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Milllons íiven Awaj. Millions of Boules nf Dr. King'g New Dbcovery for Consumption, Coujrht and Coldi, bare been given away ;is trial bti Uie large sie. Tliis enormous outItty wonld b. 'lisnstroni to the proprietors, fure it ïiot tor tlie rare mcrits possessed by tliis wonderful mediclncc. Cali at Eberbarh Ar Ben't drug ltore,and iret ¦ trial bot: tic fret, and try for youraelf. It never falla to cure. Wlii'ii a rural resort landlord thinks a itv man in pnttiog on too niany airs, he inereh -ays, he hands liim the key tollis room at nlght, " Be careful to turn out the gas; don't blow it out." The Popular Demand. So great has been tbe popular demand for toe eelebrated retnedy Kidney-Wort, tli.'it it i-. havitvg au iintnense sale frona Maino to California. Sonic hare found it Inconvealettt to prepare it f'rom the dry compouiul. For biicb tbe proprieton now prepara it In llquor form. Thii can be proenred at tbe drazgists. It bat predael) the sauie efljuct u tbu dry, but vny coneentruted .o ttiat the tin-,, ia mucli smaller. Löwi I! M A young farmer likc? to bind gheavea ol grain witb trimt In tban any otber, liecause wlicn he reacbei aroijnd to put tlu band onder, tbe thonu remind bim or tin pins in faisgiri' éreat. - Oil City Derrii k Trut h and Honor. Qucry: - Wbat is the best i'amily medlrinr in tbc world to regvlati tbe bowcls imrify tbc blood. remove ( StlTencM ¦, aid digestión and tone iii tbc wbole y-ti'inv Tintli and honor eompek ns to nnswer, Hop l!i;ter; betnK pure, perfect and barnüeas, 8ee ano tlier column. -Toledo Blade. ThetC3f" of tbe lonkers irl ol the are suiall, tiiperiiiL'. and bcailtifillly sbapi'd lier I I are as brilliant as tbc , and sbt is without a i ; lier frown is a f, and bel flgvre ' ' ' ol' surj)i ise. and a bank crinji - lier. - l'hicHiio Tribune. We ' her. The expeiiditure of br&in power too er ly or too MTerely In chlldreii often results in plivsical debility; tbe use of Fellows llypopliosphitea exerts a singularly bappj elfc Ct In - u i li i EA8T Saginaw, Jan. 12, Issi. Mr. W. K. Moori: ükar Sui: - A bout the fin) of December 1 uks taken witb a very s. vere allai k o rheuiimlisni in botb of niv knecs. I a reoonunended to use Dühc's Campbob ATKU ÁRNICA. I eau cbeerl'iilly reeom mend it to cveiv one troubled witb rbcum atisin M. K. niiADY. aaus The Indianapolis Times, referrtng to the the fad tbat a brother ol l'arnell i a trui mwiT in Georgia, opines tbat it is bette to be mitins; peaches In Georjria tlian to bc raisin hadea in Ireland. Bncklea'i Araiea salvo. The 1!k-t BALVE in the world for ('nlBrnlaes, Borea, Dlcers, Sall Kbeum. Feve Sores, Tetter, Cbapped Hands, ( lulbluiii,('orns, and all Skin Krnptions, and posi tively eiires l'ili s. Il m guaran jrive perfect satisfaetion ornioiiev refnnded Prlce, -" centó per bo. lor sale by Kbcr baeh .V Sou. ïoüo-iioi een


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