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Beta Theta Pi

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For the forty-second time the animal convention of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity ramo togetlier at Chicago on Tuesday last. Lamlda clmpter of the ituiversity of Michigan was represente by Messrs. W. B. Cady, J. E. Beal, J. A. ('ase, W. T. Whedon, ü. V. 'limit, J. H. Grant, I). E. Osborne and II. Bitner. We notice among the naines of the visitors present, E. B. Coe, of the class of '80. W. I!. Cady was made temporary secretar}' of the convention. J. II. (.ram was appointed as a member of the committee on credentials, while D. K. Osborne was elected one of the vicc-presidents for next year. The ínter Ocean of August 3lst oontains a full report of the proceedings on 'f uesday. From t wr take the following extract: "Tlie forty-second general animal convention of the Beto Theta l'i Fraternity, whose various chapters throuffhout the country are represented by delégate.", MMmbM yesterday morning In the appellate oourt-room in the Grand Pacitic hotel. The Beta Theta Pi is one of the most poweiful college confraternices in the United States, haring a membership of over tive thousand, and already tifty-two chapters, in addition tO variuus alumni associations connected witti it. The society TM cstatdished in 1830, and is therefore, among the oUlettof the various college traternitiei In this country. In its rank it has ex-Vice President Schuyler C'olfax, 14 governors and ex-governors of states, of whom- Gov. A. G. Porter, of Indiana; Gov. T. T. Crittenden, of Missouri, and Governor Alhiiiu Nanoe, of Nabruka- are now in office. Among its ranks also are three memben of the siipreme oourtof toe United States, nutncly, WHUam 1{ Woods, Stanley Matthewi and John Al! Harían. Among Itl members are abo Senator Voorhies, of Indiana; Senator Booth, of Colifornia; ex-Senator McDonald, Of Indiana, and inany others whose uames are given iu the list of delégate present at the convention of the fratemity now in session. One jieeuliaiity tbal dltiuguislies Beta Theta l'i frota other college fraternities is that of late vears the ition lias aboliatod most of tlie secret featuies ol the college fiaternities, tod has become definitely national in its cliaracter. It now, therefore, oooupiea a distinctive poaltion a.s a college society among Mous; lor, thougU its chapter meetings are held with closed doors agalnit the outcr hca'.hen, its constitulion and eucral poücy are pnbIlihed to the world at larffe, whica is not generally the case with the other college todetles. The objects of the fraternity the promotion ot the imirnl and tocW culture ol lts members, and the establishneiit of uintual contidenof and l'ralernal elations l.etween the various colltges and intveraiUet of the l oited Sutea, 1 .y securng unity of action and a commiinitv of ¦ympathjr In mattere of coinmon intaresb l'li. fraternity is incorporated under the au I Ol the State of Ohio, and ts principal iffiee is at Cincinnati. In addition to the regular college chapters there are now ilmnni chaoten located in uil principal ities of toe Union, the largest and most ntlneiitial of which has its home in tliis ity, and ddrlng the eojivenlion will lili he responsable and Wílgbty otlit-cof host to he eonvention. In the evening the fraternity g:ivc :n txcellent programóte ín the wny f public exerciMa, at Fiiirbank liall. The auditorium WUB more than lilletl by select ssejnbly of ladiei aml pentleuien, the fair admlrers of academie vetoruns sinia.ll prwportlon ai the gootlly throng. The pxtcIsc8 werp opened with prajer by the liev. L. Ci. Hf, formerly a oiissionary ín India, whcre, diirinK the Sepiy rebelltön. lir whs, for a Mme, :i prisonerin ri'bel's dnngeon The Lamtxla QuarMt, of (lie l niv. isiv ot Michigan, then suiijf In a stylc whleh on a lieHrty encoré, one of thclr olil cllegé siinirs." An oratfcfc w:is (k'livered by Rev. John BCKom, president of the Önlrenity of rt'i-r.insin, and a poem read by the Hn. Wilbur V. HUae, jaige of the mpFMè court of Colorado. Lambilri quartet furnUbed tbe muir tbroufrhout, rMOHto lniirty encont eacb time.


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