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n i m v i i n Land, Ai hito 'iüirïHAi - omes, LaN(I-9i Muii.. July 1. lM. I v,-D that cert.iin Und sltuau-d In The count ¦'., Wahteiiaw, bid uil ur Uw oi '..,,-() aDi lb elAleients which wil] Ik. forwarded feo tl Ut the treasurer ol niel cuunty omeilmt in !Seplumbar, will be so'd ai public toetten, by xntd trenfurer, at the county seat, im the flrsi Munday of October, next, at the lime and place destunaied lo ordinary tax sales, if uot previunsly disponed of at oltice, accordlnt; to )hw. Said statements comain a full description of each parcel of naid lands and raay be aeen on appli. ation at the ofncv of ihe ooootj treasurer. Land atraek tt to the State f r taxea or 1879 "r uther yeai a, al tbc tax ale In Octoher last, iil b' offered subject to the riL'ht ol redempttoa irecnred by law, au well tu rt({tit ol purchase of tbe htutc btds at thia ofllce. prior to tb.1 sule. W. IRVlNc I.. TIMER, Auditor Genera!. N1 W TAX l.ES. AtDiTOK tiraiML' Orno;, Lamn., MicB.,July 1, i Sj much of each oí üie loltowiug duecribed tract r pareéis oí lnuu, siinaud u Uw couotj oí W enaw, delinqtonu lor iipiud laxen, fbi' tlie yuei ¦eed buow, as w ill ')e pi: ixe, ii.i'-rect and charge-'ld ly üe treftHdrer of ald 1 Monday of ctober next, at such public and boavenleal i e sball Helect in Ann Arbor, tbe county f-ai oi said ounty, accordiuK to the etatute In sucb castt made nd proviaed. W. lKVINCi LATIMEK, Auditor General. 1H7. tlTY OF ANN AKliOK. s s e g V. II. MUkh't U Aid Lot 1,. 8,! 10. 11. Í2, 13, and II occupieu a. oue parcel 5 03 1.80 1.0' vrilf ' t South of lange J Kast. 40 acre of land lyinif north of R. B. (ia te land in IC i ).04 $00.10 I.W I&13 Kut. n. w. of n w frt '. of n I frt '., , La] 1 10 LH Ifi 1.U0 '.'¦ iptofneVj ai) HJ1 '217 1.1 ¦ k M oi w ;..j ui - i ie i n n i oo -¦ w (4 of n u Mi 10-2 1 i) 1-B Tuwn U South 0 Hangt 3 ¦ ¦ KTawM 201" -lu loo sal Town .' Souin of Range . A'ojí. fUolnw', 17 80 3.12 U l.m) I.H ¦ f 1H IflO Ut '-l tjOe ¦ w Hut 1-1 M i-lNI I'S TlOMii , .Vou'A o Iliinge ', ¦ e ., of s e '1 ex 10 acres on o xidu 111 :i l.'.W II 1 ¦ e '., of n c ' ex 5 acres on s and 36 :t5 J.lï ïl 1.00 ¦ Tovin k Soult of Raagt ! B n w :, ofsvv!4 18 40 SW 89 Mulrl nwn 1 South of f: c 14 of s w Irl 'i 1: 10 . W I.W 1.1 n H of a e 'i oí t li, -i' . ' 1 ' ¦ V, of n e 'i of 8 w (4 1H 20 1.1) 11 1.00 2.H A plece of land commencinf; at a point in w UM of pee 21, 7 cbuins and flfiy links of n w cornal of said sec ruuuint: li'iR parallel with tbr "'H l'ne of aaid sec. 40 ctiaius 0 links to a (jii'inH line, tbence s on sald qtiartur Uüfl '¦ nul M liaki, tbencc wi'Kt parallel with tlic north line H said suction w cbalns and .j0 linkt to the wt 1' iM of said section, tbence north on said west lineH chaliix and 75 link to place of hniiiiniu. 21 15.1 - M SS 1 00 :S.H ïwn f South of Range n Eait. w 34 of w % of e H or n w '4 20 20 7.30 7! 1.00 9.08 r;ra 1 fibuiA of Bang I Katt. ]at aHo''wüïI 40 H.U IJi 1MU3I Town '. SoiirA 0 a. w x of 8 w ü Í-' SH 7.. W 1.00 S.07 w 4 uf s e M M LM U Mp .71 J4of s w '4 -o I.M kS Li") a.71 w % of s w u UB 18 I.W 2.71 Jjolnti, Ut 15 UXI 2.71 wH0'! 3 Ü I.M ir 100 271 w'4 ol 11 o1, ¦¦¦ ¦ (7 UW 1.88 ¦ ¦ uf u. W ij 2.' 4U 07 1.U0 1.85 3 31 lOOtha aerea of f part ol n w 14 of n w bounded af followc : Btíílnnintf ut u -r:ikf 13 cüaint and i;i link- south of n w corner of aec. ". theoce rminiuji touLh ö chalup and t;7 links 10 qaarte'r line of said seclion. th'nce ewt 011 uld i]i)artor ai cbain, tbence north 6 chuins and i7 links, tlience wust to plact; of bt'gliinlrjg 25 U :i M ¦ 1.00 1.2S Toum 4 South 0 Range 7 Kast. I :SI-K0 acre of e pt of n e "4 of a w ' botmded hloilows : at tl) n w of suc 2"). thence running e 'JO chaiim miiitr -nd wftt qimru-r line, thence north (i chHins and U7 links, thence wct parallel wlth qnaner line 20 Chain-, thence soutb il chuins umi U7 links to place of beginning ¦) ïtJM n n 1.00 1.28 'A of No 0 of D. Smith estáte m '¦ ï.so u im 2 1. e Ü of a w 4 ï; 4 UI B ¦ ¦ ¦ CITY OP ANN AKBOU. Lots 1.1, 14 and 2J block 5 1 rnge 1 iji 5.ÜS M 1.00 7 21 II 15 block 3 s of range 2 e, except the rieht or way of me Toledo, Aun Arbur A Notbern K. K. 71 07 1.(10 1.7S 22 leet off the w end of lots 7 aud S In block I ni r I .e 37.78 .77 1.00 81.53 Lot 4 in block 6 south r6 e, lying uorth oí a liue dravvn e and w Uiroti. b tac muí ot tbe blk 5:t üj 100 Lot 3 and 4 in block 1 b of Hurón st raí it tin block 2 r7r U6.U !).01 l.Ou IO6.0S l.l aad : block Os rio W 1 1.1 l.'JO ut block S s or 1 v 1. i.' a LOO ï.ii .oio blK 7ol lluro st r 11 6 4 21 El I.' Lot 7 blk 7sof lliiroiic r 11 e 2.ii 10 S'Jt 10blK7 s ol Hurón Kt r 12e "' M 1.00 7 .18 Lot4, jandü block 6 o ol lluron st raniíe 13 ¦ 1.00 7.91 Lot 14 blk 0 s oí Hurón strI3e ".2 56 1.40 7.18 5, li anii 10 block 7 s of Hurón il 11 OE 1.40 1.00 Hi.45 Lot 9 blk 7 í of lluron st r l.!c 11 2J l.U 1 Lot 14 blk 4 n r 14 e 1.41 II 1.00 Lot 11, 14, aud W bik 5 s r. 'i w 4.. l'.l 1.00 B.46 Lot 6 blkis ranj;e " 1.12 11 1.U0 2.60 Lot 11 b.ifts raiii'u : w 1.12 11 100 Land commenciug na the e line. of Manu st, 12 rode nol Horos at, tbence e 12 mds !o i. MelntjTe'i land, thence u H rod., thence w la rod 10 Mann et, tbeuce ö 10 llie place ol begtnuiuii il. lili 5M 1.00 80.02 S % of 7 acres of land bounded s by Miller ave. w by mili race, c bï Allen creek aud north ly üudivided 1 part of Ï7 feet of land on the wel lde ui Main si by tji ft deep, bouuded soutb by Dota1! land w by Wall and Keisuu's land and street IM H M 5.2U A of land bounded e by Wildi's land, 8 by t'hobb' road and west toa point, nnd nurili bv lUmliu's land [8 91 1.00 1.19 Iot bounded n by Renwlck'e land s and w by Intfali' add and e by bittbwuy 5.71 r7 l.OU 7.84 A piece of land buunued north by Arnistron. w by Travcr st, by lioors. e by Wilkiueon 67 Oti 1 00 1.73 House and land bounded n by Alger, w by 1 by Jones st, e by Traer t 4.71 il 1.00 H.8 Washteuaw house and lAnd bouuded u by llerz and ürwn t w by lot 4 b 7 B. F. Addition, s ly alley, ebyBroadway 1B.M 1J6 1.00 A plece of land commencing 22 u e w alouy Broftdway trom tbe s e sonei ol lot 1 blk 1 Urowu and Fu ler's addition, thence s w 33 feet alonji liroadway, thenre to store No. 3, tbence 11 w along the line of sai d store 80 leet, thenoe ue parallel to Broailway 22 leut, tbeuce f e üU feet to place "I begtnninu 2.01 20 l.Oci 3 21 Lot bouuded north by Mason w by Cemetery s ly r-ierces land, e by l'ontlacst Ó.41 öl I.ikj 8JE K piece of land boui.ded n by iinwon, e by liruliatn and Warh, s by lot 1 b!k 6, w by l'untlac st Ml M h Wm. A. Iienedict AilMion. Lot 6 331 33 1.00 1 .Hl . llroun and titiUr'i Add ll.niHc and lot 2 and 18 tt In idih olt'from s sirte lot Lol !. llk 4 lo.l.) 1.01 1.00 U. a 1 block li 2.71 27 1 00 Ilie. 11 w :'', ft wide ii s e W taet 1 nx of the n ¦¦ 1 ft wide 01 lot 1 lik 1.02 10 1.00 2.12 H0Q4 mid laud 26 leet in widih off n w elde of lm I bloei VB H UB 1..1 Dmiaon aml Qultlaut" AJdition. Lot 3, 4, , 7 and 8 blk í 45 01 1.00 1.49 Lol r.2.8, 1,5,0,7,8,8, 10.11 and 12 blk 8 1.07 10 ! Lot .!, 4, r,. 7, and s blk 6 4') M 1 m 11 Lots 1. i 1, (Dd 10 blk 1 71 07 1.01 I.W Kattiin AMttton. Lot a blk A ¦ LM 1 1.08 LI AddUion. Lot 1, 2 and 8 blk I 12.77 1.27 1 00 15.04 liurs AddUion. Lots ïl , 42, 1 ! and 24 blk 3 8.48 Hl .00 10.2" 1Ucuck.i AJdïiion. Lot 4 hik 4 H 1.00 ¦- S ', of lot 5 blk 11 1041 1 02 l.l'll 1J.2 tamml r .f, witt't Addition. Lot 2.81 28 1.00 4.1 ('. U. Mdlen'i til AddUion. Lom 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 13 and 14 otii pied a one parcel 5 02 'Ai 1.00 7.1 Ormsby and l'aye AddUion. It 15 and e y, of 14 except tbat (art 8"ld to lin Woirert, blk 2 ö.77 57 1.IHI 7.:! LotB 5 and o blk 19 and blk D in said add. ai.-o all th triangular piece of land e there ol belK MicliiL-ai) Central raiiroud nnd the liaron river, u cept Ine lot known as distllery lot blk 19 1 00 A Lot7 1lk líi 1.S8 12 1.00 -ZA Lot 3 and 4 blk B 1 .00 r.4( dditwn. Lot 8 blk 1 7 M 1 ¦ 1.1 Lot 15 blk 4 1.02 111 1 mi 2.1 Lot 9 blk 6 tW Oti 1.00 1.7 Uouse and land bounded n by Cojdt, p by Clark aui Stone, e by Traver st, w by I'ontiai lt R. S. Hmith Add Lot 81, 91 and 95 WU Ut LM House and lot bounded e by Forest ave. s by Mcl 101 ald'i, w by Jlr.MilleuV and nonh by W hi 's 1. ïn.v, 1 m ia R. S. Smith'i !d AddlUon. Lot 1,5 oud 6 4.21 42 1.00 5 03 R. S. SmUhê Sd Addition. Lot 111 2.M 1 4 01 Thompson, Sjmor aml Thompton Addition. Lot 5 lO.tö 1.00 1.O0 Traver AddUion. House and lot 1 blk 4 8.13 si LM M JoAn 3. WtUtr't AddUion. Lotal,4and3 S.30 ¦ 140 Ut CITY OF YPSILANTI. Parcel of land cooMtienclng at s e cor of Wr and Búllalo ts, thence e I rods, thcuce 8 8 rod, tlience w 4 rods, thence u 8 rods 1.8 18 1.00 .'.07 Parcel of land bounded w by land of Bllzil I, hy an alley, e by land of Mrs. K. Martin, n by Buffalo st 50 1.00 6 63 Parosl of land bounded n by land of C.s.andll. W Hrtley. e by ('atherine -t and lot l'ni, e by Horos rlver, w by lluron t and lots 152, !and l.Vi original put KAB 0.04 1 i Parcel of land bd n by land of 1'. Hayes ¦ and w by land ol' K. Begole e by Hauillion St. 1.4,'i 11 1.00 U f, g L ;g ¦ laad MB t i cor o: Ü plat ü i thc-nc il - S.18 1.00 at land boiindod w by laiul of Ro u by llurun nvrr s b au all v e ly land "f (. Voce. .: land Mlb in alley anti f Hay amt Todd by un alley w by laml of p, Minar. I' "" LI 1.08 17.17 ,' llEll bd n hy land ol Hay and Tndi: land of 1. o'liieliii' i by an alle w by Uur Parcel of land tul n by Cros t 8 bv land of Blleu !¦ ill.r l'utUTM.n i.y Baron it. 11.83 1 U 1.00 IS M l'arcil ol lajid bd n ly Miller f add e b) I laud il ¦ !- '1 land of 11. l'arpitnler Mr?. H t.d com ih . ¦! n w :r"dlut-i. - rode. Parct'l of land bd n ! IN. Wullaci-, t by an a of M la K.Bo l J.VU Ai Fr of w % of n w BC 15 I acres) and u e 11 '4 cc l(i t 3 f r 7 e (o en-f l ut om n.70 i n fland bd n by Tol and ¦¦! I. N. Wallace f by land of P.Uavla w lj land of Walker L M 1IR 5.90 Parcel of land bd n by land of 1'. Url e ly M by land ol 1. Short aud S. snaw w ly land of Sbaw. Psrcelol laud bd n by land of M. C. U. H. Oo. e b) land of T. C. Judd w by lur.d ol ü. (ac and Ml H .' 2.83 ' IjOD IJÍ of land boundid u hy land ol s. s. l.n an alley e ly au allcy tb' (1, Ot und a Utom and Baglay'a add w by land of (bcBatraof i M0 :! 'J Lot 4 1 "" -: "' Lm h u '¦"¦ Lot4ó 4.0 l::r'h,ilf j r,.H and i"i Bartholomcwi add.lotilS Mona and Ba lendnoadd 8.08 -i Ut Lot 10, 110. 11 aud 111 SM M 1.80 7.11 Uit 11 aod w !4 or l.'i LM 1.00 S.IW N ',..i lot B " 1.41 14 1.00 : ! 'id Ifolnut Adli 65 1.00 r ïH I LoiM l.n M IJOO -. sa ï.oc ¦ Mi L.00 ¦ l in widrh dl lol 2S5 1.11 11 !. ¦ BoflOl 2.(1 .1 U ¦ M ,ot l. 18 1.IKI - ¦ s.' os 1.09 !.:¦ YII.I.AliK OF 0HÏL81A. Lot. 5, 6. 7. 8 and o litk I .T ¦ 1 .00 1 1 ¦ md -I bik I LM 15 1.80 _ ¦ , ,i tl i.ik 4 l.M IS Li ' '¦ Lol 17 bik i, ¦ ' ¦ .of ló WkIT 52 l.OO (i.lfl VnXAOS Of' DEXTER. At bik 8 3) 1.00 I yO.LA.OI OF ÜAWCHKSTKH. .ol 1 bik M L01 10 1.00 -'M .ois 7. 8 and Hlilk i W I.0D ¦ h i.imi i ¦ iad lot d alde clt) rod bonnded w und n A Wllliam Staerwood e bi 8. Hamma ¦ road 1 ' li 1.08 5 ¦ I 'llitlon. xt 11 bik I 2.01 20 1.00 ¦ (i. mul M. AddUtion. xl 1 and 1 bik 2 1.01 10 1.00 -: 'I .olí 2. .!, 1 .md S blk.'l L.5I 15 1.(10 !'.'¦ VH.l.ACE OF SAI.IN?;. tfi.t. rioA. 38 1.60 ¦ 4.JT. Ri.vlon-t Aildilion. ..!-'.i,l'iand 11 li ï ii.71 M 1.00 ¦ MI.I.ACi; OF SVI.VAN. ¦ k II 0 I.w -j.iM BtfUK Lot 47 3li 3:1 l.M 11 I Washtknaw Oo. Tiikasi;iiki!' Oj I [CB, I I Anu Arlxir, ¦ I Xoiii'c U hereby given that sak' r ïamlH 11 Washtenaw couni y. h1 veil lsrl by tb H utor General as dsttnquant fr taxa of lsH aml irc lous y.-ai .s , will be beid .it the 'oum Offloe In Ul dij f Alm Albor, !'¦ oiiuty ol xM roiinty. COinine&clng ¦ Mon.hiy, lhr :!il '! ier nxt, al itmH p'olock m., and oontlnue from d to H Sundays exceptod ;. untii sama shall imvH po-id ol BI nlilii; lo law. ADAM D. SEYEeR, Dpty. C'ounty Treasun r. ¦ SALK OF WTCH TAX LANDS. ( cjrSTY 'li I Anu Aibnr, Mleta , Sept. . ¦- ¦ Bomncb of eiioh of the loiiowiiiKilt-Ki'ntu'H 01 pareéis of land sttaated in tb i "u tH ( Walitenaw,del1nqaenl dor anpald dltcb ta.-H ¦s for vear 1880. as wlll be tuffioleni i" i H be tazas, interest nd cbargee ibereoo win il solcl by th Coiiniy Treasnrer of sald i'ipnntB ¦omui. ncinti on tue firal Uonday In ociobtB lext, attbe Countj Treosurer'a OAoaln Aul Arbor rity, al ovniiy saai ol' sanl 'ouut. bii'1 oontlnne from flay to day (Sundays i'fl ¦t-pltil ! aatll tbr SHlllt; SlUlil llllVf X H i IB K N'Al'l', Connly TTeqBm, .. ¦ liTlVH 1880. Touin ., South of liangc ? ¦kut. TTTTTTJ illa 1 1 I S. w. '4 of s. w. ¦ Í, 22 3!l L1 'il g.t 63 40 $¦ V . .f ,s. ::i -i Gfl 10 II -¦ 4iiR-rpst)flancl]yIng n. oi H. B. -' 1:111(1, In 15 in 2 80 I i ¦ l'hysiciana claim Hopt Hd Malt RittorB are lh bent. Rarrnumw. Tor the wakaful aad restless "lm vail aot s1im'p, and wbo ar nwvous, wcak, ai despoudent, without appetite or inTLr'B liops and mail bitten sota like a Hiarnl strengüienlrig, nonriehing and curin 'l'i :i lite nmple bottle. Molhcrs! Motliors ! ! Mollitrs ! ü Aic ytiu Jisturli'd ftt niil)t anil lirokeB of toot nst by a nok ehjld suflerii I crying wiih the eicraciAing pain or cuM ting tceth? lt' ", ÏO at mire1 ;t n ¦ 1 I bottle of MRS. WINSLOW8 SOOTill ING SVKCI'. lt will relieve ti: I lit'lct sutleroi1 immediately - depend vip'B it; tlirro n" imsi ke ai'. ut it. There il not s motlicr on BMth wbo ht8 ver MM it, who will not teil yoo ;.t nnce ihM it wil ragahte tbe bowej, and prWe rent t' thl mother, nul relief nd heslth to the chila oporatine like magio. I' i perftütly s-ifl M uso in all ias s, and pi :iinr to tlil tatc, anil s the precription of one of tlil oldi'-t and l'cj! li in tic ph] Biei nis and nurJ in the Unifcl States, iiold everywherel 25 cents a boitlfl lllffi PILES ! PILES!! PILES!!! A SiinCnrc Koiiiid lt Lut. No One Nei 1 SnlT.T. -11! clllr lili' Iililld. I!( rilili;;, ItclJ nd II leerá te d Pl I 1 Di'. VVIlllam ii iiincilv i.callril l)r WiUlam' Indian OlllUlient A I )n bascured Üie worsl chronk I and 80 yenre ttanding. Noone needsunel tivi' minutes attir applylng tiii wonderful goothlng medicine. Lotions, Instrumenta and Electuiíries do more harón tlian ixxl Williain-' üintmenl absorba the ininorJ allaystlir inteuM Itching (partlcularly al niglii after gettlng warm in bed), act I a poltlce, instant and painlens relirll and is prepared only for Pilis, itching ol the iii it ¦¦ parta, and notbing ebe, Kc-ad whatthe Bon. J. M. CofHuberryl of Cleveland, says abont Dr. WiHinma' Inl dlan Pile Ointnient: "I hare ined scorel ol pile caros, but it affordi me pleasare tJ ¦av tliat I liavc oever fooiid any ihinj uiiicli :ivt' siich i 1 1 1 1 1 ) i ¦ 1 1 i . 1 1 1 ¦ and (.pcinianrnl reliefae Dr. Williams' Indian OintrtienU"! For aale by all dnigjjista, or malled i reoeipl ol prfce $1.00. .IAS. K. DAVI8&CO Drogl -íms, Detroit, Mii'h., Agí 1089-81 I For sale l)V II. BlM I & ( O. Affciili anc! CanvasN ri Hake (rom 25 to S0 per wee1 scllinj gooda for E. G. Rkleoot .v Co., lü líarclaj street, New York. Bend fot thelr cat:i logue and tei n 1000-M


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News