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Jtr. Gray wlllopen a Kindergarten, 01 I Momluy the IBth inst. at 89 Thompson at Hoon, f rom 9 a. ni. to 12. ni. Tliere will be a "Lawn Social" at the recidence of Kcv. Benjamin Day on Waahtenaw avenue, Friday erening, Sept. !lth. Admission to the grouiids, 10 cents. BeA...I . ._;n u. i L., tag uu i! .11ng. All are Invited. If it shoulil be a rainy night, the social will be beid in the parlors of the M. E. cliuicli. The Doctors Di.sngrrce as to the best methoda and remedies, for tlie cure of constipAtlon and dtsordered livcr and kidneyg. Bul tlido t lint have used Kldney-Wort, agree that it is by far the best medicine known. lts actiou is prompt, thorougb and laating. Don't take pills, and other mefcuriala tbal polson the systeni, but by mn; Kldney-Wort restore the natural aetlon ol all the organs. - New Covenant. J. J. Goodyear has a complete stock of goods at 5 South Main St. Anything in the drug lineyou eau get at Goodycai's. Go to Goodyear's drug store for your drnp. Dniga, medicines, toilet irticles, etc, at J. J. Goodyear's, No. ñ, South Main St. Kor Sale - A mare and colt or wonld echange for cow stock. W.F. 1!ird. 1058-W "POK BALE OR TO RENT. Two bloif south of the univrrsitv irriund, 3 houHe with tlirco lotH and liurn aud fruit. Kuquire uu tbe premiHCH of lU33tf J. B. STEBKE. THE AI ARBOR BÁKERY ESTABUSHEI) IN lttS, I1V DEACON REUBEN HALL Who made regular trips with hls dollvciv wagon as far west a Sita, mul (lien dld nol meet with as innny people in hls long wihi ¦ drives, as hls successors of to-day daling a single foreuoou, whlle doliverlng gnoils. Look for Advertiseincnt in n few days. HAI,r, A UO6EL1EY. 1031-88 Estáte ui Edirard L. Ituvdcii. I OTATE OF MICJIIGAN, County of Washten,iw,h At a pepsion of the Probate Conrt for the County o] ¦ Wanhtenaw, boldi-n at the Probeta Office, in the city ¦ of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the nlnetaenta dny ol H Aiifinnt. in the year ime thounand eiffht bandred and H eighty-one. Present, WIHiain D. Ilarrliu-n, Judtre ¦ ol Probate. In the matter of Ihe estáte f Edward L. Bordan, H deceased. On readiug and Üllnc the petfilon, dut ¦ verifled, of Williain K. Boyden prayin:; Ihat be ma] ¦ he appolnted xole cxecutor ol the II of ald d¦ BMMdj acoordlnfl to ihe i-rnw and provtaioni ihere ¦ of, vbUk will ha.- already liecn du ly a:mittfi to ¦ iirohate. Thereupon It la ordered, thnt Monday, Ihe 19ih ¦ dayof September next, at ten o'eloek In the Inrenoou, ¦ he uslraed lor the heiiruii,' ol aitd petltiun. and ttuu m the devi-ees, lagatocn and helrp ut law of caid lecea( ¦ ed, and all cithcr peraoua interested iiiaaid MUtte, ara ¦ required to appou al ¦ aeailon ol Mtd coart, then H to be holden at the Probate Ufflce, in the citv ol Ann H Artior, and chow cause, il any there te, why MM pnrei ¦ of Ihe pelitloner8hould aal he gcmMd, And il ii¦ further ordered, that aid peiitioner e;ive DOtleu to the H persont Inteneted In aai'l enlate, (if the pendeiicy of H sald petltion, and the beving thereof, dj oauainff a ¦ copy of thie order to be pnbÏÏabed in the Ann Arlioi ¦ C'ourier, newspaper print. ¦(! and eire ulill u. l in wiiii! ¦ county, tbree tucceasive weeke previout to NÜd day I of hearing. (A true copy.) WILLIAM D. llAUlü.MAN, Jtldue of l'rohate. WM. ö. DüTY, Prolmte Raelitar. 1068 U Commta.sioiifrs' Nol cc. STATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Waïhteiiaw,s. Tbe andenlcned Imvint.' beeo tupointaid by thi ¦ Probate Court tor aid County. OommlHloDen to re¦ cohns, examine and adjott all chilmi and demuda "i ¦ uil persona afralnat the eatate "i Jimea M ('re.-ry. I late of natd eouiitv. decetsed, bereby ïlve notlce ¦ ix month ir dsce areaUowed, bj order of aald I ProbeM Ooort for eredhon t" preeenl thelr eltlma I afajnii the ol aald deoeaeedland that they wiö I meet ut the oilice of 11, e Jndge oí Probate in Uit I city of Ann Arhor, in aiil cnimty. oo Tneeday, the ¦ twelity-secontl day ol November, and mi Thoi d i). ¦ ttie tweiuy-lhlnl dny of Kebm.iry nezt, at leu 0'clock I A. M. ol eacti of naid day, in reieive, exaininc and I !i(iju-t naid claims. Daled, AiiKU-t -il. 1881. TRUMAN It. OOO08PKKD, I 1HA STANBBO, VCommi-i.n..r8. l'llll.ll' liACII, j ('oiniiilsslmicrs' KotlM. S"TATBOÍ MICHIGAN, C'oantj ofWaahtenaw, ta The niuliTHiL'iieil havini,' been aipoinie(i hy the I l'roliate ('i. uit for r-aul county, Oommtwionera t" I receive, and :id)ilsl Bi) Clatuie and 'Iemand o I all per-on aLruiut the Mtate ol .John ili-uii v, late I of sald cminiy, decea-ed, lii-nhy flve notiee thui I eix nontha trom date are allowad, By order nfnld I Probate Coart, tor credluire to prevent thuir at mi I agalnat the eatate ol' aald I that tney will I mi ei ui the ottoe of the Jadge of Prubatu, ín tin I city r Ann Arbr In aid ennnty, on Betnrdiy, tnu I tweiiih .dayof November, ind on Mcmdav, tuirI leenth day ol Kebuiary next, at tan o'olock a. m., I of earh ni unid dayr-, to rei . Iro, ai unlue and adliiHi I fHMi claims. laled, AiiRunl TJih, 1SX1. 5 i teltóíD. !¦--.


Ann Arbor Courier
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