own cliiM, as be had no childivu; and in tliat could not be .Ifecied. to know il whether he could get another one as nlce troin the home


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