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Two Journeys

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On the llihof February, 1801, Abraham Lincoln left bis home in Springlield tbr Washington. His jonrney was liko that of ¦ ve.-scl in tlie very sliadow of a coming Morm. linili friends and encmies watched bl movements and Imngupon his words wilh .-ucli anxicty n lilis people liad Dever feit befo re. At CiidUtBapolu, Toledo, CleTeland, Clnclnnati, PltUbnrg, Búllalo, l'hiladelphla, Hurrltbnrg, New Vork City, the i'iesiilent-cli et was received by monster crowds ut citizcns, u whom he spoke reassuriug words. To aü loval ueoule that was a memorable journey. On Uielst of April, 1805, the funeral train hearing the rematutof Abraham I.incoln lelt Washington tor Springfield. It passed over the smïuu rolitpMi1 Lliioolnhid taken in 1U61, but now the railroad was literally Uned witfi sorrowing people. The storm had come, haÖ spent lts lüry, but the man who had stoud at the helm bad beeu strurk down, jnsi MChegun hurstfrom beliind the clonas. Tuat Journey frpm Washington tn Springïlejci had more nfluence on the American people than unv ever made uy railroad train. 'On the 38th ot Fcliniary, 188Í, James A. Sarfleld, Preaideat-elect, left Mentor for mhingtou. TIn joui-ney was a hurried me. brief itops otlly belng made ut points when. Lii(eoln made notable speeches. The country was ut peace and was prosperous; the people agaln united and happy, and at ¦very poiut alona the line and at Washington there was, with the outbtirsts of entliuitasm, a man if esta tion of unmittakabLt Tast and conlideiicc. On the Ith of Klaren fjenëral Garfield itm inungurated in the presence of the argest cmwd ever gathered in Washingoii on a likr occasion. líe stood bareicadt-d, Hm eeutial tigure in a fine historie ilcture, tlic observed of 5ü,UÜU people. He oumevod dowit l'ciinsvivaiiia avenue to he White HoiiM'. his. carriage moving .1 ,1 ...;i: , _,.... ,.- civic socictics jjortning the grasdt pa,rcaiit that ever fraced Diftuguratlon day in liis country. On that day l'ennsylvania ivenue, notalily one of the widest and finest strects in th' world, was onu soliil inass of people fioin the Capitol to the White :Iouse. Hiindreds of thousands of people in that daysaw Ourfleld in the most favorable circtimstances. Many tilines combined 0 throw his puisonality to the foreground, aud to bring out certaiu cliaracteristics in trong relief. At the supremu moment of lis lite, at the climax of a wondcrful career, stood, a ragged, picturesque ligire. with a certaiu romantic glamour hrown about hini becauje of two or three imple, but !ntnsely human acts. The men who llked the new President for his ourage, for his logic, for his power of oraory, liked hini better becaused he kissed lis mothcr. That journey dowu Pennsylania avenue, in addition to all the things hat made it a granil triuniphal niaiell, was eüeved to bc syniholical. On the 3d of July the preident suffer ng trom wounds that were believed to be ata!, was carried in an ambulance over almost the same route. The re was no grand rocession as escort in that jomney aioDg 'i'iinsylvanla avenue, but the hearts of the teople were with the president as they had lot been even on the -4 tli of March. For sixty-live days uot Biore than a score of people saw the president. Then he carne forth a palfi-faeed inValid to malte iiiother nouble journey along avenue. Many peopre Who had not seen him 8ince lie pubUc clit-play of inanguration day crowaed tin: ,-: to cateh a gliiupse of Btartlln; a pieture as was ever seen on he ItreeU of Washington. It was not a utieral cortege, because there was life in lic palc Qgure wbOM eyes scarcely took in he full meaning ot tin: uncovered heads md sad faces of the thousands gathered in lic trccts. Aml vet the scène suggested the funeral, because life and hope were alnost gono. It was literally a íleeing from leath, the Minnlng of an almost hopeless ouruey in scarch of health and strength, lie march of a folorn hope up Pennsylvania avenue. On the journey to Long Branch the peo)lc stood in unes álong the railroad, watchng for tho special train, as they did sixeen years ago, watching for the train that "irried the remains of Lincoln to that last esting ilace. üut there was a different 'reling in their hearts. The going now vas, in the popular belief, the assurance of 1 new lease on lile. The change of base was gtvlng the president another tighting ¦haiice to succeed in a long struggle. There was a risk, but the President had taken it, and t his swift run of a few hours ïad in it the dash, spirit, and the desperaron of a cavalry charge, on whicli all the chances of a battle were staked. It was like he rlde at ('hickaniauga, in keeping with the characterof the man, and whatever the result may be, the remarkablc journey Knus a ttriklng ejiisode in the life of the ['resident. On the day that this journey was made, t will be reniembered, when years have lasscil, and the devout people of the land spent hours in services appropriated to a day of fasting and prayer. Aud, should the ncsidei t recover, his recovery will be asloclated with tin: jiniyer that carne alike rom south and north. 'l'hc sharp contrasts are between the ourney froni Washington to Springlield in 1805 and the journey from Washington to Long Brnncli in 1881 ; between the journey down Pennsylvania avenue on the 4th of March and the journey up the avenue on the Oth ot September. In the one case the ;wo journeys bring up all the nssociations ifasassina'tion and t lic cll'ect on the people, nul in the other the two journeys ninke the more viiil the suffering and thesorrow incident to (Juiteau's crime.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News