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-rniEiCHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY I the ü LD EST! BEST 0ON8TBI CTBD MBT KtL II'I'EIV und h. me the LEADING RAILWAY - or the- WEST AND NORTH WEST. It ia Ue 8hoiU:il aud best route beiwt-en Chicago iind all pointe in Nortini lUlao'.s, Io, Dakrta, Wyomtae. Nitnai, Mitonii, Oregon, Arijoa, Utili, Colonia, Iliho, Mot:asi, Notiü i:i fer COUNC IL BLUFFS, OM AHA, IIKWKK, I.KADVIll.K. SALT LAKE SAN FRANCISCO, DE&DWOOD, SIOUX CITY, Celir Sapiis, les Vobei, Coabu, iel ill pdstl ín the i riterios ind tho Wist. Als: for Milwjckoe, Srecs Bar, Oshtoii, Sbitoygai. Kuftuno, Fond ia Lc, Witortoire. Estïhtra. Üaasjh, Moïi:hi, St. Pul, Uisscapolls, Enr:n, Vsig, Tuft, Bisaarck, Wiicsi, UOMm, Owitotni ui 11 jemti ii lliuesou, Oiïata, T::::ssi: ui tho !!:r:ii:::. At Oonoctl liinir tin tminu of tho (.hicatro .ï Wt i-t.Tn nnd the T. I'. Ryi d&parl from, arrivi- ut and nse tlie gtimt' joiut union depot. At Chicago, clone counectione are made with the, Michigan Central, Baltimore & OLilo, Kort Wawiu al.d i'imiov Ivanift. und Ubldgoft (irand Trunk HyV, and lh Kanluokm and l'an Handie Koutee. Close Connedions Made at Junction Points. ii im (im.v i,iK nrt'rf Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BKTWKBN niif m umi coiiiicii in n 1V-. Pullman Sleepen n ah Mziit Train. 1 riH it upim Ticki-t Agenti celliuí,' yon tlckée vih tnie nad. yoar ticket", and ii-Hikp tn hny H thcy di not reíd over the . hicuQ and NoMliWeetern Railway. U you wiah tlie lïest Travclin Accommodation yotl will buv vour tickt'ta by !hN route BiTANI Wll.I. TAKS Nu OTHiiK. All Tickei Agenti eelTtlcketi by Mne. MAIIVIN IIIITT. IQBX-Sa 2i V. V. ii (ieul Mau'nr, (. hiiui:". HAL LI S f.atarrh gure. Is Recommonded by Phsjclaris HALL'S Qatarrh Qure. I Indorsed by Clergymen AV ill O ui o Aiiy Ciis-, ÜlllcuofA X Stewiri&Co. Chicai(O. Ill, June 4,1830. ;V-rt. F. .1. Chrney A O) . Toledo, O. (¦iiul.nii ii 1 luk pleaure In lnformlng you that I hT ii'(i luir atarrh Cure, lt bu mi red nu.' 1 wiaTwry bad- od don'i hveiitiatoMy ihat lt will cnrranTcae fCiilmrrh tftlkrn projurly Tooritnüy.J.B. WKATHERFORD. "VTortli #1O A Hottlo. K Mi'krit, Jaelcvin, Mirh. wiHm: Have hU Catarrh for 20 y.r. llallí atarrb Cute cured me a Lottle. Oatirrh Cure Is told by all Dniceilts ot "'.c.i.rr tf 1 1f. Msnufartund and íold liy T. J. CBBftY ACÓ. Solé Prcprictor, TOLKDO, O11IO II. .1. Bmwn & Co, i r. 1 i n and Hurón B Ann Arbor. lIT-ik) NERVOUS DEBILIÏY! A i 'urr iiiirunt iM'tl. Dít K. C, R ani IIkain Pkk RspDClfii i"i II -" f in, DiLxtuew.O(oral0toos, Nrvouti Ueikdache, Mental Depreesloti, Uih M mnry, SptTinHtrrhu-ti, lmp.'tt, Olil Afeq, cuuued by ovur exurtion, Klf-ttbttM, r over Unlul-iiri', whlcb liad t mUry, decv aod daih. Une box will cure recent caurt. Kuch bos cooUIqi oiumnuth't trt-atm-ul. Ou dollar a box, or gix bnxef for ftw dolían : Srnt by malí prepafd on rwtpi ul pricc. V uuarantet; t)x boxen tu cyre any "tffi wnh etcb order n-ci-iv d by u# for eix boxee , pankd with flve dollart. wc will send pnrchMiv our wriltfu Kuarant'u to return the moDvy If tbc itm'i]t dn. - ouly vhen tht ia (rdt?rt-d dlrecl frum DS. Addrt8 -HH i W KST&CO.. Snu Prunrit'toro, isi X 183 W. Madifon St., Chlcairo, III. Sold by M' Mers.Browo A Co. A.Uasaeit Atruuts, Detroit. Mich. L0S6 lttïl pOFFINS AND CA3B8 FULL STOCK Aï MARTIN AU order proroptty ttendodto.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News