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- )THE(,-CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN HAILWAY ís tbe OI.DKST! BEST CONSTHUCTBD ! BEST EUIPPED ! and henee the LEAD1NG RAILWAY - OF THI- WEST AND NORTH WEST. It íb the shoitest nd best route belween Chicago finrt all pointe in Nortiírt Illiisii, Iowa, Eiktu, Wysmiag, HebruU, ClifsrBit, 0:oe5ï, Arii;si, SUL, Colonío, lili:, :;:i:i, S jtííí udfot COUNC IL BLUFFS, OM AHA, IK V KK, I.KV 1 V I 1.1. K, SALT LAKE SAN FRANCISCO,, DEADWOOD, SIOUX CITY, Ctdir Bjpidi. Sn liolan, Cehabu, ui all pointi la the Tetrltorlei ui lio Wsit. Als: iar liüwijieo, Gran Bir, Oihimï, Shobcysia. Hirisitto, fotd ds Lic, wa;rt:TS. Houghtre. Knaï, Miujhi, St. tui Hinntipslis, Huns, Vclgi, r:E0, B:sm:ei, T:::;, LiCrtsse, xi::ia nd U f ciati i liluoaciU, liïsu, Wi3c:ssi: ad tha SsrthTiit. At Connril UIhiTs the tralns of the Chlcaeo & Nunh -Wi-ni-rn and the U. I'. R'yi ilcpart frora,' "' ;..iiii unlon depot. At meaStf, É "-¦¦ conncciloni! are made with thv I-aki Slum-, Michigan Central, Ilaltiluorv ifc Ohlo, Kon Wanealld !Vnnp Ivania, and Chicago A (itjidi! Tniiik )'i, and th Kankankcu umi l'an llaudir Kontee. Close Conneclions Made at Junction Points. ' ltl(lipIM,V LIVK ruimins Pullman Hotel Dining Cars ' BKTWKIN C'hlcaifo and Coancil Itluffs. l'iilllliiiii M( „r on All Mglit Train. Iiioii ul)uu Tickcl Ag( nl i-elliliK ynu tlik via tnis road your ticket?, and ie1ue to tiuy if they d'i pot road over the ihlcagu and NorihWeeieru Kailway. lf 7011 visü tne Be?! Inivelin Acroninindatlonii yon wlll buy vour ticket" bv tbi route t-ANI WILL TAKE NO OTHEK. All Tiikel Ai;cnt Mij Hcket l)v Ihi Line. H IRVN III i ITT. 1031-1 2d V. I'. Jt Uní lf an'f r, Ufaii HhfALL'S gatarrh gure. Is Recommonded by Physiclans. HALLS HatarrhPure. Is Indorsed by Clergymen. Will Cwre Any Oii!i. Offlcuof A Ï.Stowari Co. Chicago. 111 , Juucl, 1350. Matrt. F. J. Chrnry & O , Toteio. O. 1 ':iileinn . - I tak piyasure in lnformlng y ou that I havo used HalIN ('alarrh (ure It han cured in. 1 was very b:ul- mui don'l h3ilat toftay Lhal It will cure any cae fCatarrh lf taken brúperly Touittuly,J.B. WKATUEUFOUU. Worth frlO A Iïottl'. E. Murrit, Jarkwn, Hich. wiitei : Have had Catarrh for 'u y;ir . UaJ (atarrli Cure cur d lu Co mider it worth (10.00 a bottla. Ball'a Catarrh Cure la aold by all DniirgliUat 7.V-.JMT bottle. Manufacturad aud snld hv F. J ( 'HENK Y JtCO. SulePrcprieton, TOLEDO, OHIO H. J. Brown t Co., Cor. Main and Hnmn Stroct, Aon Arbor. ïniT-mi NERVOUS DEBILITY! A 4'lirt 4iiuralit'Ml. 1)R K. C. WstT'S NïHVE m I!ilai,nTbKTK.1T: B.' '"l: lllfluDSi N' rV adactie, Memnl li. , tl 01117, '¦- rrh'i-a. tmpotency. Premalnru OM a í-, ed rtion, elf-abute, 01 enie, v. 1 1 ti li-adi tu micry, dertiv and dejtlh. Ud I box will mr recmt rueü. Kach box ronUio on month's ireatment. One dollar a box. or ix buxrs for tlve dnllam ; Sent by muil prepald on reoelpl al price. We euarantev rix boxee to care any caae. With ench order receivid by uttloreii tMJxen, accompauled with five dollars, we wiH end the purrlmner onr wriiten guaramee to rvturu tbe money II the treatment Dol effect a cure. Gunranteea isi-ned only when the trettroent is ordered direct trom u JOHN C. WKST A CO.. Sol Proprieton, 1K1 & 1K'( w. MadiHon st., Chlcat-o, 111. Sold by Mpier.Hrwn & Co. A.Uassett Wholewile Agenta Detroit. Mich. 1 nol pOFFINS AND CA8E8 l FULL STOCK AT MARTIN' AU orden promptly attanded to


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