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Minister Christiancy's Creditable Behavior During The Riot At Lima

Minister Christiancy's Creditable Behavior During The Riot At Lima image
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A Washington correspondent of the Adrián Times lias intcrviewed Cien. Chas. Adanis, l'nitcd States minister to Rolivlu, who si vea thc followinj iu referenoe to Minister Chnstiancy: ()n my way homo I spcnt ten days in Lima, including the fourth of July, and wliilc there I learned tlie particulars ofthe capture of Lima by the ('hilians, last December. Attcrtlie haltleot Mil Flores, but before lile e ntrance nU thecity oí tlie victorious Chillan armv. tha retreating Pferuvianí and a band m ntgroei commenced to plunder and pack the cuy. The foreign legión ni at once ealled out. This was an organization composed of Enffllsh, Freneli, (leruian, [talian, American aml other forelgn resnJenU, gotten up during the siege lo defend the city aninst the Spprehended dftBger of the niob law, as soon ag the riot commenoed tbe legión advunced upori the plundering party, and quelled the riot, after killinj; sdiae tOO of the rioters. In the meantime all the womeu and children soujjht refiijje. in the varïons forein liatlous. The coniiiict of Minister ('hrisiancy In the crisis was eminenúy honoraMa and retiuctcd credit upon the country wliich had selected hiia tor its representative. Whjle the other legations bad sentinels at theirdoors, and adniitted only a favored few tu tlieir proteclion, Judge C'hristiancy threw wlde epen the door of the ImmeuM inantlon in whtch he resided, and admitted to itö refuije all the winnen and childreji wbo :ipiiii'd, without asking whethertliey were poororrlch. Ilearn thathe shelttred over UOOpeople In his hottse. They tilled the mirt vnid the Jiali-onÍPi mul all the rooms, not even bis private bedroom benig reserved for himsell. I had made Mi . hristiancy's acquslptance last October, when he met at Arica with Mr. Osburne, onr mfnistc-r to Chili, and inyselt, to endeavorto procure a cessation of hostilities between thc two republics. c were togelher sevcral days on board the United States steamerLacka wanna, and from the high opinión I then formed of his ability, dirniticd depoitment and high chnracter, I was not surpri-iexl when I Viuted Lima ti Bad alm held in the highest estiinatiou by not only Americani but foreign residents, by the diplomatic corps and By thc people of Peru. By the diplomatic corps he is considered as an authority upon all questions of international law.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News