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Not a Berenga 'Tlii'y are not ¦ bwersge, bul medicine witli ninitivc propcities oí tlie íii;liLst de gree, cont;itiinr no poor whiskey nr pola cimhus driles. Tliey do not U-ar down ai :ilivicly deuilitated syatem, but buíld it op One Sottle cóntalns inoro hopa, i. e. more real hop strmjjili, than a barrel of ordinary beer. lívery druggist n Rocbeter sells tiicin. and tne pbyslciaps prescribe thm.' - Kvoninj; Expressou Hop Bitters. Neryoiisness. tlie wakeful aml rettleea trho can not sleep, umi wlio irv iicrvous, weak, am lcsioiiilcnt, witlinut appctitc or em-riiy lops and malt bitten mu Uke ¦ chárm rrciiHtlipiiing, nouriaUng aiul ourjng l'ry a free sample bottle. J. J. Goodycnr lias a complete stock o goods at 5 South Main St. Anything in the ilrng liueyou can get at Goodyeai's. Go to Goodyear's drug store for your drugs. Drufre, medicines, toikt articles, etc., at J. J. Goodyear's, No. 5, South Main St. For Sale - A mare and colt or would cxih&Dge for cow stock. V. F. BiRD. íu'ia-Mi OSCAR O. SORG, HOUSE, SIGN AND HO NIÏÏIM ALSO PAPEK HANGING. EAST LIBERTY STREET. All Work Done Promptly and Neatlj. MXI 82 THE ÍALL Tli:il OV THE Ann Arbor School of Music ni'-. ON Welnesday, September 28, 1881. Board of Inxtructlon : CALVIN B. CADY, Director, Teacher of Piano. Theory, Urgan. MR. L. F. 8CHULTZ, Vlolin, Violo, 'Cello. HEINKICH O'rro, Band Iimlruments and Clarlouelte. MR. ORÍN B. CADY, Volee Culturo, Solo Singing, Piano. MRS. A. E. WARDEN, Vocal Culture. MI8.S JENNIE MAY, Piano. MISS ANNA NIC1IOI,S, Piano. MISS MARIAN SMITH, Piano. RoomB in the Seamau House, corner State and II non BtreetB, have been Bftnired lor tlic iiae ui thu _,_%. _ ¦_ mm - u ¦ +, w u 1 11 ixiuk íi 1 1 y i ren il rtjr i n Jniverelty Hall, will be open Mouday and Tuesday, eptember 20 and 27, Irom 8 to 12:31) a. m. and 2 to 6 ). nu, for tbe udmilon of studente. The Calendar nd Annonncemcnt. foiiUinm lul! Information, may be had by applying to tho Director, Mr. C. B. Cauy, or Serretary, ür. Win. J. llerdnian, or at the office of the Secreury of the Uuivemlty. luóö- 1058 D INSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY.GROCERY AHD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep conetantly on band, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLB8ALB AND RETAIL TRADB. Wc hal! also keop a enpply of WIFT DKÜBEL'8 BBST WHITE WHBAI FLODK. DKLHI KLOUR, RYK FLOUR, BUCKWHKAT FLOUH, COKN MKAL, FEBD, c, c. At Wholesale and retan. 4 general stock ot GROCEKIES AMD PROVISIOXS onstantly on nand, whlch will be sold un as reaaoc ble t tirina as at any other house in the city. Uasn paid for Bntter, Kkrs, and Conntry Produci enerally. 3rUoods dellvered to any part of the city wtti nt extra charge. yr KIN8KY # SBABOLT. THE ANN ARBOR BAKERY. We have securcd the services of a first-class bíiker and astry cook, and are furnishing a quality oí' bread that has never been excelled in this city. We are also making some of he nicest articles in the line of pastry, rnany of them entire novelties in Ann Arbor. A good assortment of groceries and provisions will be "ound at our store. All orders for goods in our inewill be rilled and promptly lelivered to any part of the city. A liberal discount will be made to clubs. HALL & MOSELEY, No 23 North Main St. CommIsNloncr.s' Notlce. QTATEOF MICHIGAN, Oonnty ol ' Wnxhtt'nnw.ür. The nndontgned harfDg beeo aupoftited by tho (Nnirt lor Mid ' ' u : i r . OommiMtollwa lo rrivi examin(t and aitju-t all cluim .uut éemtlidl ol I pBflaBi 'i 'ii 1 1 the tétate of James M :Crery. te of ald countv, dec6Aid, berebj i,'lv' notlce tat hIx molí tli a trom ditvin wllowcd, kñrofdwof uU rottiilt' Court, iur endttOH to present tlirír t HÍ111against the estáte of Mld itlirwnflrt. ntul tliat ttey will eet tlt the oflice of tl;e .Itiiliü' of ProbatV in thi' ty of Ann Arbor, in Mld county. On TueadtJ, tlie wenty-second day of NovrnituT, and on Thur-d ly, ie twenty-tbird day of Kebruitry noxt, ut ten n'rlink . M. of ench of -nul dAya, to reci-ive, examine and liust wnid claims. Daled, Auiruot 22, 1 1. TRUMAN B. (OODSI'KKU, I 1KA 8TANBR0, VCoramllonerf. l'HII.IP HACIl. ) lüfvl M


Ann Arbor Courier
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