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The lív.r b tin: orgaa most ipeedfly disordered by malaiial poisons. Ayer'.Cure axpeli ths' poiaoni bon qrKen and is :i most notUeiit reniedy tor llfef coinpluints. Ponder on These Truths. Torpid kidneys and constipattd 1 " are the jjreat causes of chronio dbeases. Kiilncy-Wort lias curcd thousands. Tiy it and you wil! add One more to tlieir iinmTlabitual costiveness nfflicts mftllong of the American poople. Kldney-Wort iil cure it. Kiilnrv-Wdil Iims eured kidncy eompbiints of tliiity years standing. Try it. v. Had Drainage. The criminal CttrelcsaneM or wilful neglect of buildtrs in érectinr houst's witli imperfect plumblng aml bad drainage is a fruitiul bou ree of anease, and tftonaandi (mrriod off auntially witli Malaria or Tvplmid levers trom (hll cause. The l.ion Halaria and Livcr I'ad and Body aad Pool plasten will cure tliew (tiweases. The wholë treatinent tor the one Kor sale liy drugjristn. Mortliy or I'ralse. 4b t rule we do not reconiineid patent medicines, lmt when we know of one tliat really is a public benefactor, amlilois potitively cure, then we consider itourauty to lm part the Information to all. Electric Bitters are trulv a most valuable nedtclne and Wfll snreiy cure BillonineM, Fe vit and Arue, Stomaeh, Liver and Kidney ComplainU, even wliere all other remedies fail. We know whereof we Rpeak, and OM freely nconiincnd them to all. - Excli. BoW at rifty cents a bottle by Ebírbách S.u. ' Am Estublished Reinedr. Downs' Et.ix ik lms been wifk ¦--'"" "'"' " ""-" ij lor nfty years. río otber iiiij;1i medicine bas stood the test half this lenetli ol time. The people Stand by that Whlch is ?ool. De. Baxtkií's MahDrakk Bitt?:rs are purely vegatable- the product of the hllla and valleys. Wauuasted. Henry & Joiinson's AlIXK'A AND OlL I-INIMENT is WalTlllltc-d to please all who use it. Kescued From Death. Williaui J. UoughliB, of Somcrville, Mi-s., says : " In the fall of 1870 1 was taken with a violent bleeding ol' the luiirs, tollowed by aseverecoush. I was sn wcak at one time as to be unalile to leave niy bed. In the sutmuer of 1877 I was adtuittod to the city hospital. While there the dootbn Mid I had a hole in ray left lung as big as a half dollar. I was so far gone at one time that a report went arouud that L was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of Dr. Wm. IIall's Balsam nut mik Lr.N'iiS. I (jot a bottle wh.n 111 .!¦ -,¦- - -- J , - :cAnfin T_ '¦¦ n - mencod to fc-l better, and to-day I feil in better spirits than 1 have in the patthree yeai.s. 1 write this hoping every one afflicted with diseased Lungs will be induced to take Dr. Wm. Hall's for tuk Lusos and be convinced that consumption can lie cured." Sold by Druegists. 1826-78 Estafo of Leniiiel Fostcr. QTATE OP MICIIIMAN, CouDty o( Wuhtcnaw.M. At t sesslon of the Probate Conrt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office. In the city of Aun Arbor.onTbnríday.the 15thday of Septenilur n the yenr one thousaud efirht bundred and eitfhtyone. Present, Wiliiain I). Ilurrinian, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Lemnel Fostr, leceased. Onreadingandfilioi: the petillon, duty verifled, of Isaac N. S. Foater, prayinK Ihat a certain instrument now on flle in this court purportíng tobe the last wilt and testament of said deceased, muy beadmittcd to probate, and that he inay be uppolnted ex cutor thcreof. Thercupon It is ordered, that Monday, the tenth dtiy of October next, at ten o'clock in the Itareaooo, be asninned tor the hearing of saiü pelitlon, and that the devisees, leíate ex and neirs at law of said deceAgcd, and all other persons interestcd in said estáte, are required to appear at a nession of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the city of Ar" ""ï"1',"1 caid county, and show cause, K -" ""ehre "V Aft," of the petitionet ehould nol , be iMnted. he „otice to the UterftitAiiUÍÍdV ïïi'o' of the pendency of t.üA petition, ... t„ h ,. ',,. J thercof, by caulti(r a copy of this order to d! r.ntv llched in theAnu Arbor Courisr, a newspaper printed and circnlaMnir In said cnunty. three iuccencive weck previoueto said day of hearing. (A true copy.) W1LLIAM L). HAKRIMAN, Judte of Probnto. WM. O. DOTÏ. Probate ReL'ister. 105154 EVERY ARTICLE The best of its kind, Bought for cash From tirst hands By competent buyers, And guáranlo'] As good as represrnted. Only one price to all, Marked in plain BfUHL All are invited to cali. Correspondence solicited. M. S. SMITH & CO., Jewelers and Importers, Cor. Jefferson & Woolw arl Ave's DETROIT. 10M 71 i a Sirnü lor oj f k Ni w lllustraH tedl' ÊJ for WÊ r FallandWinterofl881. Frcc to any address. Contains full description of aU. kind of goods f(ir personal and family use. We deal directly witli the oonsumer, and sell all goods in any quantity at tcholemle prices. Yon can buy better and cheapur than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. frand 229Vabash Avenue.C'hicago.IlL ioyi.77 STEPHEN PRATT, MAKl riVTUUIK OF High ni Low Pressnre Boilers OfallklmU. 8MUKE I'H'I mul all Slll I r IKON WDKK. 211. 216 bi(1 218 Coligr. west. batWMO 'riiirdand Kounht.,I)ETK01T, MI'll. )U -iiHirliig done. KiveU umi Boller Platc f. .r ale. lKM-lO-i


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