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A brickyard wanted at Clare, Clare Co. Central Michigan fair, :it Lanslng, Oct. 3 to 7 inclusive. Genesee eounty gsufterlngfroru burglara and liorse thioves. The aiiiuml reunión of the 20th MIch. Infaiitry takes place at Eaton Kapids on the 28th inst. „„¦JigWflpjlBre toërtdeato to clear reach them. A Urge eollection of paintlngs from I'hilBÜelpllla rrül t on svliihitlo .,f tl, o ui.u la ir at Jackson. One hundred and ninety-seven men are empluyed in tlie Smith niiddlinga puritler works at Jackson. líeed City has voted to bond bénelf in the siun of $7,000 for the purpose of putting in water works. It is Htated that Prof. Havenmnn has resigned hi.s position at Albioii college, and is to go tu Springlield, Mo. Wood & Iteyuolds' shingle raill at Carrollton was deslroyed bv lire a fewjdsysngo. Loss, $20,000; insured for $15,000. " A Beiiton Hnrbor canning establishment takes the toinatoes froin 400 acres this se.ison, and puts them up for table me. Voscamp, the Ottawa county niurderer wlm mi iicur licing lynched several times, is now in the Kafairiaioocóunty ai!. Tlie Michigan M. K. Conference recomnended tliat all agitation relative to the renoval of Albiou college be Itopped. 'Nutl' sald. THe storm of last Satunlay nlght waa a ierceoneon the lakes, atid si. x teen livesare enorted o.t besides grcat dainagf to slllpTlie Grand Traverse reglón claitns to lmve uid plenty of ruin this season, and that liouts."" "r""' "¦' 'vervbodv liannv there"Sulpho-mlneral salt,"outof which medcated baths will be made, is the name oí a new article to be manufactured by a Mt. Clemens firm. A ïnortgago on the Bay City Tribune was oreclosed last Thursday lor $6,000. A onipromise of 25 cents on the dollar wouldu't work. Tho contractor tor the new Macomb ounty court house will lose $3,000, the Ut. Clemeiid Monitor says, and work on it liis temporarily ccased. Niles is said to be raving, biting, scratehng, furlousJv mad, for Elkhart, Ind., bus ;ot those railroad car works wbjch were to mploy 400 hands iway from her. In SaLinaw bay there were quant iies of mM l)inls öoatingon the waters last veek. Their wings could not save theni rum the terrible lbrest lires, it setms. A lad ajred 13years juniped into thelnpier of the grain elevator at Grond Station, ewaygo county, a few dayssincc, and was mothered before lic could be got out. ftjvwH - „.,..1 i„ L';..,l..-l. :-!¦. e ackson, was drownod in Round Lake, recntly. He indulged in thu lüv trick of ocklng the boat, and by that means lost lis life. The stench from the {freat glucose factory n Detroit is so great that the ]eople living locks awny have to sluit down their winows to keep it out, lf the winti happens to e in the right direction. Mrs. S. B. Hudson, president of the state wouian's chrisüan tempcrance uuiou tor he last five years, having moved to Ohlo, Mrs. Mary T. Latlirop of Jackson has been ppointed to fill the vacaney. The Vpsilanti Llght Quard isbiullydlsTinitled at its failure to get on the Yorkown excursión. It claims to have made a ttel showiugon exauiination than any of lic 8iiccessful eonipetitors.- Evcning News. J. K. P.McClary of Niles, was wounded ure at the battle of Williamsburg.and live imes at the battle of Fair Oaks, four of the atter wounds all belng made by one volley, ml ibe other as he was belng carried from ie üeld. Twoyoungfellows, named Elliotjigec! .!(), in county, weré out cooning grapes a few ijrbts sincB, and got the contents of a shot uu for their pains. The former it is lought faially wounded. It is estimated that the sulloiors aroinul 'assar will neiid relief to tbc exlent of 150,000 to put them in living shape tgalA ome of them are compietely discouragel, nd still Bleep and wumW about the (ipbria f their burned dwellings. Kev. .1. F. Davidson will preacli a semientcnnial sermion before tho Detroit conerence of' the M. E. church, whlch met at 'ort Iluron.Wednesday. Mr. Daviddon bas een in the work continuously for tiftv ars, and has answored to bis nnmè when illed at every conference during these lifty ears. Kalaina.iiü has au awful hard time with ïer hi;rh sehool liouses. The old one was shoddily" built and conderaned, and now ie one being erected to take its place has ommenccd to crack and crumble before ie the wulls are linished. Must be sorneUli sbaky about Kalumazoo or her conractors, one or the other. From uearly every seotion of the state mies grand reporta of tho fienerosity of ie peoplo in giving to relieve tlie wants of ie sutleriiig people up north. It looks inch asthough they would have abundant ¦lief. Hut it must bc remcnibered thcy eed moré tlmn temporary relief. They ill have nothinj; to live on until next ïarvest. That renimkable wonian,8oioui iierTrutli, f HattUi ('reek, was recrntlv presented a nindsimie silk dress by admirin; friends in 'jiigland, whicli sim says slie intends wearii; out before slie dies. If cunent report re truc she bid fair to do so, as her ba ir is aid txj be ree.overing lts natural black, lossy color, her eyeslaüjt growlog elear and rone and uerstrengtn Increasln. Slir h ow lOfi years old. Slieep men have 1hhjii bavlng a stlrpiig me tbis week lierdlnr Hoeks and gettlllg adv for shiiiient to Texas. Tuewlny 'rank Dweile and Orville Ilohart loaoed nd sbipped four eurs eonlainin' over 800. 'o-ilay and to morrow Calvin Pratt and . I). Feit will load twelve rars holding'J40 icli, and bc prepared tbr stiirtlög ahout aturday. Their shipmint will consist of bout 2,500 ewes aml :K) bucks, all line ools and will be oonslgned mostly toColelan Co.: Texas. The shipments from tliis ntiori tliis week will ainount to about 4,XI lieml, a good pórtion of them havinj: een tronjfiit in tliis county and Wtthtehaw t au average prtbe of $3 ]er head. - (lras jako New-. Quite a erowd gatheied at the docks on londay niKbt U aze iiwa the new locolotive, whlch presented a spectacle never lefore helielil liy inany of the younger poron ot' tlie population, and perluips si mie who have already stepped over the llireshId oL yoiiih and are now treadiiig the patlivays ol' man and womanllood. The tolling f lier bell as sli' eaine into port reminde(l ol the outer worlil and of tho brightfuïre whicli seemsto now lie withiu OutonaOli'i grasp. The thoughts whicli filled the liuils ot' the ïiiuliitiidr that gTeeted her arival Would indeed be of varied nmke-up in he minor polnis, but the same general iinnession would be given to all, that the irospects for Ontonagon being' conneeted willi tlie outer world, and rceeiving som e of Ulii' benellts to be derived by stieli relalolli are eeitainly tlalterinjr, and that never efore in her hlstory has m instanee beeu ecorded where she was placed in sucb


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