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The Forest Fires

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The ncws which coraes to us from tlie eastern shore of our northern península, Üm Bagbtan valley and Um trlp sontli of Ehginaw buy known as tho Huron penlnaula, is terrible in the extrae. Girar fnrest öres have sweptthrough these seet ion s and for ought wc know are now fiercely raging. Tliousand8of people liave been not only burned out of house and home, bilt have liad all of their property, horses. c:ittle, sheep and 9tock, hay vvheat and rrain, and in fact everythin belonginj; to tlicm burned up and destroyed, liaving tliem as dcstitute as when ushered into the world. Hundreds lmve also been caught in the llames and perished. Wholetownshipsliave been swept over, leavingnot a living thing - snimal or vegetable- upon the face of the earth. VUUgM been burned and lmnileta rolua to aïl,c.v ft is diffictilt til describe the terrible work. In Huron and Sanilac counties the loss of human life is fiij;litfii], ivhlle all over tlie burned distiirt peo])le have perished, in some pin remóte that t is not probable that the number can ever be known. The villages reported buriied are Forff ville, Had Axc, Ven ma Mills, Kik Creek, Tyre, Kirhmondville, DccUerville, Ashley, Cato, etc. Other places have been sciiously threatened, and only by almost superhuman exertions of the men, women and children, wttO labored unccasingly day and night, have larjrer places been saved from the devoiirin;; Hemcnt. The people in Huron and Sanilac counties ftloiM tra cstimatrd to have lost $250,000. Tliis falls iion poor people who have no insuranee, and It sweeps nway their all, leaving tluni nothingon which to live, until next liarvest. When a city or village is partially burned out we think it terrible, but these fires are much worse. In a city the people can all be reached and the heads of families as a Keneral thing liave their situations which they can earn their living. In the forest fires people are scaltered, in ¦MM instanceg, very remóte, and suffer terribly beforeaid can ïeacb thom. And, too, the tire has often destroyed tlie accnimilatlon of years of toil; it has biirned up the stores laid by tor the yeSr, and there is no posible way to produce nioie imtil nct season, and even tben th'y have no seed, 110 tools, nothing but their hands to worfc wlth. A cry for help comes trom ihis Mitlering peoplc. Thank God a cry for help among the American people is nevar a cry made in vaiu. wlio have, give liberally, anü funda atul ítem are already being forwarded to the BBejy. But it inu-a be rríneinbcrcd that it will bc a long timebefore these sufferers can poadbi maintain tliemsel ves again. TUe French fonmnt takel some interest in the IMIwllg BMtBBlMI ii-lct.ration of the Yorktown celebratíoo, and tlic ;mnouncement is m.idf tlnil Mulata %Bá M.idame Rocliamlicnu, ¦ statl ofletr f President Grevy, tfelegatloni from civil, military and naval deptrtmenU, aitiati Mtd designers, and niemhcrs of Lafafttte tamily will attend. They will ba etcortad by the French West India iqoidlOB. The people living at Yorktown, howcvcr, are so neglijrent and c-arclrss ihat ttojr are not making any preparations for the event, to speak of. The overnnicnt will be obüged to make nearly all ni.'cessary arrangements, whicu are Ma pattaad rapidly, we understand. Bnt, as the gorernmettt onlv appropriated $20,000, tlic raOQOt falls far short of the nircs-ary rt ciiiircmeiits, and so the conimlssiou havim; tlic rork in charge have asked cvery nutioiial bank in tlie United States to contrilmte ."i to the fuml. But few will infla, it is thoiifrlit.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News