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Estáte of Isaac Elllott. OTATE OF MlCIIIQAN.Coiintyol Waehtenaw, s. At a cesión of the Probate Court for the Countjr oí Wa-ut.-n.iw, holden at tbc Probate office In the city of Aon Arbor, on Tueaday, the twenty-third day n! Au-u-t, in the y-ar one ttinu-ariii eteht nundn'(l Hiid eixhiy-one. Present, Wilüaiu D. Uarrlnun, Jadgé of Protatc. In the matter of Ihe estáte of Isaac Elllott, deMWi Sarah II. Elllott, Ihe. administratrix of uld i-state, coin lnto eonrt and representa thai ene la now ivpari'ii tu render her ünal account as snch idmlntatratrtx. ¦I uri upoil It Ia ordered. that Saturdny.tbe st-venteumti day of September ue.t, at ten o clock In the omioüii. be nssined for czamlnlDv and allowlng mcb nccouiit, and that the helrH at law of sald deeauad-and uil other persona lnterceted in eald estáte, at e nquired to appear ut asengion of aald court, tht'ii to be holrien at the Probate dfflci', In the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and ehow caui-e if any tluTc h", why the sald account hould not lj bIIouciI. Ainl it is tunlur oiderud, that eaid adminlstratrlx gïve mi'i'v td iKTPons Intereotud lu fald eatate, 01 the peiidcucy of Huid account, and the hcarlug Ihti of, ly cani-liiK a copy of Ihis order to be publlahed in the Ann Arlior Courier, a newspaper print cd and circulailDg lu taid couuty, thrce euccessive we, ks prevtoua to sald day of hearing. (A truc cu[iy. WILUAM D. IIAKKIMAN. Judüeof Probate. WM. Q. DOTY. Probate Rek'Uter. 10&Í 56 RstatC f Edward L. Boyden. QTATK OK MIClllOAN,CountyofWhtenw,s At a yosBlon of Ihe Probate Court for Ihe Connty of Washnuaw, holden at tlm Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, on Suturday, the nincteenth day of AiiKUHt. in yv;tr one thtmsand eltrlit tiundred and iWnt] "". Pi -III . Wllliaiu D. llarrlnian, Jude oi Probat6i in tba matter of the estáte of Bdward L. Boyden, I, on renillng and flllnt: the petltlon, duly veriiii-ii, ol Wtlllam K. liojden prayinu' that be uiay bi i{olDto4 aol exoCDtor o! the wlll of sald decmtt-d. accordiuK t" the terau and provisión ihereof, liiili wlll hac already been uuly admltted to ThareopOB it ¦!¦ ordend, that Monday, the 19lb day of Suptembei nt,:it ten o'clock tu the torenoon, be asilffned Tor the hearing ut aaid petltlon, anü that t devli tod hora at inwof aid!. Mitrn -r.teil Ulxaiil l-i-tllle, are raqalrfld to appoar at h et'Hilon ol naid court, then t to ba boldea at tlie Probate Oülce, in the city of Ann Arbor, und show cnune. il any there he, why tneprayer ol Uu petiiiouer thonid nol b Krmed. And il is rurthêr ordarwdi tiiat nald peiitloner irive notice to the persona tattreeted in atM estáte, if ihe pendency of ald DOttÜOD, and ihe henrlni; thereof. by causing a copy of ihis onlir to be pobllshed In the Ann Arbor 'mi i iHnnpapaf pnstMlaod n1twlalx1 in paid (ouiny. thier mee- live waki ireviou to said day of hearing, (Atruecopy.) Wll.I.IAM U. UAUUIMAN, JudKe of Probate. WM. U. DOÏÏ. l'r,il,„te KelCst.r. 1058 66 A KINÜS OF BLANKS IMilNTil) ON 8IIOKT NOT10I AT THK rOIIKIFK J0 ROOM.


Ann Arbor Courier
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