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Circuit Court Proceedings

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An ailjourned term of the circuit cotirt br tliis county convencd at the court house ast Tuesday niorning, Jiidfte Morris presiiling, E. B. Clark clerk. The following s a 8ummary of proceedings: Edward McOmber vs. Theodore Taylor. Tlie laintlffordered to file seourlty for costo In th su in of $5'.l. Heiiry K. Watson vs. Henry Krause. New trial granted. Krederick W. Boesier vs. Margaret Boesier. Secrve of dlvoroe granted. Frederika luish vs. Morllmer Bush. The suin of f'JOO allmony granted, or in lieu thereof a deed to the vlilaKepropcrty In Chelsea ordered. Percy JU UUwards, of Aun Arbor, adinltted to the bar. The revisión, codifying and ndoption of court rules occupied mucli of the time of the court on Tuesday and WVdnesday. The following is the result of the work: 1. Notos of Issue shall be flled witli the clerk at least ten days before the nrslday of the term, except 1 ii Ml whlch may be notlceil fir trial or hearing In lesa thnn Ihat time before the rtr-i iinj ..t ti-rin, In wntch oase notes or Issue shaü be tlled as Hoon before the flrst day of erna its such caxes ar reuulred to be notlced for trial or hearing. ï. The clurk .shall cauae at least tlfly copies of .he calendar to be prlnted, at the expeuse of iif county. for the uaeof the courtand bar, and ïuve the name ready for dlstrlbutlon at least two ilayg before the first ilay of each term. 8. jury and reporter lees shall ia sil caaes e pald ;o the clerk bulure the case la reached for trial. i. Pro-coufeKso cases wlll not be heard unless rt'Kulaiiy upou the calendar, except upou spuciai applIcalioD In open court. 5. No attoruey shall be deeraed to have appeared In thls court lu any civil cause broiight tothls oourt from au inferior tribunal uutil sucli attoruey shall liave eulered hls appearance lu the coiuinon rule look. (I. The appellaat canaot notlce hls case, nor ïave the sameplaced upon ducket for trial, uu11 the i ni i y fee hu been pald ; but the appelee luay notlce tbe cause and plaoe it upon the docket for trial, and may then move todlsnilss or pay the fee and proceed to trial. 7. In appeal cases, lf the appellant on the i mi In the circuit court reverse the Judumeut );low he shall recover full costs ; il the appelautou the trial lu thls court shall obtaln a verdict flften dollars more favorable to hlm han the Judgtnent below, or shall reduoe toe udgmenl In favor of the appellee flfleon dolars. he shall recover full coslx; and lu all other lani the appelle shall recover costs. 8. In all iSMues of fact, cases shall be put on cali on the day prvcedlug the day on whluh the trial sliall be ordered. Prvoided that when a ase is put on cali for the followlng day, and It shall uot be reached In lts order, on the day for whlch It was put on cali, It shall retal n lts place on the cali In the order in wblch It was irlglnally plaoed, unill It shall be reached In u regular order, unlexs olherwlse ordered, by the oourt for goud cause. 9. I f, during a pending term of court, notlce l trial atan ensulug term shall be glven lu iny cause that hall be upon the trial docket for he then pending term, the party glvlng such lotice shall be deemed lo hav walved htirlght ¦ I mal at the then pendlug term, unleas he shall reserve In sach notlce the rlght of trial n the then peudlug term. In case such cause shall be reached lu lts order before the close of he term. 10. The garnlshee, In case the proceedings igiilnsl hlm shall have been dlscoutlnued, shall be eutllled to costs as follows:- First, lf such garnlshee shall have M lei I hls dlsclosuie, en dollars ; second, lf exceptlong shall have taken to the dlsclosure and the garuishee relulred to submlt to examlnallon or to auswer nterrogatorles, flfteeu dollars. 11. Tlie Jurors to he drawn for the several terras of thlK court shull be summoued to itLend on Monday oítlieseroml weekof the term for which they Hhall have beea drawn, at ten o'clock. a. ni . 12 The first doy of the term shall be devoted tocalling the calendar, itrraiunlm; crlmlnuls. iiearlug mutlons etc. On tlie second day of Lhe term, the court caaes shall be on cali Ín tlii'ii order, and after the court canes shall have been disponed of, rhaneery cuws nhall be 01 cali lu thelr onlor iinlll the tlrst week of term ts closed ; and on Motiilay of the m rond week of term Ihe jury cuses, includlng criminal cusen shall bc on cali lu their order.


Ann Arbor Courier
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