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Ann Arbor Responds

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Laai KiHav erwfcK :i meeting of tlie iti.iw of Aun Arbor held at the court house and stps taken U oHcii nioney aml goods for tlie pcnple buriied out in the recent forest flrcs In liaron, Sanilac, Tu¦ola and other conntics of our stU'. At ter onraniinj; by choosing Mayor Kap]' as cliainiian, uiul Prof. B. C. Burt secreUry, MM $400 was voluntarily sulis rilicl on the spot. Tlie mei tini; then appninteil the following gentlemen a ¦ solicitinj: NBmili' i (,'halrman- Benjamin Hrown. Flrsl ward-O. F. Webuler, A. W liuiniltou Second wrd -Mayor Kapp. Herman Hiiizel. ïlilnl ward-H. B. H. Bower. 0. B. Hlscock. F.mrlli waru -Aid. T.J. Keecli.H. B. Dodsley. Flftb ward- Isaac Daun. Geo. H. Hhixlt-. Slxth ward -Auslin Wuod, J. Austln Hcott. This tommittee went to work In earnest the next ámj, and aidnl by mny of our ottlzent, the ladies. etpecUUy, they have brought forth excellent resulta, lp M la-t night about fl.600 n Mab luid heen -ui' scribed aiul quite generally paid in, and more than ¦ like amount in valueof R "- saries of lift in food, clothin', famiing Implemento, bedding, furnifure, etc. Below we append i IW of fRine frtcrtbing, as near as we have been able to to btain it. Of course many have sent money aud packages to people theru wlio have not n-portoJ them to tlie connnittee at all. The list must of a necessity be Imperte, yet it shows to some extent the generosity of our people : 50 00-Compauy A, H. A. Beal, P. Bacli.T. M. C$2'üuThos. J. Keecb, A. Felch, Dean i Co., ïsöWtotHlJSS Y¦ LawrBnce, Prof. H. S. Frieze, SIO.UO-F. Schniid, C 'lï. RÍciimond, Joe T. Jac-olM, N. W. Cheever, Wm. Wanner, l)r. B, . Oonkws ¦ ' KnowlioM, Ann Albor Ke{litr, J. A.soii, Horaci' (rpenler, Israel Hall, T. . ¦Sitiirctril, H. J. Brown & Co., A. J. Sawyor, II. ( '. Burt, .1, M. Wheeler. Mrs. l„ ( . Rladoa, F. Bettlch, ArelnM Dnnn. John UoeU t u, Mrs. B. H. Braltli, W. D. Harriman, A. A F. Healmer, Uberbach i Son, J. J. Ellls, J. W. Kulglit. H.ui'-Ji)liuHchalble. HOU- Ur. ï. 1'. WllKon, Rev. H. Haakcll, Monea Hogere, Mm. H. W. Koger, E. Treadwell, KhoiU Kuiler, II J. ('onrad, Öorr Kellogg, J. D. Baldwln, Win. Halbert, A. U. Prescotl, C. K. Adams. Dr. H. A. Jones, L,. C. Kis.lnu, Z. Truesdel, A. V.Iloblsou A Bou, Htephen Falrclilld. J. U. öwllt, Jolin Kny. Mr. P. Mason. E. W. Moore Joliu Helnzuiann, James Kltaon, Mm. H. L. Saekett, Mrs U. Kasyuelle, -Ir. A. M. DaWMin, U. A. Jaycox, J. W. Langley, Austlu A. Wood, Wm. Blggs, W. H. Kliler, Mrs K. Fulkei Scih T. Oll, CTbIIss 4 Sou, K H.lludson, J. W. Hunt, Wm. Allaby, John Helnrlcli. Andrew liirk, l.udwlg Vogel, Emanuel Manu, ErantUH N. Oilberl. 3.0U -J. llaller A Son, A. %V. llamilton, T. O Furest, J. U. WlllianiN. Regltr employee, a. M B(MlwellJJacot liiu-ii.tns. AnUm Elsele. $ZM)-Jacub ScUaeberle, Oeo S. Wood, Wiuans & Berry. J2.UU- Lucy W. S. Morgan, W. W. Whedon, s. D. Lennon, Mrs. Qoodrtab and daughUrs, Mrs. K. Prlce, Mr. H. A. Hammond, M. U. Beers, Mrs. W. 11. Jacknou, Mrs. H. Sesslous, Mrs. T. Aller, Joe U. üuiicau, 0. K. Hauser, A. Her, L, 1!. Kellogg, Heury Alnendlnger John Nowland, Win. Noble, Delaney Hlli, Mrs. 11. E. Cliurch, Mrs. (i. Bucholz, John Georije .Seliulble. Mr. Frey, Scio; Oeo. A. WaldliJl, Uullub Bucholz. l..jU-Mlchael Schalble. Jolin Schalble, Jr. l.oo-Prof. J. Patlengtll, Kev. E. A. Bpanoe, Dr. l'uwere, Anu Ho(an. IjiwrenceCurti, Mrs. Carey, A 11. lliimmuiid, 8. l'roelor, Mra. Condon, N. Eaxtwuod, Mr. Mansrleld, Jas. House, (..o. Vf. ciiiim'-. i. O, (iall, Wm. öpoke, A. A. Kellogg, A. '. Baldwlu, Wesley Tauner, C. Ht-tr,u'árcr:: W f nKiTï, Y-. afenTeCT. l). Balley, T. Algier, A. Spoko, E. C. Boven, s. W. liarkhain, Ueo. W. Smlth, J. C. Taylor, Mrs A. L.Qreeu, L. h' Alber, A. Teufel, Win. Arnold, Oeo. P. Lott, H. Blader, Jaoob Beek, M Halter, John Koch. J. llollstetler, E. Ziier, James Burg, Chao. Spoor, C u Boblelenar. Mrs. E. IJ. Klnue, Mrs. J s. llenderson, Mrs. W. A. Beueillct, Mr. C'. BIhh, A. H. Hunt, Wm. Lodnolz, 8. B. l'arsous „.. I„ Moore, Mrs. Geo. PulclÊIi.t. N. li OuU, O. Slilapacase, A. W. Ames, Í. B. Lewis, V. 8, Beaoo, E. C, Freer, E. J. Smllh, M. Welumauu. Mrs. ïrlpp, H. Haskell, Mrs. II. Cady, ïlze Beach, O. Naegle, Mis. Dalke, Llbble Mugk, John Walz, Phllapena Lutz, August SWiuke, Johu i'rllz.juliu Maler, John U. Waar, rhrisiian lloilstetter, Jacob Nelthamer, Louis U. Taylor, H. A. Neuhcifl, John Sctaneledr, C. S. Freuvh, Walker Brus, Casli, f2.U0. 75 cents- John G. Kocli. nis- E. J.Storms, O. F. Steln, Mrs. Dr. Hurtley, Mary Hangslerfer, Mrs. D L. OaU, J. 0. Orotwmau, C. F. liuckland, M. 1,. Pulcluhr, 1. Vernor, J. B. TliomaK, J. C'. Allen, Robt. Hopkins, E. Beebe, Miss I.add. Mrs. Cleaver, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Ueacli, Mre. Secord, A. Krench, Mrs. B. B. Morgan, John Lludensclimldt, A.Meuhlig, (i.B.AIexauder, Z. Koath. Mra. S. N. House, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. GarlliiKhonse, Thos. Walker, Jaa T. White, J. W. Jobnhoii, J. K. Berk, Wm.Buntlng, TIion. stone. H. H. I.ulyiird, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Whllehead, Mrs. s. OregK, Qeo. Graupner, Morris Pack, A. Uogk, Qeo.Flner. Hn, MoClellan, Mrs.Treailwell, Win. Bsnfleld, H Keedle, .1 Hen-hen, EriiNtlna Lutz, Mrs. Vetter, Jos. Wagner, Mrs. ") cents- O. M. Martin, Ilattie HangsterfiT, Wm. Murlmch, Mrs. li. Chnstman, T. Baker, N. G. üates, 8. Moore, H. Klchards. Wm Kennedy, H. II. Taylor, A. srheflbld, Wm. Graves, M, Howard, E. Roehm, J. J. Koch. A. Keule, Cash 71 ceots, Maüler Oeo. Vetter. Regona Staebler. In giving this list it must be remeuibered that very many whose names appear for small umounts have given libcrally in clothitifr, bedding, or other uecessaries, quite as ucceptable as money. Sevei al of our business men have given goods. The, as near correct as we have been enabled to gather it, is as follows : C'ornwell Bros., casslmersand Qannela (81.33 Wines & Worden, dry goods 30 OU Mack 4 Schmld, dry goods A. D. Seyler, boots and shoes „ M.W C. A. Lewls, boots and shoes _ 10 00 L. Groner, iHKJts aud shoes __. 7 00 Sheelmu & Co., haM and caps 2.') W) Rlnsey Sealxill. grooerles etc Kt.üO Llttle Mack.clolhlng _„ ó U0 Douglas, Hendersun & Co., rlolhlng '25.00 A. Bell, kit of rlsh 1.25 Our farmers have also responded, :ind Messrs. A. Hirth audJacob Jedele.of Belo brought in a little over 27 bushcls of wheat o? fe'an'j'krfymiSiSFam Jolin Lindeman gave oue hu. of wheat, Fred. Hutcl -1 bus.; J. Geo. Huber U bus.; and Fred. Braun Jí bu. ; J. George .SWiwurz 1 bu. jwtat' The donationsof clothing, furniture, cto., from the city amounted to two car loada, which together with a lot of agricultura! implcments, and some money were forwarded last Thursday to Vassar, Tuscola Co., to be dUtributed from that point. Aun Arbor can be depended upon to do her sliare, and to have what she doei give so distriliutrd that those in nced will receive t. The ladies of the Baptist church have shipped several boxes of clothing, etc, to Sand Beach;


Ann Arbor Courier
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