Miss Amelia Jewell, of the 4th ward, died last Monday evening, of consumption of the blood, aged 33 years. Rev. J. Atkinson, D. D. of Bay City, will occupy the pulpit of the M. E. church next Sabbath, oöorning mi evening. Worry kilis more peopleraan vvork,laiiMM kills more than either, and it is a magnlficent, a delicious death to die. TIn' Aun Arbor checker playera won the game of cbeoken plajed last Fminv eren(nLby telepttonowith Ypailantti The debris. [ilth aml weeds Which have choked ap N. Fourth street for tome unie, are being dug out and carted olï, much to its good appearanee. The Gratiot Journal says tliat "F. W. Jewell, late of the Cook house, Ann Arbor," has rented Harrfñgton'a pew hotel, at Bt, Louis, in company witli another man. hu-U. Morgan, one of the prísoners umi brokerjan last week, was captured at Soutli Lyon, laat Satnrday, and returned to jail here by Sheriff Jones óf Oákland couuty. Dr. 'l'luis. Dotan, ot Lafifetn forrirèrly of Ann Arbor, dled at the former place on the l.'Jtli inst., of typhoid fever, and his reniains werf brought to this city for internient. To-morrow morning the Sooday schools of the Hetbodlet churon and thè lower town 11 have a picnic in Mr. Cook's grove. Theprocesrton teaves the church at ninc o'clock. A botch of a job is dear at any price. so it yon want a clean and neat job of printIhg done, come to the Coukieb office, where prices are always satisfuctory and Work lirst-class. Wc are Indeblad to Mrs. M. N.'Wells, lor Ure copies of the Santa Fe Daily New Mexican. It s ¦ handsom looking journal and displays the cliaracturistic eueigy and ¦enterurise of the west. Laat Friday etening hdm eight or ten brotlier Odd Fellows from Dexter, including Kcv. J. H. Magoffin, c.unc down tothis city ;tnd asist(.,l Waahteitaw lodge, No. 9, in tbeir initiatory services. Wm. Qreaman, formerly of this city, waa marrted at his home In Saglaaw City, on tbc Ttli inst., to Miss Anna Stengel, of tliat city, Kev. Wm. Zander, of Ilowell, otticiatinii. The couple are at present visitinji relutives and friends n this city. Business men and business liouses in Ann Arbnr to the number of 05 offer special premiums to exhibitors at the coming fair for Washtenaw county, which speaks well for the business men oL Aun Arbor- Marshall Statesman. The past week lias been a little more coinfortable, the thermometer not gettin; its back up quito so high as for the two weeks previous. But the sun warms np the atinosphere considerably during the middle of the day, yt. Kmmet Guy, of Bay City, died last Friday, and liis remaing werebrought here for intermeiit. He was a young man well known and well liked in tbis city, and tl e funeral services held last Babbath we# largely attended. Senator John L. Burleirh magnanimously tandend the prodeedi of his ojx;niiif night at Jackson to the relief committee of tlmt city, which was accepted, and it is fair to nppoee tliat a rousing house greeted liim upon the occasion, last night. Chase L. Dow and Mary W. Wahr were nianied last even in, at tlie residence of tlie bride's mother, on Second st., Rev. J. Neuman, officiating. The couple enter m.irried life with many friends to vAm thein joy, happinessand a long life. The Washtenaw mutual tire insurance company imtained 30 losses dnring the year endlng September ltt, 18 of which were causcd by lightning, and the company paid $9,507.24, to satisfy the same. The rate of assessment was $2.50 upon $1,000. The newspapers throughout the state advise farmers to save all the fodder thpy can, and cut all the grass tliat can be found on uiarslics. The excesslve drouth will cause aiich a shortage In pasture supplies tliat a vcry large atnount of fodder will be necessary. At the Methodist church last Sunday the congregation were called upon to raise $J00 to square up the year's accounts. In a shint time the amount was raised but the banda were gotng ap io (art tliat thcy could notbe stopped until over $000 had licen uliscribed. All indications point to one of tlie best displays tbis ycur at the county fair tliat iias ever been seen. The farmers quite generally are making arrangement! to cxliibit stock, fruit and produce. The display ofwkeat alone will be worth oeming to towa to sec. I-ast Slonday a man named Kennedy ongbt bis toot in a frog on tlie M. C. R. H. track near the Toledo Ann Arborbri.lc and in his anxiety to get loose before being nm over by an approaqhlng train, injured liis foot considciably. lle rat caied for by the proper authorities. A deafand dnmbman named G. ühodes, worklng on the ualveralty jewer, picked Qp au old rag Whlcfa bad been tbrown out l 't hospital a few days aro, and wi[ed the penplratlon fromhü face with it. In a hort time bis eycs began to swcll, and a few days later ran out, flrst one and then " lll(r. so that he is now deal' and dumb, and blind. The rags used in tli„ hospiinl, ItMrikei us.shouM bebiinied up insU-ad of thrown ou tor curel,-ss or ignorant j.eoj.l,. to pk:k up and use. The firm of James & McCleery, marble dealers, has been dissolved, Sed. James taking the business. Mr. McCleery is in Indianapolis, Ind., in the hardware trade. We regret to announce the death of Mrs. DeWitt J. Oakley, formerly Miss. Nina C. Glazier, of this city, which oocurred at Detroit on Saturday, the l0th inst. The deceased was but a few weeks since taken away from our city a bride. She was 19 years old and died of consumption. The marriage of Miss Ada M. Johnson of this city, and Mr. S. E. Davis was celebrated at the residence of the bride's parents, on Fifth street, last Tuesday, the 13th inst., Rev. S. Haskell performing the ceremony. Mr. Davis is a graduate of the university, taking a diploma as C. E., in '80. At the meeting of the quarterly conference of the M. E. church last Monday night, the following gentlemen were elected as stewards for the coming year: John Ferdon, W. W. Whedon, Joe T. Jacobs, E. J. Knowlton, A. H. Roys, W. A. Tolchard, C. H. Worden, Irving Storms and E. B. Lewis. Our restaurant keepers have quite generally advanced the price of meals, and boarding house keepers are rapidly following suit. At the present price of provisions and produce of all kinds, the advance is a necessity. Good, or even passable board cannot be furnished at the prices ruling last season. The daily papers yesterday morning published the following dispatch: "Dr. Wm. Warren Green, delegate to the International Medical Congress at London, and a graduate of the Ann Arbor medical school, died while returning home and was buried at sea. He has a son and daughter at Ann Arbor." The school board met last Tuesday evening and chose the following officers and committees for the ensuing year: President - Wm. D. Harriman rotary- Wm. W. Whedon. ï'reasurer- I,. (iruner. t Comon 'nances- 1. Bach, Israel Hall and Joe T. Jacobs. nPtShSR Ball(ïlngs and Qroiinds- L. Gruner, V . . V heiion ;tnd P, Dnnovun. Oom. on Teachers aud Text Books- Wm. D. Iluminan, C. Mack ahd W. li. Sinltu. Mr. Clarence A. Fellows, the gentlemanly aiatatant of Messrs. II. J. Browu & Co", las) Wcdm-ilay inúrnjpg, the 1-lth inst., led to the altar Miss Cadie M. Thorp, of Three Hivers. The bride attended our high school some two years since, and is known tosomeofourcitizens. Thecouple will make their home in this city, and start otr with the hearty good wishes of a host of f rienda. The Graylfng (Crawford Co.) Avalanehe of Aur. 22th, had this among its local :i. .... , 41. WUU...1 j? p„tt.„f A.,n jj_ijxrj who has heen enjoyinr the dellghta of camp lite at Portage I-ake aJong with a lot of "chuma," retnrtied to theunlversity city yesterday, Itü h%h praise of this romantic reglón, and Bignifled bis intentiun of returuing and doiiijr likewise aiiotbei aeaapii. So mote it be." Last Saturday forenoon, Eugene, a little five years oíd son of Jirs. I,. Burlingamè, who lives at 41 E. Washington street, was quite badly bitten by a dog belonging to Jas. Scliiajiaeasse, wliile passing the latter's fruit stand on Huron st. The boy was iinmediately taken to a drug store and the wound cauteiized. Mr. Scliiapacasse bas killed the eaiiine, so it w 11 not bite. any more childreu. Dowaglnc Is the llvellst town and growing raster thun any other on the Une of the Michi(j;m Central. There are lu course ol oonatrnollon l.i new liouses, and six Jast completed and a rnany more all newor uudergoing rt-paLrs Dowaglac Republlcan. Ton wil] have to enumérate raster than that Mr. Republiean, or else you will get badly left on yourboast, fur there isscurcely i in íinr fity un wlUM Hm m u ,...t ítota one to a half-dozen new bnildin ing ereeted, notto count the old ones bcing built over. The Detroit Evening News of last Monday. had this-item : "Ypsilanti has read the ilcci.-ion of the military authorities a to Ii.u militia companies are to go to Yorktown, 4md, havinji read, she kicks- ïye, slie snorts- and will not be comforted. The kick appears to be chiefly based on somethig aid by that eminent authority- Sergeant Flobbs of Lansing- whose awfulj'stoly of the Gatliug gun' has slain its tens of thousands." One of the best gaines ever played upon the campus, was witnessed last Friday atlernoon, lietweeu the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti clubs. The game resnlted in a score of 12 to 4 in favor of YpMlanti, the winners seeHng eight runs In the ninth innning. Our boys attributc their defeat to the absence of tlicir catcher, hut it was and excellent game, except the ninth inning, and proyed tliat both clubs were coniposcd of goed "ii -tisis. " On Thursday eveniug of last week Miss Haunali Ilutzel, of this city, was uuited in marrlage with Ilcnry Helm, of East Sa_'inaw, st thc residence of the bride's parents. iliss Charlotte Ilutzel, sister of the bride acted as bridesmaid, and Mr. Ed. Heim of Chicago, as groomsman. Amongjthe gifts was a complete set of China. The couple will reside in East Saginaw, where Mr. Heim isengaged In busin. The Detroit Every Saturday is inclined to be facetious over our special premium: Mr. Klce A. Beal, editor of the Ann Arbor C'oukikk. kuoWN wtll how ti)o(U li is cake iind liavelt too. Heoffersaprlzeoflli) tothecomposllor, holding a permanent pusitiou in Wiiühti-iiaw county.wtiosets the gruatest iiumber of ' ems," brevier type; In one hour, on the groonda at the next couuty fair, sald compositor to "cornet" the matter withln flve minier recelvlng proof. So far, o good ; but as chalrman of the commlitee to hirnUh copy and read proof he namen Mr. C. R. Pattluon, of the YpRilantl Commercial, who, now tliat Horace Greeley and Dean Stauley are dead, has but one eqnki as a wrlter, and that one Is Mr. Don O. iltjnderson of tbe Allegan Journal. The liend who writes up the Adrián Press paragraphs, gives Ann Arbor the following touches: "Mr. Luick is an Ann Arbor alderman, and it issaid demonstrates tliat the Ann Arborites always put in the best Luicks at a charter election." Also : "The trustees of the Uuitarian church at Ann Arbor, are In a state of perplexity. A Boston gentleman namedLallirop, made the church a present of a new 2,000 pound bell, and the church has no belfry, 'hang it.' But they can't hnng it and so have been obliged to refuse the kind offer." A young man who runs one of the old fashró'ned velocipedes about oui'streetshad the front wheel of his machine run into a crack of the glitter Crossing, on thc southeást corner of Detroit and Catherine streets last Monday evening. The "imusliecn" stopped suddenly, but thc rider dkln't, and manner in which be leaped from his steed reinindeU one of the. career of a buil frogashe jaraps from a high log and comes pluinp into the water on all Cours. Of conrse everybody who saw it had to laugh, but thc rider was made of good material, and being uninjuied put on a sardonio sort of a grin himself, aud silently kept on his way. V. .1. Teltt, of The Inxliaiu (Jounty News, 18 wllllng toivd vanee the loteraata of hortlcultnre to tlie extent ef a yearta Hubscrlptlon to hls paper as a premium for the blggest watermefon ruis il In the ooonty, provid.a he can have the wtitt;rinelon. T-II1. shouhl takea Icshoii of the Ann Arbor Demourat hortlculturlst. whostipuhilfs Umi bfl shall have all the conipcdiiK watermeloni. Lanalng Joomal. Tlicarraugement wiia made In our absence by our loreman who Is n small eater aud greftt public benefaitor. Beslilcs a corpue cun be better utlllzed In Aun Arbor tlian In Masón- Masón News. Bro. Teft is on the wrong trail, wben he talks of corpses. Our neighbor of the Democrat has been gaining llesh at the rate of about ten pounds per week ever sinee the watermelon season began, :md only fears the reaction when there -rvill be no more meions to cut. Philip Uluui, ol liodi, went to the depot lasl SaturUay forenoon and met two yoiing ladles trom Detroit, Misses Ida and Laura Courville, who were to spend a few dayí at his house. Jle druve tip in front of Hangsterfer'a, and liad helped ;one of the ladies out, uhen the horse droppcd its bridle whicli soared it so it rati away. In front of Dr. Oeorg's residence the carriage ran into a hitching post throwing Miss Ida Courville, who waa still ín the carriage, some distance and rendering her Bengelen for some time. We loara tliat her injuiies are not as serious as atjirst suiposed, and that she wül probauly soon liniHT. Aun Arbor papers are so fond of quotlim what theSeutlnel says atout YpNllanti, let uh ee Ifthey wlll not copy the Hune kind of close lili iny trut li nhout tllelr owu place. Living 1m aschar In Aun Arbor a it Isln Y pallan II, and isonl.v hall aa good. Society there la twlce ís "arlstoonttto," and four times as'-codtlshy." Moráis Ín Ann Arbor, are mostly of the dollarstore variety and dear Rt that. The upper crust of Ann Arbor Is a close commuulou mutual ailiniratioii soci.-ty, to whlch shoddy Is an Indhipenslble requislte for admluslon -shoddy whetlier, riches, religión or learnlng. Ann Arbor wlll cackle more over one pullet's egg of prosperlty, tban most otlier places do over a whole nest-full of doublé yolks. There uow sock those little troublesoniu trutliH Intoyour pipes and sraoke 'em.- Ypsllautl Sentlnel. Why, certainly we wil), you sweet dailing, extra-condensed, trebly-purified, molasses-ssjtorated old honey- minus a comb, We like to see a man throw ott' his bile occaafonally, it does him good. Keep right on with your choice billingsgate, plagiarized from the devil'a vocabulary, and wln-n yoi become wearied of spéwing the itufforar yoorown town, just give your stomach an extra wiench and try t(. liit your ntlgbhor. It must be thoroughly amusing for you, and don'c liurt anyone el se. The Hev.. Wm. II. Shier hns closed his fouryeara presiding eUUrjhip of the district in which Ann Arbor is embraced, and at the quarterly eonference of the Methodist church held on Monday evening last. Rev. Benj. Day made some remarks refering to the coming of Mr. Shier to the cliurcU nine years ago as pastor, and of this Bocoeaaftll three years pastorate and fOBï of presiding eldership, andoffereJ tlie IbllowlDg, whlch vasunanimously adopted: We feel prompted In heart to mftke brief tnentlon of the, tons,unpleasantfact that wlth thls quarterly conference clones the offlclal relal ion of the Rev. V. H. Shier as presldlng eldAr upon this district, and would present the following as expresslve In part of the feellugs we cherllb toward lilin. Resolved, That we slmll always cherlsh toward tbis'brother in t'hrlst feellngs of sincere fíratitiule and oí' heart-fclt appreciatlon whenever m think l the amouut of nood accompllslx-il for our church whlle laborlng as our pastor, also Resolved, That during hls term as eider npon the district we have always rejolced to meet hlm, and would nive him the assurance us he tabes hls leave of us that we shull always be happy togreet hlm, and that he wlllcarry wlth hlm our unsflbotod ('hrlstlan sympathles and our profound resiect for hlm as a true minister of the I,ord JeMI Chriht. Adrián and Ann Arbor both refused to accept the offer of the state military board for the v..i L 1....7,. i-ir n-J i-o „.-.„h . wiriinatltlon (when they found no companles wen likely to accept). Dld they know at the time that they would be chosen, and was the compel it ion a farce? - Ypsilantlan. Onr ni}ïlibor should not allow his disappolntment to run away witli his good judgment, and so make misstateinents. Com]iany A refused the first proposilion of the state military board, it is true, which lo the effect thnt the state should pay the transportation and each company payall otlier expenses. When the next proposition wus made. wliieli praetically allowed each company $1,000 out of which to defniy :ill exjienses, our boys thought they could attend without experiencing a heavy draft on the company's treasury, and consequently accepted. And several other coniianies of the stute did the same as ours did in both instiinees. As to theslurabout Other eompanies not being likely to accept, a look at the list of companies having then acoepted, will show whother there was any truth in it or not. The famous " Governor's Guards" of Detroit, a company which liad always consjdered itself too high-toned to enter the service of the state, scampered ;it.. i),. - ntlln .t,wl ni i .. i ;., tVtr nn otlier parpóte tlian to attend the celebration; but they got most beautifully left. 'l'lieir disajipoiutment must have been fully as great as that of the Ypsilanti boys, but tln-v seem to be too good soldiers to allow thelr vexation to becotne apparent, or to questlou the honor of tlieir supcrioroflicers who made tlio decisión.