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Special Premiums

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The following U a list of the special premian, oflfered by the business m.-n of Ann Arbor. for different exhibits. It irill Ik' well to lK-rus' it. II. J. Broten L Co.- For bicyele race ne mile heat, lest two out of three, prizefó, to be selected from our drug store. Jakn W. Ilunl- For best crock of butter of three gallons, universal clothes wrinjer, priee ?". 1). F S-hairer-Vor the best worsted nul hand embroided tidy, one-hiilf dozen Iimiinied stitched handkerchiefs. Alt-in W'iUey- For best performance on cabinet organ or piano by any peraon ander 15 years of age, one violln and bow, yalue$12. _BsJi'%JZitt3- For best exhibition of tb-, in:i]i eqeatrintom, silver cup, vmc ft. L. (Iruner-Vqr best and greatest variety of grapes, ly an amateur, one pair inen's embroidarad iHppw Kberbach t Son- For best specimen of lieiinianstiii, 10 lincs, by a boy 16 years of ¦ge', $,' i gold piece. Also by a giíl uihler 15 years, $2.50 foM plece. E. T. Walker- Tor best 2 year old colt, got by English drmft horse Black Bob, $8. Al-o lor the best yearling colt, samesire, ML Also for the best suckling colt, sime lire, $8. Theodore Taylur- For .the best ft or more package of butter, best pair ladies' shoes in my store. Wines é Worden- For the best collecton of flowers in pots, $2. Also best cjise ladies', gents', misses and child's boots and shoe8,f I. Also bestjtlirec kMfp hop yetgt braad, $1. Also lx it display oil paintings, tlDouglan, Htnderiiun l Co.- Blcycle n.& - wheel constantly moring In a direct course, 150 yards. To one coming in without an upset or dismouut, one pair flannel lawn tennis shirts, value $7. Dean & Co. - For best single top carnaje maiuifacluri'd In Ann Arbor, one EnglUh decorated tea set of 5! pieces, value 6.75. Bach & Able- To the lady wiio executes best on silk with the needle, the firm name " Bach A; Abel," one white Slarseilles toilet quilt, value $5. Frank Hangsterfer- For heaviest man, resident of Washtenaw county, over 50 yenrs of age, one box (50) eigars, value 3.50. Wm. Arnold - For a pair of best handniade pillow cases by a girl under 15 years of l'rize f3, seleeted from myjewelry store. IltinziiKUt é Son - For lightestman, resident of Waslrtenaw county, over 50 years of age, $2.50. John il. Reintardt-FoT best and largest variety of apples, one pair gents' slippers from my boot and shoe store. Fred O. SchUicher - For best and largest variety of grapes raised by exliibitor, 5 Ibs. old goTernment Java from my store. pui ii)! ,., ,.¦, - ,. i i i o._„... pouodt of tea from my store. . F. Schuk - 'f o aconplegetting married on the grounds during the fair, one Davis sewing machine, value $45. Must be nativtH and residents of Washtenaw county. Persons designing to enter for tuis premium, must give one week's notice prior to holding of fair. to J. N. Bailey, secretary Waslitenaw county agricnltural society, Ann Albor. Koch & Halier - Por best embroidered sofa pillow, one rocking chair, value $3. A. Teufel- For best.yearling draft colt, embroidered duater, value $2.50. . IMler-FoT best loaf of bread made by a young lady under 16 years of age, one individual pepper and salt castor with napkin ring, value $4. fi J. Baumgartner- For best display of peaches, one standing lamp, value $2.50, f rom our store. Also for largest potato, one card receiver, valué $1. John Burg- Fot best half dozen balls of Dtitch enero,, .. pair nf vcivet cmbroidered .slippers from my store.. b.miiH ml iiann - For best home-made rag carpet not less than 20 yards to be manufactured in Washteuaw county, $2 prize to be selected from my store. . ¦-'. II. fiower-Far the best bushei of Clawson whcut, tht Ann Arbor Detuocrat, until Jan. lst I8$8. L. J. Lietemer- For the best bushei of red wheat, the Wa.sliteuaw Post, until Jan. lst, 18&3.1 1). J. Conrari- For best embroidered quilt $5. Adam D. Seyler-For the best specimen of silk embroidery of sofa pillow, pair shoes valued at $3. C'. E. Holmet-Var lest style single horse driven to ciuriage, box of (50) cigars. Waterman Thomas- To any young man bringing best recommend, from last emiJoyer, 2 iouih1s Fn-uch crystal creara tartar. D. McMiUan- For best framed painthijr, picture valiied ut $2. S. C. Andróes- Wast exhibition of rich cheese. larj;e lwidscapc paüiting. Jacob Valland- Best roll nf harness liatlier containing 100 pounda.whip $2. A. II. Henion- For best kuit lap rug, ftew Air bat. 0. F. liurkhirdt-For best display of horse acts, whjp valued at f 1.50. John Moore-For best essay on Enlish history, writu-u bv any memler of junior class of high school, Macaulay' history of Kngland. C. Elxibtteh-For swiftest runner of 100 y:mk ." in jpedi selected from my hardware Stnli'. fíeorge Mr. Cropsey- For best one gallon of baked pork aml beans by any lady in W.i-hhimw coiuity, $2 in gold. ClírUtinii W'nlhr Bro.- Kor best driving on the track, huir cushion fittcd to any bugKT, valué f 5. f irle Spoor- Best display óf harnesswork, saddles, wliips and blankets, trunk valtic $5. A. L. Nuble- For best [alr spring steer brokon to yoke, owDed and driven by exhibitor under 14 years of nge, snit of clothcs rata $8. Also, second premium for sanie, one-lialf dozen shirts, vslue, $5. Rice A. Beal - To the compositor, holding a permanent gituation in Washtenuw county, who sets the {jrealest nunibcr of "eins," brevier type, in one hour, on the Fair (iroimds, from I to : o'elock, Wednesday atlernoon, Oct. 5, 1881, (the same to be corrected witliin five minutes froin reception of proof), $10. The committee to furnish copy, raad proot'. aml rentier decisions to consist of C. IL rattison, of the lantl Coinincnial ; John N. Bailey. of the Argu; and II. K. 1Í. Hower, of the Democrat. E. .1. Johnson- For best specimen of penmanshlp by boy or girl under IC years of age, a hut ( KJM .t ! "i- For liand-nnii'st baby uml.r two years of age, silver cup, valu H -V t Seaboti-Vor best looking youn lady under SI years of age. Chalfpio cluthes wringer, value $!. .ƒ. fi. v- T.. the yoong man nncl.i '-' execufmg u yieoe of nuisk m the ixontjM isfactory manner, violinaml bow valu$' AImi, to any person, old or youn;;, wh wil bost execule a scientinY piece of music, Straus (icins. ft '. Shier- For best gallon jar of Se ti inlii-r buttcr. ;J pounds of bost .tapan tea A'. 5. Leieis- For best composition wrlt ten by boy or girl under 1 ti years of ge one dozen card photograplig. CuUlüin .f,i,k-To the boy or glrl wh ains the Mijiliest average per c-ent. dtirin the tirst four weeks of fall term in the 8t grade of the grainiuat : i-Ihms l' Aim Arbo ¦kaai, ¦ book of poe Maai ,t 8ehmti Tot best and bandaon est lionie-made silk mittens, one dozen na( kuis. va'.ue $3.50 WvsUr h',rns- For best slnj;ing bir of any variety, $2 cash. Liltle Mack-FoT best bicycle rider fo distance of one and one-half miles, complet bicycle snit. VharUt lioylan-Yor best trio of Pij moiith Roqk fowls, MxSO ohroino of Abra ham Lincoln, value$l..'0. A. Schtuberle-To any bof r K'rl unJc 12 years of age speaking botli Knlish an (ifimiin languages the most correctly, whip $2. John Pfuterer- For best specimen of ron ing by girl under 1G, bird cage or iollshiii irons, value f2.S0 cikIi. a. xi. icrry-ïo largest funiily of boy raised in W.ishtenaw county, one good ha to each boy. D. F. Aiinandinger-YOT best lady per formcr on accordion, an accordion, valu ?7. Sheetuin é Co.- For best mare 4 years old, style, size, and breedinjr oonsidercil liat, value (3. Moses Rogert-YoT best graln drill, on bushei timothy seed. Charlea S. FuU-Yot best case of rnount 1 birds, 2. Joe T. Jacobs - For best two-seatcil nir riage, suit of clothee, value f 10. Caapar Rintey-Yov best bushei of win ter applcs. one pound of best tea. ,Iiltn S. Uniley - To the boy under 15 o girl under 14 who apelh COTrecOjr 40 words names of countries, rivers, mountajns town8 or villages, book of poenis. If mor than one wins, class to spell down ; word to bc propostil by Prof. Perry on Frida I'. M.


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