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The Washee-washee

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A icbooj tor the Chinese bal been MtabRfied in l'biladelphin, and tht Tin ol thai city 1 1 !- how Joba Uhlnaman ímprOTM thc .-hiuint: lionr : Mr. So is4Uyears ot afe, and althoogll he lias livcd in America fin ycars lie luis not t'en mastered che limpie beantiet ot "pldgln" Bnjrlish. He ti loe dolt of the school, luit iimt (bet (lorsii't M-ciii todlaturb hini a partióte, and the look of plBMed atontül ore )esterdny when he Wiix liid lor tweulieth timr tlist 'A" 8 the tintt letter o( the alphal.i'i, would liare drivcnany bnt u Chfntiau teSrtier tn dlstraction. "H-e-n" suid tlic teacher, M bc WfOtt thosc letten on tbc black board and re! au itppi'ovillg smile trom Mr. 9o. ¦¦Slinl dota it sjiell !'" eontiimeil the in gtructor. The pupil -miled, tcrutcbed hi.s lelt ide, and renected. "Tliut is hen - :i eliicken." saiil the tWKSfa rr. "Mc labe hen," replied Mr. So, as coollj Ba tbougb the Information was not iy any iicn. "VVell, write t,"snid the teacher, thrustinr a plece of cbalk Into the MougollHti'8 lihl luind. The iilea ot askiny him lo u lite MMieh the ether tesken alirr knoH Iedge as extrenicly tunny, and Sani Ilinj;, King Gee, Mol Kee and ('hang Liing lílecl likc overfjrown Khoolboyi. Tin1 slow pupil Miiilcd, cyed the ritiii on the black boa nl e-ritically. (rmped bla cravon lirinly, and tO the asiuiiishineiit ol thel'auCUiaua in the room eeeuted an alinosl iwrfect iniitation ( the tcndier's ehlrography ot the uoril hen. "Ueail t," said thc teacher. ' ( hic ken," w a the nonchalant re-p'Hi-c of the pupil, as he moTeti toward his gent. "ot eliicken, hen," said the InutriKStot in eoirection. "Allee s.unee hen, allee wunee chieken,'' replieil Mi'. 80 philosophically, as he ilrop)ed into his -cal and fliumed his feveral l.'lilH . I.I.KwtlAI. PHILOSOPilT. A lady and eritleman were the onfy teachers in thts lotiool yéeterd y. The lady devated hiTself to Ah How, while .I0I111 Lonp Hwked on indyawned al lar intervals as though he was ilreadtully bored. Ah llow, hoever, appoared to take ff real Interest In lila simiies. The mal 1 ncr pari of the ijnoiig Wha and Ah'J.oon.ii. mueh the brighter student. '-The o lias :l hen," said the teacher, readin trom the primer. fox has a hen," repeated the pupila, s]icllini{ out the w I lus is the picture," güid the tutor, poiuting to an eugfaviHg. "Me sa b" fox, me sabe hen," replieil Ah Loos, eyeing the picture. 'What fol llox got him hen r" iixjuiretl Qnonjf, e.amiiiinc; die wood out. "Hé wants to cat it." answered the teachnr. "lSelly gooci Box," was the seiitóntjons criticism ofQuong, as he looked gravely at the traeher, who was evidently unprepared lor any such phlloanphtctl ii'tterance. and oonaequently did not attempt to reply tu it. Ahoiii thjs time the attention of nearJv cvery 011e in the room wasnftrai suppressed laoghter ot Mol Kee and KingCec, w ho were enjoyinjf the llutterin of a paper butterfly, nianutaetiircd and tetafloat by Saín Hing. The artificial insect was cjiptured and the course ot' study went on. The teachers heard the hjMni ot MKb pupil separately, and .so long as they are ander the eyes ol' their preceptors the pupils are as meek and studious ai any one Could wisli, hut their iiioments are are not speiii in study - that is, lo any prent extent. The teacher-, however, are loud in their pratte ol the scholars, and My they learn with remarcable rupidity.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News