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The heart of Uu; D&Uotl is bowt-d down. A great grief bas come upon it. By the hand of an assassin! Thtok ui it, Amcri cans! By the hand of au awaasin, we are deprlVéd of a chfef ma;_rislrate. Hen-, In democratie America, witliout tie sluUlow of a causo, without ncn ilic pwr .¦ni.lp; avile hand gboOU dam it our Ident u ii. wimlil acur pon thestieet... Aftel and weka and iiiiuilhs l 111-ullViiii aud torture, the cuiuiii at List falls, and MMMI work te ConMminmtod. Ou Uir vemn-r ot Sepfeuiber 19th, at 103ü, i l.-.i t Ij oliciicd gte$ o( tin! twreafter tp JatriM Abram Gariteld, and liis ,-pirit lonk ü.s ilcpurtiire- quietly, peaoefnHy, likc the L"iin to sleep dt a chili). The brave little wile, wlio bus so heloic ally battled witli deatii tit lier buaband' side; the :t_'f.l iimtlier, far .'uvny in old lioinr; tin' l'iviiiji and dntifnl mu and (lanprhtcr; tlio urar ' preekten! are tot t II ptorJmpa Md I llic only inouniris. Tlir licarts ofl lii'iy miULons óf lojpl pppl uie bovetll dOWO in uriit. and the tf Ilic naliunj air niirilrd wltll thi Wlien the dastardty deèij was tl ra c -in I üiiiiici wbiok b%a rwulud ia dpriráagtlil iiHtioii oi mu' M the wisest and best ruleisl )io cvor ocMi]upd thf prébldentlal ehair.l every prayinü i I the Ulow a& a personal bervaveiueut, andl ,1 il, o reltnr KrTentl.v pia.udl tliat tliis affllctibn mlgbt pass (rom u.-J that the draUgbt from the bitter cup uiiglitl rciiiain niniualteil. ainl that we mijilit bel d tliis terrible .-.orrow. ilut !Ih.-cI inaycis were nol i bi gninteé and thel heartfell sympathlea of tais grtat natioul ¦ure to-duy witli the littlt; group who -ur-l Iniuiul tliat cuffln nuil ii i tor the uii-l ¦ tiiiit-1 Mi oi ¦ nulilt hmfeand, a dutifull i ' loring fat lier. Nor do ilic people oí tlii repablifi ahmel Ihoriow over the sad endint; ot lilis i riicll Itraedy. TIn' prople of other natioii-1 liae uatclicd unl waitcd In bedsiJe !"¦ ¦our woundcl pEwideat, The peofle u!B iKnghind, ttie ot (.crinany, thé pro-l ¦ Frame. y.'s. of all Knropt. mournl Iwilli U8 tin alllii'lion, and lianlly h land onl [the face of the but CÓntaina somel [human biog M'UOK heart vvillsonow withl Ithr hearts ot our ]eople. The history of James A. (arlicld trcslil ¦ in tlit: minds of all. Bom Inobscurity nul B.v. n-,.,1 in iinvriiv. Iiv liisuwn hands aniivi ¦ lus on-n abillly and exeHion fie ïïeweU bis ¦ way CD the prond eminence froni wfclch ¦ dc-iith hu just removed liiin. The liberal¦ ity of ÜM t orín ut f.'ov i tiiiujnt umler Bvlii li wc live rcndiTcd siu-li a Ciirecr as Bliis lossitile. Uut huw longour iiistitutionsj ¦ wil' retnaln as Uu-v ure, il sonie bcing. dcHvoiil of human (beilng, can Itep in and kill, B;is h;i been .dono in tfiis instiinct1, is i ¦ .ifravc niiostion. Al !o puiiishnient of the a.-sas.-in, itl ¦ is understood tb al there is a law wliiclil ¦ mak(.- ,iu UMMlU apon tlif irfsidfiil of Uiej ¦ luifel Slntcs Iiíí;1i trciiMin. :ui I lpti!iiliable by death. Tliis niay be tUej ¦ fair in store lor liiin. It is a insular coincidi'iicr tliat (ieiurull ¦ (arüi'ld lied iim the miiiiversary W lliel Ibattle of Chickainua, the battle iu whiclil Ihe canieil hU proinoiiou U a ïeneralship.l 'J'lie remains of the president wcre cai-l ¦ ried tn Waahhlgtofl W Cdncsilay, wlu-rcl Itlicy will lie in state until to-day, whcnl jthey will be Uken to Cleveland, Ohio, vial ll'liilHdelphia, ITew Vork, etc, where thel I ii-iaiicñVeñts 'are' ljeiñ ui'ailel ¦ at Cleveland for tlie event.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News