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¦ ¦¦¦ ii l.inriill 11. l.nilv.SIcU HflW .M..Irh.'. HMIo -. I il WWW yHp'iiii. Imllgratlaii. tad l.hir ( iinilahil I i UT.-.1 ..itdll)r an'l i-t-niKUH titlv umi wttli the L-ast exjwrw t f m ¦¦"! nir.ii.iui BOPSAKD Y JlIM.T IIITTKK. hl.-h l.lïr. Kldnry. mt tho Hlfl. rntiiuliu,'; IÍ "' il'--tr.'. ing m m ¦ ..u alwayi ."utiniif wortinir f! AN l.y and nltfht wtcliout alitin,; vnii „ ,ur, , hop imiiiii.tI ' IIITTKR ¦¦rlahi irruilhen. 1 xHppoi i MM --i. in Mimi -mII mmln tactan hen Hek. t"t - BOM AND MA1.T II1TTKHS. and WT timr. mniu'y :ii't wullcrlnff. A IV ¦- MIT ¦ Il.viriiic. bul 11 MrdT I I iciiif. KTii.tnl r UM iianlc il ¦ ' compoad r I wi.rd. A TDAnC A 'heaf "f l"lr'y i i III. V K lul 1, KKI) lelt.-rs. Aak lor h ri .¦ Trlul Uolllr. - è 1011.1-1057 JKRVVEeETABLE SICILIA afe nAIB ThlB itandird aiticlc Is compounded with the createst cre. Itê oei are a wonderfnl and satixfactory aa ever. It rcBiorc K"y or faded halr to lts roulhful color It removes all erniition, ilchlDK and dai.druir; and the ecalp by It nee become white and clean. By it tonlc propcrtle it restore the capUUry Kluiidf lu thcir uunuul visor, preveutlug buldw, and makini; the halr grow thi. k aod xtronc. A a drculng, nching bas boen lound o edl-ctua! ui do-irable. Dr. A A. Hae, State Aiwayer of Matsachmetta aayo! it: " I coosider It the bt r preporatien f(.r BUCKLGHÏMS DYE, lor iii Wlilsker. Tilia elegant preparation may 1 relied oo to cbaiih'e the colcir of the beard iroin ray or any (fther [rabie .Imtlc-, to brown oi black, at dfacrettoo It iê eaaily applied, beluL iu om' pr.'pHration, and quickly and cflVctnally prodnceí n peininneiit color. vvhich iviil niitlu-r rub nor wimh "II MAMFAriUKED BY R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H. Sold by all Drufgllg ard Dealere in Medicine. ina)-im:i-iHw TUTTS P8LLS INDORSEO BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss o f appetitetNansea,bovols cowtive, Pai n il.witli a iluTi flonfiation in the back pnrt, l'nn. under the shoulderblade. fullntas after enting, with a diainchnntion to exertion of bo ly or mind, Irritability of temper, I.ow spinta. Loaa nf meiuory, witha ftjeliugof having neglected sonie duty, wearinesi, Dizïineaa, i Uerini? of the ff enrt, Dots before the ëyea, Y ellow hkin, fleadache, Hestleshesa at uight, highly colored Urine. IF THESE W AENINGS AEE UITHKEDED. SERIOUS OISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. 'f UIT 8 PULS re i-Hecially dapted to muil i'iKi'' rffecU urlincliaoj of foeilnï a to natnlah the miffrrrr. Hkv liK'rrnulhi' %ip4-itr, and i'iiune the ,hr on Klwih. I luis th "ritfm in niHirili.'ii. and f.' Uu i: Ton Ir A-(i4uui] th.' ¦ !¦¦' nrnnk Rririiluriximil repro;tA Wurruj HU, W.T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. ra Y lIxlHor Wiiikkkrs i-liangpi! toaOl Ki.A'-K I)V 'i nltiKle aiilii atiun of lilla Dyk. It linpuMi a natural color, ctí [usUnilupeuaaljr. f 1. OITIce, 35 Murray St„ New York. ft u-r-a i Mpt" -ih 'i, suwrWaJfnillMMWlf 1032-M Tlie Leadin; Tcy & Fancy Gcods Eeass OF MIOH. WliL-n visiting tlie City of Detroit lio not fail to HEYN'S" BAZAAR, Formerlv Russell House Bazaar, whicfa is now located at m Woodward avenue, former sUuul of the oíd ALHAMBEA DOLLAR STOEE. These two well-known places of public patrónaye have rtcently been cunsohdated uqder nne management, and we deitre Co cali special attentiou to our Uirge and well selccted line of Toys, Fancy Qoods, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Whitney Children's Carriages, Velocipedes, Espress Wagons, &c, &c. Which we wlU continue to sell at popular prlcet. An early cali is resptctfullv solicited. H. HBYN & BRO„ HEYN'S BÁZAAE, 92 WOODWARD AVE., DKTKOIT, mili. 1O41T1 H. H. DOWNS VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR I sure cure for Cought, Colds, Whooping-Cough, and all Lung Diseaae, when taken n season. People die of consuraption limpy becaute oí neglect, when the timet uie of thi remedy would have cured them at once. ÍHftu-one year of contant uie proret the fact that no cough remedjr hat ttood the test Uka Dotvn' Elixir. Prlc3So. 6Oo. ndtl.(ioper bolU. For Half BTerywhara. Dr.Baxter'3 Mandrake JüBlTTEIlÜS Will cure Jaundice, Dypepia, Liver Complaint, Indigestión, and all diease arising frorn Bil iousnesa. Price 25 ets. per bottle. For Sale Krry whr. IIKMIY JOUldOIt ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENT l'or .11 mi and Beast. The most perfect üniment eer compounded. Price 25c and 50c. ïor &Je BTtrynlwra. ai i pi a nnn ion crdt and J L k Jeatj term, In 1. mild 1 r i W clluatt, free from ft bifl healjt tnoiri tillifhting froits aud exMILUONS OF ACRES "Jt. ralni. for sale In the II M L COLDEN BELT A KI I IV of Kausaa, by the fc ¦ I V WÊ # UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, of ma rloli Noli na tbe min ever ihone on, with good niarketa taal autl ¦!. Tor Drêcriptive and Hluitrated Ituuk, telth 3tapi, Hant Free, Addrett LAND COMMISSIONER, Kansas División, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. WISCONSINI AMD? 500,000 ackcs Lrill L0 ON THE LINK OF TUK WIH4 SI (FVTIIU, K. . . For full rartlcularn, whirh will be Kent fre, atl( lr.B CHAULKS L. COI.IIY, Ijinil CoraunI ur.i MM Bllwaakei


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