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City Marshal Clarken expended $5G.37 on accvunt oí the poor fund last month. The meeting iu the tent Sunday evening will be addressed by James Murphy of St. Cntlmrincs, Uut. Moses Rogers is putting in a new set of ha; scales iu front of liis place of business on Detroit street. We h:ive received a nurthga notice from S.iliiie, but as the scndersigns no name, we cannot publish it. Mrs. Uray, of Boston, has arrived, and will open Uie kindergarten next Monday, on Thompson street. Those entitled to a copy of the session l.iws for 1S81 can obtaln the sume by calling apon County Clerk Clark. The South Lyon people gave a grand exirsion to Toledo over the new road yesterday. it was well attended. Yestenlay forenoon Frederick and Kate Ganas, of the 2d ward, lost their little son Theodore, aged 11 montlis, by death. The Aan Arlior ngiicultural works have made qalte a n amber of implements for display at the Atlanta, Ga., exposition. The Ann Arbor base hall club is annouiiced to play another game with the Ypailanti club this aftcrnoon, in tbis city. 'l'lic law prohtbiting horses, cattle, theep and ho;;s from runuing at large in the statt of Michigan took effect yesterday. My frieuds, lf you simruerand steam and stew, Aud tlie heat inakuti you swi-Iut aud nmoke and perspire, I i ri ' I clamor to die, there's a chance If you do, 'l'luit you'll Jump from the iry ing pan luto the lire. A jrame of checkers by telepbone was played Tnesday evening betweeu players from this city, and ïpailanti. Result, a draw. A petitlon to the coinmon couucil asks fim ¦ si(fevajjt on the east side of Maynard .1.1-1, betwsen WllUaoi ama Ji-ríeraoii streets. At the recent reunión of the Bta Mloh. infantry, held at Mt. Clemens, Dr. P. B. Roae was again re-elected treasurer of the regiment. Several families from Monroe have been lum-e lmnting in this city the past week. Some of them were successful, and some were not. The present month of September is the only one In the calendar of the year that furnishes tlie lunar spectacle of live changea of the moon. "I should blush toperspire" is the latest liot weather slang. Most people would blush not to persptn such weather as we liave been having. Special meeting of the pomological society on Saturday afternoon, the 17th of September, al the usual place on account of the county fair. The golden pumpkin pie pushes this way, and just you let 'er come. We got here ñnt, and ain't oing to take a back sent for no pumpkin pie. Among the latest commissions for postinasters, we noticed one for Marvin V. K. Jones, at Crosswell. He was formerly .1 resident of tbis city. The shortage of the wheat erop this year comparad wlth the past two years, will Warly be made up by tbc dirterence in priee, so why complain. Our lios; boys took secoud piïzo, $75, at the CoUhnktof lireman's tournament, on Wednesday, and the hand engine also took second inoney yesterday. There will be a lawn social at the house "fJenj. Day, on Washtenaw Avenue, this Kridy evening. Everybody is asked to a'knd und help entertain the ciowd. '"'m Beahan has re-opened the old Kits' l'lace. His license makes the !)Cth taken out- in the county - according to the records in the county tieasurer's office. Uvrry Hill has erected a windmill In the jW of the opera house, together with a 50 Tel tank which he proposes to keep fillcd w'Ui water in readineas for fire purposes. l:'si'1enU of Vpsilánti will be able to "MM Mat for entertainnientsatthe opera WMe in tl, is city, by telephone Oe coming 'f they so dedre. A great convenli'llc,.. 11 as tolerably warm last Monday afterUB and evening, but the Qermans who "'"l"1 ll"' l'inic at Belief park seemed " "W ""¦instlves just ns well as if the toerfflwnetet stood at 40. Bftftriff Vallace has received notice that reward of $250 will be paid for the revery Of the body of Kichmond C. Ben"¦. doad or alive. He shot Marshal "' ll". f Pioneer, O„ on the 2d inst. 8lep wlth jom bed-room doors wide Í'1"" :""l wlndowi outor mortgage your i . !' ' A f.-w s,n„e „,,,,„ f()r tram ¦JÜlj located, will assure you e.itire Mr M. J.Johnttoii, frotn Wilbraham, ¦., Whew the ancient and celebratod ' , ¦.';lh:"ll;"-1-'ylo.:lted, 1,M moved ' "M,.y ..„¦ ,,e purpose of educating , "wr ion and daabter ¦ 1 1 '--'"one.ookMsp,,. Qu,ckwork ! The lower towu M. E. Suiulay scliool lield a social and festival at the chiircli Wetlnesday evening. The church had been newly carpetad, papered, and renovated. A thoroughly enjoynble time was had. The rond to Wliitmore Lake hns Wen well traveled tliis siimmer. Kvery day almost, have soine of the peopleof our city sought the shores of Whitmore in the hope of relief froni the excessive heat, and a brief respite from work. The Manchester Enterprise is to be cnlarged - it couldn't be improved very mach, for it is as good now a9 it can be - and a new power press has been ordered. Mr. Blosser has worked hard and well nierits the suecess he is meeting with. Show that yon appreciate the Hbernllty of our business men, as disi)layed in the list o! peeial premiums offered, and the agricultnral society, by bringing your product to the fair to compete for the premiums and assist in making a grand exhibition. Regular aervlces in the Unitarian church next Sunday morning. In tbc absence of the pastor for another week in New Englimd, the pulpit will be supplied next Sunday by Mrs. Sunderland. Subject : " VVoman's relation to the world's religions and religious work." Last Wcdnesday afternoon when the polar wave rolling down from the north struck the city, it brought with it smoke from the flres in the north woods. It wus quite amusing to see the people rush around the corners and guze toward the nor-nor-west to see wliere thf fir wua Kis. O. Collier, who resides on Liberty street, has an eight-day Seth Thomas clock, whicli bas run over twenty years without repair or without stopping even. This is a pretty fair record. We uilderstand that it bus been wound up every Sunday morning, regularly it seven o'clock, during this time. A new time table went hito effect last Monday morning, on the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Grand Trunk railroad. The trains now run through to South Lyons. The extensión is making good progress, and conncction withthe F. & P. M. R.R., at Wixom, will probably be made bet'ore many weeks. The amount of money which city Tieasurer Schuh had on hand belonging to the dog tax fund, collected in this city, has been transferred to the treasurer of the school board. Those having claims U])on this fund by reason of having sneep killed by canines, will have to walt until next tax time. The boys wuo iniiih. u aumit w sushi tue pioperty of other people under the name of "cooning," better go jiist a little bit slow. One or two individuáis have told us that they liave well fed shot guns on the alert, and the trigger would certainly be paltod before any meions or fruit should flamlestint-ly leave their premises. A train consisting of a passenger, baggage and mail car, andthree loaded freiglit can being backed from Ann Arborto South Lyon, last Sunday, to be in rendiness for the new train scbedule to tflke effect Monday morning, jumped the track wlien about flve miles from here. The accident delayed the trains Monday, but ditl no scrious damage. Capt Chaffee, who was for many years a bar tender in this city, died in the WayM county poor house, last Saturday, and none of bil relatlves claiming his body, it was sent to the university, and is now in charge of Nagley. He was at one time well known in the city. Since the above was in type we learn that his body bas been taken out and given burial. A petition signed by 200 residents of the 5tb ward, praying for the permanent removal or abatement of the nuisanoe known as the slaugbter houses, located near the school house on the Huron river, was presented to the council Monday evening. Not a resident of the ward but feels that these houses ought to be removed for the good health of that part of the city. Ypsilanti Sentinel : "A dwelling house will rent In Ann Arbor, for justtwice what It would in Ypsilanti, and the average value of that kind of property is worth twice as niuch In the foriner as in the latter place. A horse-railroad with hourly communication between the two places, would nearly ecmalize this difference, and add half to the value of Ypsilanti real estáte.'' Covering our face with the Holly Advertiser to hide our bashfulness, we read the following from itg columns: "One of the best papers publisbed in Michigan, U the Ann Arbor Cocrikr. lts editorinl columns are well edited, its locáis fresh and rrisp, and its miscellaneous sclections of the highest order. There Is no paper on our exchange list which we look for more anxiously and peruse more carefully." Tlie editor of the Ann Arbor Coübieb returns thanks for a mes of khiiIMi. That crlle wouIU te happy over a paper of tacks.- Marine City Keporter. Certainly he would if he needed them. And the same scribe thinks that a few of the local newspaper men of this state, would go into despondency were it not for the genius of the Evening News state items ' man, who furnishes them with items and ideas, locáis and editorials, to fill up their sheets with. ' Andrew J. McMahon, son of Hou. Jas. McMahon, died at Iris liome in the 4th ward of this city, at 2 o'clock a. m , Tucsday, aged 3t years. He leaves a wife aild six young children. "Andy" was a good soldier duriiigthe war of the rebellion, and served in the 17th Mich. volunteer infantry. At Petersburg he was struck on the head by the bursting of a shell, from which wound several pieces of skull were taken out, and from the effectsof which henever fully recovered. The mili annual reunión of the 20th Michigan infantry will take place at Eaton Rapids on the 28th of September. The M. C. and the M. S. & L. S. K. R's. willj issue tickets for the same at one faro and onethird for the round trip. Notice and certifícate entitling holder to reduced rates, will be issued to all who have not received thera, if they will send their address to A. E. Cowles, Lansing, the secretary. The old military band, the Minnis Bros., of thia city, will again meet witli the boy9. At a meeting of the school board, held August :tlst,-.thi: resignation of Mrs. Eliza Botsford was received and accepted, and the following resolution uiianiinously passed: ltttolved. We have received wlth deep regret. the reslgnatton ol Mm. Eliza Hotsford, principal oí the 4th ward school. For a perlod of ÏS yeanior more Mm. UoMford tías glven to our xcliooU in varlous poHltlong, a thorongltness of atlention and luuselDHliness of dlrectlou, thai Justly deuerves our adralratlou and gralltude. We hereby tender to her our high appnimtlon of her falthful service In the hcIiooIh, and truHt that Mlie may be abundantly rewarded by the s.ii iMitc -i ion of havlng accompllshed a largu amount of good among theyouluo thl8 coinmuulty. Houses, as usual at tliis time of year, ure at a premium, there being none to be rented. As sucli a grcat number of new dwellings have been erccted the past ycar, this fact sliow8liow rapidly thecity iagrowing. House erected tliis season have been renttd bi-fore the foundations were completad, in several instances. Real estáte is a sure and safe investment for capital in tliis city. When tbat street railway to Ypsilanti is built i nmjority of tlie working peojle of the city wlll build out on tliat street, and eventually imite tbe twocities. Tlicn wont we liaye a jolly time? The membcrs of Company A rejolcetli, having been notific-d tliat they have been chosen as one of the companies of the Yorktown pcntennial batalüon. - Upon receipt of wliich newu they flung their bauner to the breeze last VVednesday. The companies selected are: First regiment- Company A, Aim Arbor, hiuI company U, Adrián. Second regiment - Company B, (.rand Rapids, nul oompany G, Ionia. Third regiment- Company D, Bay City, aml company, E, East Saginaw. The tri-state fair, at Toledo, oceurs on September ltth to I7th inclusive, andpromises to be of unustial attraction thig year. The display tn the main hall will be the largest and finest ever witnessed, while the fine art hall will be crowded with cholee works of art. Tne agricultural implement and machinery department will be wonderful, and a grand four horse Roman chariot race will occur each day. There will be other attractions also. Special excursión rates on all the railroads. At a recent meeting of the school board a resoltition was passed to the effect that " non-resident students, or those whose parents or guardians have not reslded in the district at least six months immediately previous to the beglnnlng of the present school year, be charged tuition as follows : High school. $6 per term ; grammar school, grades 7 and 8, f 3; grades 5 and 6, 4; primaiy grades, $3. In addil ion to the above, $2 per term each for Latin grammar and French ; and $1! per term for Greek to be paid within ten days after the beginning of each half-term." The wedding ceremonies of Miss Mnggie O'Kocf, oL tKlo Fl„., - j i.. a.. d.,,, of Leadville, Colorado, which were celebrated at St. Thomas' Catholic chnrch, last Tuesday forenoon, wcre largely attended, the church betog crowded so that many were unable to gain admission. The services of that church for such occasions were goue through with in full. The bride il weil known In this city, and has many friends. The groom was formerly a resident here, also, we believe. He went to Leadville in the early days, was fortúnate in business, and has accumulated a good sized fortune. The couimissloner of highways of Ann Arbor town. has closed a contract with K. D. Whcaton, of (nmrlotte, state agent for tlic wrought iron bridge eompany of Canton, O., for au iron bridge to be erected over the lluron river at Foster's station. The bridge is to be known as the "single intersection Pratt truse," with one span of 120 feet, and to cost $2,500. Messrs. H. & H. Cornwell dónate $500 toward the ainount. This will be a grand and ranch neeuecl improvement. The best is me cheapest always, and our Foster friends will not need another bridge for at least a half century. The county pomological society, at its meeting last Satnrday, discusswl fences niostly, and tried to decide the relative nieiits of the different varieties. The Detroit Evening News, in its report of the meeting said: "Someof the Ann Arbor fruit menseem to know ly experieuce that a strong, cruel, barbed wire fenoe was about tüe best thlng to mar the man ly beauty of a college student and deftly ventílate the seat of big trouserg. A good corabluatlon of buil dog and barbed wlre was also prlvately reported to be greatly dlsplsed by the young men seeklng apples and the hlgher edueutlon at the expense of the tax imvers of Michigan." As the editor in cliief of the News is a gradnate of the university he probably knows what he is talking about. The Detroit Tribune of Ang. 3lst, gave the following in its religious intelligence, under the Baptist head: "After the steadiest and most faithful hiinl work, running through several years, the church at Ann Arbor stands just about complete, and it is 0Bmrto uwucmea n september 28. It is a very neat, cotnmodiou.s and admirably appointed strncture, and will compare favorably with the other churches of the city. It only lacks an organ to be complete in all its furnishing. The Kev. S. B. Plumer, forinerly of Detroit, who bas been snpplying the Baptist church at Jamestown, N. Y., since last December, has accepted a cali to the pastorate of the same. The iiew highway law, passet! last winter, win not take effect until 1H83, at least the main feature of t, coutained in the new chapter four, which provides for ruising the highway tax in money and letting out the work by contract, instead of each man working out bil own tax as now: uuless the towns whlch desire the changetake steps this month, by holding a town meeting and miking the necessary arrangements. So tliose intcrested will take notice and act accordingly. Many people think that our roads would be worked to much better advantage by payiag the highway tax in money instead of work, and then liiring the work done, as the new law niakes provisión for. David Depue, of Pittsfield, has presentcd a very handsome easy chair to the county pioneer society. It is remarkable from the fact that it is built of nineteen different varieties of wood, all of which were grown in Pittsfield. The long poste in the rear are made one of sycamore capped by a blackjwalnut knob, the other of black cherry capped by a knob of barberry; the front posts are white ash and hard or sugar maple ; the back slatsare soft maple, Ken tucky coffee bean, tanarack and white oak ; the arms are Imtternut and sassafras; the round are sumach, white beech, shagbark liickory, juneberry, blue beech and bitternut hlckory; while the seat is ol willow. It is a fine present. This does not exhnust the varieties of wood grown in the township, luit shows what fine furniture these varieties are capable of makUig. Ypsilanti has produced a case of youthdepravity, which excels anything fu tlie line ever lieard of. Frank Armstrong, a lad about eight years of age, deliberately shot a little companion, John Benedict, aged six years, with a revolver, on Wednesday of last week. The wounded boy was shot in the abdomen, and dicd a few hours after. The jury returned a verdict to the above effect. The boy Armstrong had no cause for his action, whatever. We learn that he has been sent to the school of reform at Lanring. The fact of the shooting is told by the Commercial asfollows : "The Benedict boy shot the revolver once and then the Armstrong boy took it and told John that hu was going to shoot liim if he did not got out of the waj' quick. John did not believe it and said so, when Frank pointed tho revolver at liim and fired, the ball entering the side. John feil down bnt got np and walked as far as Mr. Jeness' back steps where he fainted away, and "was cared for, his brothcr taking liini home in a short time." Once more has there been a wholesale delivery of prisoners trom the county jail In thiscity. Last Friday evening, Sherifl' Wallace was infonned that sonie of the prisoners had escapcd, and upon investigating he found that the bars on a rear window iiad been eut, and that four prisoners had made tlieir escape. There were four more la confinement, but they refused to leave. Albert BimtoghMB, Jack Morirán, Henry Hurst, and Holly liumphrey are the iiames of those who escaped. Birmingham and Hurst were in for horse stealing, and Morgan and Iluraphrey for burglary. All four of them were destrate charucters. The repeated suecessful efforte of prisoners in escaping from our county jail ought to brlng its weak condition to the attention of our board of supervisors. It is certainly in a very shaky condition, and ought to be fixed up or rebuilt. That Is, f there is any desire on the part ot' said board and their constituents to have crimináis coniiiied. Most any soit of a man could dig out a8 it is. Sheriff Wallace offers a reward of $25 eacli for Binningham, Huist and Hmnphrejr, and $8 for Morgan. "Accidents fill the world with woe," is one true line in Mother Shipton's prophecy, at least, and we have another horrible one to record this week. La6t Wednesday morning, at about 8 o'clock, Charles A. Murray, a resident of the fil'ih ward, met with a terrible death on the Michigan Central track, near the new T. A. A. & O. T. R. R. bridge. A construction train was backing out of the station, and as it pMMd the point above referred to Murray, for some re- on, tried to jump aboard it, but slipped and feil under the way-car, whtcb, together with the engine, passed over bil body killing bim almost instantly. Tho train was moving at the rate of about ten miles au hour, and of course it was imponible to stop it in time to avoid the accident. The riglit leg and arta were cut off, and the skull crushed and his brains scattered along the track for some distance. The sight of the mangled body wassickening. The remains were remeved to the water-house, near the depot, where Coroner Martin Clark summoned a jury and viewed tbem. A verdict was rendered in keeping with the above statement, no one being blamed ior the accident save the victim. Mr. Murray was 32 years old, and leaves a wife and four children quite well provided for. Funeral services will b held to-day. A horrible discovery was made last Fri&j VH V A „ vl._ c _i.t ,í O., „. near Ypsilanti. The body of a woman in an advanced stage of decoinposition, prnbably about 30 years of age, dressed i a liglit calicó, with a straw bonnet, brown veil, and shoea, but no stockings, was found in a thick copse of lia.el buslies, near the road, where her body had evideiitly been thrown. It was thought at the linie of the recovery that she had been tlie victim of a brutal assault, and had been ïuurdcred and I thrown whert; she was found. Later de I velopments seem to prove that her name I was Mrs. Margaret Sliea or Ilayes, wlio I had escaped a few weeks since from the I Wiiyiie coiinty asylum, and had stated that I she was going to friends at a distance; and I that she had rather die than return to I Wayne. If this be the woinan, and the I desoription seems to be an exact one, she I has relativesin Detroit, andat Walkerville, I Ont., across from Detroit, also at Huffalo, I N. Y. The Detroit Kvening News of I Monday evening said: "Mrs. Wolf, 589 I Sixteenth street, also identifies her as Mrs. I ttaagmatá S1im, mul suya slie waa formerly I confined at the Michigan avenue retieat I and at the Pontiac asylum. A week ago I last night she stayed at the house of her I aunt, Mrs. Lacy on Sixth streef, and went I to Ypsilanti on Monday inorning. Mis. I Wolf says Mrs. Shea formerly reskled in I Buffalo, N. Y., and has a mother and two I sisters living there named McHiggan." I The case is a terrible one, all circumstances I going to show that the wonian must have I met with a violent death. Uy many the I flrst iinpressions, given above, are not by I any means wiped out by later I ments. The case needs ferreting out.