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Animal School Meeting

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Last Monday was held the regular wnual school meeting of school district No. 1, of the city of Aun Arbor, at the common council room, eourt liouse. The time Dp to 2 o'clock p. m. was OCCnpted n rwiving votes lor school directora, to fill the places of Leonhard Gruner. Dr. V. 11. Sinifti.and C'nl. .John L. BurïêtgE. There was ebn siderable exeitement inaiiit'f.-trd and at tiines the eaiiTudng was hot, so to tpeak. The wonien very genenlly exevehed their right to vote giren them umlcr the new lav, passed last winter. The provisions of tliis law are that all tax payers, and all persons having children of sclioo] age, shall be allowed to vote for school afloers, it being taken for granted that those who neitUer have children or pay taxes IM Wpecially interested in the schools. A person with a "funny pencil" conld have obtained a very Iptey report of the proceeJiiirs. Tho ladies wore their new honors very gracef'tillv, nnd walked up to the polls in ¦ dinilied marnier, and deposited their hallots. Some of tbotn upon bfing asked it' tlicy were voterí, said "yes: they had no children, and paid no taxes, but their husliunds paid taxes, and a man and wife were one." It is considerable of a quetdoa, bowevsr, wbetber roch votes were legal or not, but as there was no very close runs made, the question will probably not be ratead this year. The following is the vote cast. It will be seen that one lady received a ïniinber of votes: Whole No. of votes cast 388 L. Qruner _ W. B. Smlth Ï75 Joe. T. JacoljH __ 219 I. N. Dcmmon I154 P. Marx „ „ . a Mrs. E. T. .SumUirland „ S2 A. Kearney 92 F. Plstorius ...'....'. 'V..'" 3 K. Manu ..... 1 11! After íinnouneing the result ctme the reading of the animal report, and the TOti n JT "f inoney to carry ontlie schools. Hut few of the taxpayers tay lo uitend to tliis business, aml m Itiaof graal Importance, the lack of interest s to be regretted. The following is the report prewnted by the school board for the year: ANM VI. lilll'dllT W Hl se MOOI. BOARD. In obedienoe to caatom and the requrenients of the law, the Board of Trustee! Of schooldistrict Xo. 1, of the dtjof Ann ,rbor, herewith submit to the voters and taxpayen of th district thcir animal report tor tlic school year ending August :ilst, 1881. The year just doeed lms been ¦ most prosperous one. Ordorly and dlllsent scholars, tble and faithtul teacben Bave fully malnteined the bljrh and honorable rvputatton of our Kboota for good gorernment and thnroujjh InitructiOII. RECEIPTS FOR 1880 AND UBL Bal. on hand, Sepl ., 18KU, i?en. fuud $ 50.10 Krom tax voteU for salarles 10,4uü U0 ' paymctit of hoiuls Uii' K,-t. 1, lsxi L.O0O im Krom tax votad for iuteruHt on boud Ki-I. 1, 1881 91000 From tax voU'd for repairs, Janltors, incidentals, etc 4,200 Ou From tax votedfor palntlnK, buildiiiK, and for wal k8, etc 2,iXH).(ill Krom one mili tiix (,IM 1 " laleofiuw r, xr cent bond 4,000.00 " prctitiuiiih on boiitiij " prlmary school money l' - " hn Uix ' rent for society rooms 4.00 " daraage al 2niï wnrü._ " noii-ri'slili'nl tuition. (4,191.(8 " resillen ( '¦ Ma.00 r, ïiaics Bal. onhaml s.-.t. .'so, llb. fund,il4t II IttK-ilvfd tloe money, " Irom tax voted for llb., aw.uu :m 97 Total recelpU KXPBND1TURE8 FOR 1880 AND 1881. PUI Halarles .ri m ' JmnUir M-rvk-ea. 1,2(4 ou " lir fnel _ l,ii Hl lxxk for llbrary „ fll.:)I " üh rri:nrn aml iiiiproveini-iiU ... .MU) " II ...._ 1.10677 " lel. -sop _ _ .TtU.90 iMMldldlleKeb. 1. lsil - Interest un i.ontl „„ ¦ui liauil, lil.rsry fund_...._ _.. 188.68 M ge "eral fuud .yl il Total $36,883.11 After p:iyin all bilis BOW Diit.-liindliiR, liiiluclinir the 'Ost of the stmie lldewalk n the State Btreet front rf the HlgU School rroanda, thcre il remain in the general fund available lor ütfi expenaesof uk oomIng school }-fiir the siim ot #-'(,ikki, a mn more than sufficlent to p:iy tlic liflároál on the IndebtedncM of the district, and the installiitcnr of principal becotnlngdue oo the lirst ii.iv et Pebroarjr next. The Boud ktea ilir neoeaaarv fTpanaai "t the nirrciii tchaol year ai followa: ESTÍMATE!) EXPEKOITÜBBB UU For salarles _ $J0jU)0M ' tonda dn Peb'y i. U8S 2,uuu.uo " interest on IndihU'ilncHs dur Keb l, Ml _ „ 710.00 " fuel 1.MW.00 repairs „ iDSOrMMM _. SUO.OO ' Janllors' miarles l.aso.00 " incidental in.n.i Total 2H ,2(10.00 1IMATED KECKIPTM FOK IM -M8S. Priraary school fund f i 2Ü0 in. in til Uix i,i. i Tuit Ion „ Cash ou liiuul.. „ .....!„ Total available resources Nece8sary to raise by tax 15,5aO Total tL(,eO 'I'lic amount of inoney raised by tax apon the property of the district cuch ymr, for the 1 :i-.t ten ycur-, was as follows: " 52 wan i tMH 1K47O 1S7I „ n'HM 1875 ::;;;; )7;wo 7 MLJD 1KÏ7 -ZiT, m ai 6T.") Tt mtÍII tima IA 1AH ¦¦¦-! II. _ IBflifl v mu kun.? iv ,-i-iu nial iiiü aiiioiini reqnired to !¦ ralaed by tu to maintaiii the fchooUtiiecurrentywu-, $18,600, a leMthao the HiM.Mint nimá ny tingle yearlntlte la.-t ten. axeept tbeyear 1689, an'.l Ufty ,i„i. lnr more Uian last year, while tliis year iluci; addlUoaal taachen- maklog f'orty i ii all- :trc bcing employed. The ta.xablc property of the district i likcly to repldly Increua beraafler, maUaf, we may reasonubly hope, the burden of supporting onr schoolilew heavy tipon the tax-payers In the future. DEBT OP TUF. DISTRICT. The total bondeil dcht of the district is 00, becomlng due and iiayable as tolluws : UU, Kubruary lst ,2,000 }¦ ;; :::::::::::::::::::::: SSo S' 2.0(1(1 L¦ tfioo lss'. 2 000 ;;; ioon All of these iiist.illineiits lt-ar interest at icept the one baooialDg duo next Febriiary, wlileh bean interest at 8%. nc thoiuand dollars of th: IndebtedneM held bj the district- the ventilatinr fond, of that amount, baviog Boen Inveated in 1 bond to become due in 1888. So that the real Indebtedneu of the district, after Febrnaiy lst. next, will ba l l,ouo bearinc interest at :¦, - a of $1.",(KKI In tour vears. 'i'tiat tliis result lms been attained. while the number of scholars and tencben hi heen oonstttntly IncreasIHf;, and the efficiency of the school In do wfaw Impalred, and all with a decrease of taxation. is a matter of oongratalatlon to the district. SCHOOL rROPEKTY. Tbc school property of the district s val u. (I at $140,500, and the school bnlldlngi I are all in excellent repair. Dimn: the yv:ir ;i rabatanttal fence bu been built aroum! l lic Kbool property In the Mooad ; waid. The lijst and fourth ward buildings bare been thoroaghly palnted. The High School building has ban palated and thoroughly repaired ontskle and inside at :i 11 eXpeilM of nearly ninc himdred dollars. A sMeualk' whieh - i 1 1 last tor generationa will soon be eoinpleted in front oi this property. The brick outhouset at the Hih School have been painted- cartli closetl Milistituted for vaults - and we may hope tlmt nccessary building w 11 be leM unslgbtly if not less nnsarory In the future thau they have have been In the past. TI ere lias ilao jnst been completed at the IIi!.'li School building a large rcci'ptaclc tor coa], capable of holding two hundred tons, the boiler room witli whicb the rccciilacle i-. coMiicctcd by a tunnel and tram wiiy Ditilcr the foundation of the building. Heretofore tliceoal at the Blgh School has been stoicd ti the liascineut, and the dust and h'lth neccssiirily arisinj; trom Itoriog and bandllng it penetrated tbrough the floors, hot airand vciitilatinir floea, toivciy part of the building. The basement will iiiiïï be tlioroughly cleaned out and renovated, and the wuy preparad for a proper ventilation of .the building, a tliinj; ïinposlible to do with feononiy and success while the basement m$a uaad for the itoraga of coal. I.IBUARV. A room has been fitted DB in the second story of the High School building for the aeeommodation and usc of the library. Thi.s Improvement leemed to bc Jastlfled by the increasing use of the librarv by parenta, teachers and icholan. The library nowcontains sevetal humlreil voluines of wel] se lerted books h ose uell WOn covers inany of the volumes have had to be rebonnd - attest tlmt it has been put to practical use, uní s not kept op lor mere ornafroni its valu ai a jreneral instructor, is of incalculable aid in education when the Intelligent teacher can direct his pupils to uell ritten hooka in the line of their special studies. Wccannot do too mueh to cultivate a taste in the youngfor reading good bookg, for expcrieiice shows that thi; youth who baa taste tor rcadini; good Üterature ll:ls tu ) o(CMsi( in 'iU.l iin .ni 1 1 - haatiA1aM luw l IV UVUHflU] lltl LIH I Hll Jlil! IKHII'Mri, tn sock recreatlon or amaMment la the mtoon, btlllard room cv low places of amusement. The ibrary is tree tO ptrentl as well as chohirs, atid many of its volumes flnd their way to the homes of our cltlzenj who have not the ineans to parchue books. Should u small na be voted eHch year for the Incroie of the library it would soon become a eredit to the district, and biïng more oertalo returns than school monies invcsted in uny otlier w.iy. THE HIGH SCHOOL. The riifili School is continually fftowlngf in rt'putation, and now stands at the beM of schools of its class in this country. No Other public Hijrh School prepares soinanv Itudenta lor college as ourown. The wboié n amber of foreipi and non-resident pupils durinithe year just closed was 205, j:yinr into the treasury as tuition. the sum of $4,10] (s. No other public Hlgfe Sehool in Aniciicii can show so largea nunibcr ofnonretldant pupils, orreallzetone-balf wlam au inconie l'roni th.-it souree. Not from the nunibers of its pupils alone has our lliirh School attained lts present proserity; hut by the reputatlon of lU teachers- the thoroughnewof its in-truction, and the large experienoe and able nunagement of the Superlntendent. We derive benefit froin the large non-resident atteixlanee at the Ilih School in rariOM ways : it stinmlutes and Improvet Initmcüon in the krwergndet, it lediices the -t ol' Hih School instruction tor our own children to a minimum, mul many families move into the city and become a part of our population White thcir children are attendinjr this school. In no other way can we explain the gTOWth of our city and the increasinj.' value and ilcmiuid tor our real eslate; n Ihal ..iir hilcrest as wcll :is our pride should induce lis to inaintain and preserve the Iiíl'Ii character and reputatiou ofthb irreal si MOK l!l mON IN S1XTII WAHD. 'i'iic Boud conifder t ¦ duty to cali tin' attentton of the tax-payen and vaten of the district to the neceaitty of ¦ school batlding in the sixth ward. Thecrowded condltlon of the tirst and Kooitd wart boildingí haf airc.-idy proroked the erltt(¦in of the board of béaltb-ofne of tbe roomt bave more thae -eventy papila, It il .ili-niiitclv Impoaatble for any teacher to do jostlce to siuii a BUBber of pupila, enpeclally hen they are of the knrer grades and reqaire individual attentioo. A building in the sixth ward wou ld relieve the tïi st tnd leoond ward baiMing and tbe Jli-rh School biuldini; aisci. It would enable tbe Board rwtnallT to remove all the Krammai lehool tnaei io the ward uuildInga, whlch would be a frtat aeoomnodation to pu)ils tkroochout the district, as tliej could thea teeave butraotloa in the bigher graraaar school grade rlthontteng compelled to pi to tbe Hijth School building, a great incenrenienoe and bard(hipto tlio.-i' ÜTing in tlit outer limita of the city. Cltiaeni of the district redding easl and tOUtheMt of the cani])U8 have cliccriully pakl tlicir proportionot the exof erecting our present buildl and ii teenu i)iu jiistice tiiat that neighborhflOd (hould have a building aNo, cvpt-cially since one become almoat a necessity, to relieve olher portions of the district of iirplus pupila, a well as to MMMUBOdatc iU own. Two rooms would be sutHcicnt for ttie present. A plan eoulil be adopted: a wlag ereeted and other rooms atlded as the future necessHies of the district miglit reoulre. miiIi a t)iiillng, in the opinión of tbe lioanl, o- Id be Motad for a sum not exi-ii ilinjr four thousand dollars, Tlie luis now owtied by the district in the sixth ward near tbe fuir frrounds woulil not. in thé opinión of the Board, funn.-h a convenlenl and suitable liM-ation lor building. It íhoald be nearer the center of tlie prinent and prospectira population of the district to bt accommodated. But when and where the buildiag should be ereeted. are quations which ÜM Board of tubmlt to tlie candid judgiiieiit oí tlie aniiual inciiin'. From the school census just oomplcted It .-iM'arg that the number of chiUlren in the distrii-t, nf school age, is 2,7tT,:iii increaM of SJ over la.-t jear. Aftcr this liad been read and Kubmitted, tlir following rewilutions wen o(K nd md -cd : 15y Jo; T. Jacobs : JUlohed, I lint Indi Nos. 1. 14, ¦ nn.l 23, I ti K. 8. Hirmh'sadüítlon tu ttie city of Aun Arhor. bt olicttd a a site for a school bulMln, and I lint board be authorlxed to take Klvpa u th tul to tlie same. Jietolveit, Further, that the boord be authorirl Uj Ixjrrow, upon tlie Imnds of the district mii-ii a suin, Dol exceedlug (7.liu0as wlll aei'iire Ihe tltle to Raid lots hihI reet a building ttureon; hucIi lioud lo hooom due Ín lnatalliniiitH oí $J,IXH), the ílrst iDstallment to becomedue on Ihe flrst day of February 18, afu-r the present hcIiooI debí la extlnnulnhed, the wholeaura to tw-ttr mtcrrst at a rale uol exceedlag flve per cent, per annurn. ]{y l'rof. T. P. Wilson : Resolved, That the mini of .MI be ralited upan the txable property of the district for llbrary purposea. Tnl was amended to read $300 and poned, afler some dlHcuimlon. By A. W. Jlamiltoii : íeoíií,That thasura of $15,500.0(1 be ralRed upon Ihe tuxiilile property ol the district for salarles, fuel, Insurance, and Incidental expeuses for the current school year By Israel Hall : jrtSTor a school building on Iota 1, i and 3, Ín 1)1. Kk 6, Ín K. 8. 8iuith'8 addltion, therefore Uenolved, That such locatlou be re-clted and st aslde. and that the board of trustees be uuthorlzed l scll sucli lol whenever areaaonablo prlce can be procured for the saine. A reaolution was then offered to comincnce the schools the first of September inatead of the last of August, but Um lame was lost. It mljrht be well to add tliat the school board will notbuy the site in the fith ward, fixed upon, uniess the land can be obtained at a reasonable figure. Any person interested in our schools, wlio majr desitc copies of Iba reporta, can obtaln the saine by calling uoii W. W. Whedon, secretary, at his office over the exproaa oilice.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News