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Lemuel Foster one of the old pioneers of Washtenaw county and an highly esteemed resident of Ann Arbor town [ni m thaii ¦ ... omití. tb 'ith lust , at lta agr o(8M jrean and 6 moutlia. Mr. Fouter wm bom at I. vdiu.Maw., March lJlh. 17,nil the lastBurvivor of n fumlly of twelve chlldren. March stli, 1808, Im 1H M natlve place for Hatnvla, Oeneee coonty, N. Y., arrivlng there on the 20th, walking the entlre distanoe wllh hl brother Edan. Her I"É was eiiKageil wlth lil father lu surv.yiiiK lor Mimetlme, on what Iscallfil til e Holland purohaae. He serred ome tliae In tht war u( lftlü ¦talloned at Hlack Rock nnd Haflaln. 111 father, the late Jodge I-enniil Koster..! vla, with thlrteen brolhent Mrred lu Hu' wl of the revolQtlon, their unlti-il servlorani.mned to over elghty years. He cam lo MWhlgau lu tbe prliiK of ls.i5 und purtliaxeU land on netten i and U, and In May, 1, lie OBDM wlth hls fumlly, conslstlng of hls wlfe and lx chlldren, and cttled on nectlon L where he has contlnaed to relde till the l- n time. Four ol hlons are now living, vl„ U. T. Fouter, of .lackaon ; J A Foter, of Adrián ; J. I-. K..M.-r, of LyonB, N Y., and I. N. 8. Koeler, oí Ann Arbor lowu. The funeral wan held from the resldenc rf tho deceased.on Sunday ancriiixjii. and u atttnded by a large uatherInii of hlsrWatlvesaudfriends includinK maiiy fniiii tb i-tty.