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The Ilerald man has been presented witli a 50fbpunipkin by Frcd Sager, of I.ima, on whosi.' farm it grew. Chelsea lias raised about $,r00 in cash ind sent on to the fin Bufferei's, besides a large quantity of clothing and other necessaries. Hou. S. G. Ives nccompanied the properly distributed. Saturday, the lOth nst., Herbert A. Moore bad his arm broken by a kick from lis father's horse, vvliich he was attempting to drive out of the yard. On the evening of ttie game day lïoward Fisk feil from a tree while hunting coous and broke his arm also. Chip Basket.- A wind-mill has beeti ereeted over the anión school well. The farmers balng so busy makee business a little dnll. Little Hack. of Anii Arbor, is o open a brtinch store here. Mis. K. ;. [ves lias been visiting friends in Unadilla, ana Mr. Ivés lias been attending the con'erence at Port Huron, and looking over the btirnt district. H. Ö. Holmes has gone o Xcw York asd Boston. J. W. Snyder s permanently located at Jackson. DEXTKR. Leader: Miss Alles, of Ann Arbor, takes Mkg Fleteher's place in the high school; the latter goes to Detroit. Ezra W. Gorton, of Morris, Mich., and Uiss Annie Bennett, of Hamburg, we re narried on the 14th, at the Baptist parsonage. Leader : The cash oontrlbutlon for the ire Buftererg, bas reached about $215, and the committee is still al work. Besidethis i h(u t :t(Ht inwhi'U ut' wiicüt luis heen shipAbraUam Deeanip died on Thursday, the 3th inst., at his home in Webster, aged 91 yearg, 10 montlis and 13 days. He came x Webster in 1836, settling on the farm where he died, and was one of the first settlers in this county. Ilis funeral was attended by all of his children save one laiiirhtcr, and by one of the largest concourse of friénds and neighbors ever seen n the township. Chip Basket- CharlieSill, of Wyandotte, las been visiting friends and relatives in the city. An infant child of R. C. Reeves died Sunday of last week. The leader says John Costello has been dangerously sick :or some time, troubled with bloeding of the lnngs. Miss Hattie Lucas has commenced to teach at the Red school house in lludson having just closed an engagement it the White school, in the same neighborïood - the Blue school will be next in order. Miss Fellie Copelaml luis gone to Olivet to atti-nd sch ooi. MANCIIKSTEK. Daniel LeBaron's place at Ellington, Tuscola Co., was n ot touched by the forest lires, whicli many of his old friends will be glad to learn. Chip Basket- Jay Corey and "Art." &W?'"VnA po -M-ftA.''fAvVnL' . r. K. u. Geo. Gibbs bas returned from Kansas and will make bis home here in the future. Etev. J. B. Gilman arrived home a few days sinee quite sick. W. H. Pottle and 8. W. Clarkson have been absent in New York City the past week. S. PitZjjerald is s able to bc out again. John Field has een verv sick. Mrs. S. Davis bas gone to Ohio. Miss Matie Webb bas gone to Ypsilanti to attend the normal. Mrs. ohn Field lias returued form Oliio. L. D. Watkins was announced to arrive home from Europe the ñrst of this week. Jas. A. Field intends tü start loon for the north woods. Ml LAN. An entertainment for the sufferers the other night netted $70. A lot of clothing !ias also been given. Chip Basket. - Amos Hall, living on Hickory street, had 500 busüelt of wheat Erom 5% acres. Thos. Gougerty, who lost his wife recently, is not expeeted to live. The hands at Wilson's saw mili struck lor liigher wages a few days since and their places were supplied immediutely by a aew set of hands. tI A1 AeíR5fi}ltt1}e"1fMVorwííg sShooi"Jifice'r.s were elected : C. M. Blackmer, moderator; Franklin Butler and llcnry Hoek, directors. The sum of $0 was voted to ;he keeper of the library. School bega il Monday of last week, with Prof. Gregory as principal and Miss M, MiNeill as piiceptross. SALINE. Observcr : Jiulging from the specimens wc have seen, the coru erop will be far from a failure, in tliU section, after all. Messre. John Tate,and HoraceSeekel have left with ns some veiy fine specimens. The ears left by the latter weighed over one and a half pounds each, at which rate it would require ouly about 22 ears for a bushel. Chip Basket. - Will Brainard bas returned to Sheridau. Miss Jessle Lawrence lias gone to Oleerlin. Mrs. Win. CrOsby has gone back to Ann Arbor to live. .1. Andrews bas been to Chicago, on business. Oscar Briggs and wife lost an infant child a few days since. Mrs. Amanda Briggs has returned from Tuscola county. Rev. Dan R. flhire had a erowded house (o hear his íarewell sermón. Miss Ida Shepard has gone to Lakeview. Bfontcalm county, to teach. The new liquor law is being rigidj, enforced here. It takes a car load of cohl ]er week to run the Saline milis. Frank Armstrong, fornierlv of this place, died at Holly recently, aged ál yearg. Theron Ford, who died at Lansing last week, aged 72 years, was formerly a resident of Saline. SHAUON. Hou. John J. Robbon, in the last issue of the Manchester Enterprise, luis the following account of the recent "worm seare'' in Sitaron: "On Thursday, the lst inst.. the residents of Sharon, in the vicinity of the chuieh and town hall, were oonsiderably excited over a new and dangerouslooking worm and in sucb quantilies as to sccui truly alarniing. They were tirst discovered in two Helde adjoinlng the east of thi' town hall. These Reldi were covered with a rank growtli ut purslain (comnjonly Called puslcy). and on this the worins were fee()in. Kvcry inch ot ground was cov( icil. aiul in some places were two and three inches deep. GÓod guesgerg say there must have been at least one tbousanu bushels of these worins on about teuty acres. They are voraemus feeders and emit a sound while catlng like a lot of school boys cruncbing raw turnips. In color they vary trom a light-greeu with longitudinal yellow stripes to a dark-brown or nearly black, with some stripes or yellow ilots. The under sidc Is a greenish-yellow, and all are adorned witii a hom aboul Unce fmirtlis of au inch in length nearthe posterior, and slightly curved and Blightly mclined towards the rear. They are from two to tive iuches long, and vary in thickncss from a common kad pencil to a uiediiim-sizcd eigar. The mosl ol theni have left the lields where tirst seen and ure traveWng cast In aeareb of fiesher pastures. Thai t'ar llicv sati-l'v their appetiteon purslain, sorrel, yellow dock and a sort of cieepei -weed that growa thickly by the road-!-ide - its name unknown. They pass by unmolested our cultivaied grasscs, and as the wheal anl ;il Btubblessliow ;rowth of voliintcer ccds, and these wornis pass Uiem liy, we ni.iv presume they will do mi damage this l'all. llowuvcr, t you have portnlacca tfrowlng in your flower gardens look tu it, t " r being ol tlie -ame gemía as puislaiii, the WOrtUS woidd Uiako shml woik with it. " There is hope lor a man as long as he can blush. "