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;. A. (lomer lias 17(1 bushels ol' wheat from 30 aeres. .M. S. Kvery roisod 140 of rye from six acres. The corn crop especially, has been greatly injured !iy the hot wcatïier. Wm. Hanke fetl down :i statrway in Wa lililí 11 CUV Bluoa ' - ; : ' É A vícioua aba bit a litile Ova years oíd girl of Henry Keyer's on the clieek :i fe days slndfe. She la doin-; well. A. The llcrald eloscd (s Icnth volume with its issue of the Ut inst. Hcrald: 'Mrt. Sntton, widow of the late B. J. Sutton, of Dexter, lms pnrchated the rèsidence of Sldney ETarrtngton, of thls village.' Bro. Allison takesan éxtremely sensible view of the scandal business anywuy. Ho says: "An exchange saya that a couple of good-sizcd scandals are belnff wliispered aroiuid ii ('hclsca. We have heard ol the scandal, and refrain (na sajrtnganythlng nhout it, as there is u WOmHD in tlie case. We thlok such farally treubls ce not tit to he ]tit into print." Chip Basket.- -Schools commenced lust Momlav uitli a good allciidancc, and with Prof. I'arker in etmrge. Marshal Koster, of Sylvan.Is rebulldlng his barn reeently hiirned. David Thomas has Htted dp lus store on south Main si,, and lms rented il lor a hilliard room. Taylor Uros, cloaed 1 1 1 the woul business here by8hlppiilg tbc ir last, car load o! thal oominodity last week. Mr. and Mis. Showeinian lost ithetr little babe, ajred six montbs, Saturday of last, weck. Wood Bros. have gbne into the Jewelry business. DEXTEIi. It has heen so hot here that apples stanil 1 ii jr on the side walk in front f grocery stores, have been literally laked by the suu's rays. The ehildrcn's cciicerts, on Wednesday aml Thnrsday evenhu.'s of last week, under the direetion of Miss ('arrie Hose. wen very line indeed, irivinu universal satisfactioll. Charlie Smlth, of Detroit, pent lnsl Siinüay with hls cousln Torn Brlggs. Clmrlle started Ironi Detroit Saturday mornlng ou lils -Colit n i hiü'1 blcycle, making the nmlu about six hou rs,- Leader. Who in Great Soott is "Toni Rriggs?" Vrill you teil us Mr. Leader? The Leader's Aun Arbor correspondent says. '.lolin Kuk expects to oocupy his new building about the IStJi hut" Wonder wbafs Secóme of Mr. Kuk, and who Mr. Kuk is? Wili the Leader please infonn oí (None of us are perfect, you see.) Leader: ¦I.eander Allcy met with quite, n severe accident on Monday, while attempting to move the box of B grsin drill into 8 wagon, the horses started and threw him to the ground wit II the bo on Up of liim. He was quite severwly bruised hut not perniauently injured. He isaronud as usual." The liniori ptayer meeting, beid in the üaptist cbureb. lo implore the iirescrvation of the Presidenta lite, and the coiitinued pro9perity of the nation, was remarkahly well attended. Mr. Mosher rcad the Incident which took place in New York, just after l'resident Lincoln was shot, telling bow l'resident Gartiehl tbcii qaelleii a molí which inigbt have done de-erate deeds, had it not been for a few well ehosen and brave words from him. Chi Basket. - Miss Carré Smitli has irone to Indiana, lor a tbree nionths' stav. iMrs. I!. J. Botton has moved to Chelsea. old Methodist parsona;e has been sold tor $:'¦"(. to Airs. HUI. The old Grant place, aear the depot, is being mpaired and rctiovatcd. The ladies' libraty association held H vcry plcasant social at the residence of L. W. lirias, last Tucsday evening. School opened last itonday with an excellent attendance. Miss Sarah Allcy bas been visiting in Chicago and vicinity. MANCIIKSIKH. On Wcdnesday, August :lst. Matthaus (iaul.of Manchester, died of diabetes, U the ai;c of 48 years. Tbc Sundav .school instituto held in the tiaptist cnureli was very suecessrul. The little folks did crcilitably in siDging and recitations. Enterprise: "A little 13-mouth's-old child ot ' Slejiheii I 'i nin. of Freodom, was playing upon the Hoor on Salurday, and as its mother lelt It lor a moment it crepi np to a pail contaiuing about three Incliea of water, whicb sat close by, and losing its balance it, teil In and was atransled t death before its mother reacbed it.'' Chip Basket. - At the Sunday morning services at the M. K. chureh, then was baptism and receptiou of nieinbers. J'he farmer's club niet at. the residence of Richard (reen, last Friday p. m. NeUoB Ock row, who is dlgging a vrell for (ico. Ni.-le, came near loosing Jiis life by the damps tlicrein, and was hauled up just in time. Miss Ella Rose HAS ,u;one to VVisconsin on a visit. Artlnir Case & at Roscpmmon. Misa Louise McMahon has gone west. S. W. Dorr is inovin into town, occupying the Doty house. J. IL Kingsley has gone to Mackinaw. Ilenry (ioodycar is prOSpeHng on his farm in Nebraska. MII.AN. John Kirchcn, ol' Augusta, agad H] years, died on the 3Stt) uit. A new stave mili and barrel faetory is to te erected near the liutler depot by Vpsilanti paities. The Milan base hall elub boysay tbey are prepared to play any elub in the nelguborhood, mnv. An ellort is being made to organize a Baptist chureh society herc, and ereel a house of uorship. Tbc enterprlse ihould ccrtainly prOVfi successful. Chip liasket. - Mr. Laing preai'hi'd bis last sennon lor tbc cnnlcienci' ycar Sunday evemiuc. Milanissaid to have tbs worst sidewalks in the world. Mrs. Jas. (auntlett was glvefl a happy surprise party upon the occasion ot her birtliday reeeiitly, and nice glftS were presented upon the occasion. The Milán literary society are to giv a pldliC soon. Mr. Asaph I'liillips, 88 vcar-, died on tlic SOI II uit., ot' par alysis. Mr. J. Diblile, of West Milan, died ou Thursday of last week, aged BB years; be leares a wifeand two childreu. SALINE. Mr. Hamuel Joscnlmns wife and child were run away with, wbile drirlng in the town of York, a short time ugo, and Mr. ,1. quite severely Injured. Wm. Laiiifj and wife, the Observe!1 says, got tlrud ot' Jivlng as ooe, and rasolred to si'parati'. bul in dividin up the hOUtehold goods, a dispute aroe, and Mrs. L's tallicr and L. held a atriklng argument over it. The cast' will piobably end in the OOUTt house al Aun Árbol'. ('hip Ba-ket. - Mis. Amanda BriggS left Monday of last weck, lo y- at ('aro, Tuscola Co. The Wallacc block is to be eompleled in less tban (Hl days. Saline wants a bank, badly, do you beur the oallf EverythlBg bas a booraing tendency. A nephew ol' "Kaus" Salsliury. ol Volk, WW drowned at Toledo recent ly, and Ilie re inains bTOUgkl totbal lown for iiilerinrnt. An lee ereain social at the rcsidcncc ol Sifiervisir Hlakeslcc, ol fork, IMtted (U lor thë ÍOWk cbuicbat'ew IliffktS sinee. Miss E. A. Kiniball, a foiiner teacher hen-, is now eniploycd at Mclin'tror, lowa. The Baptist, S. S. KCurstön tO Pelriiil was lairly atlended. Heniy Van Kiper now wmks at Aun Albor. Andrew Tultle ÍS emploved at Maniiir-icr. Mn. M. ' iii.-ii ii 1 1' and little dauublei, bave uur west, on an ex tended trip. Mr. John Borg, wliile lidia B liorse recently, was allacked by an inliiriated buil, bul escapcd by cliinbinii a biiíh fence, qulck '


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