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Il is a solemn f:ict nine-tpntlis of those jicciplc wIki spi-iit thrce yi'.irs in putting up such mottoes as "üoil Bleaa Our lloinc," " Peed my Sheep,'" "Hless niy Lamba," and so on down pp " Foifiet me Not," have 8 pent the last twoin taking them down and looking fof íomeíftrDír new; Thereif aAV inand ior soiiiülhiii different, nul geniiM Bhould arouae heiself and get down to business. "God Hless Our Home" was all riglit unül the.fratne was smashed in a íamily lijrlit, or until it was dlscoyered that blessIngt wouldn't come without hard work and lots of' planning. "Feed mv Sneep'1 does veryweil fora motto for t&ose who depend upon the director of the poor, hut the rest of us know wliat groceries and provislons cost. We liave got to fced ourselves, and all bilis are cash at the end of thirty dayi, Let's have sonrethia": uew and tipproprlate. "Turn down the 'Oiis" could he extended to inclmle: "And also the Kerosene Lamp," and vtfhen worketl in three colors and Iramed in gilt, it would beat a chromo of the Yo8emite ValleyaU hollow. "Sluit That Dooi" is a little old, hut let us add: "Or Hl wallop youl" and it at once le cónica a rhing to be raZed at and pondcrcd over. "Forget Me Not" has no siguiticance at all. and should never be used as a motto. No one will forget you il' ypu are like the ret of the world. Let u repmee me meaningless words witli: "Kemeniber those ( larpet Tacks." 'Honor Thy Fathei and Mother" seems to have played out cntirely asa. motto, and can ne lonj;er be foiind at the fancy stores. What is n ow wanted s a card reading ; "Give the Old Folks ü Sh'ow." "Remeinlier tli SabbatU" bai)gs in tliousands of homes where the old man gots flshtag:, tbc mother daiDa Itocklngs, and the children play lalï and marbles all day long. "Bemember Vour Water Tax" would be far more apjiropiiate for such i family, and perhapg save cönsIderaMe expense and troubfe. -In the Bweet Iiy-aml-by" read.s very well, but llniei looinucli ikMM for dlsappointment. Heller replace it with "We'll all (iallieronthe Veranda after Supper."' 11 you liaveuo veranda of yourown gather on' the one extdoor. 'fake Vm all down and park 'eni auay. 'l'hey are like a proniisMiry note without il dato. Sonic chap will soon strike' a lead in soinetliiiif; new, and all will want to redtcorate. The kir.g ot Vfottemburg! reader U an American, Richard M. Jackson, rftmOhlo. lle eanie to Btottgart some ycars ago to practico music at the consurvatoiy. He tluii look a positiou af'the United Stale consulate. Recentlr Klng Charles, who had taken ¦ fancy to the young man, asked hun to enter his service as a reader. Jackson aecepted the propos! nnder the conilitioii that he would receive orders f rom nobody Uut the kiug direct, lic hiu a salary of 0,000 marks, a snit of live rooms at the academy, and la continnally with the k ii", with whoin he is a great favonte.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News