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Writteii for the Coukiek. IX il I .HOU I i 'I I ' He's dead 1 " was tiashed Trom town to town, itti llghtning speed the .ui news hustencd on; I And heartt that hopefíil laid them down, Awoke to reali all hope was gone. I' ' He' vone ! " are wortls on every tongue, Ana crusliing sorrow rcijn o'er all ; I A whole world tears. like drop of dew among The leavcs, grow radianl on his sombre pall. Ah t Death and Fate must sometimes cruel seein - The blossom! of our hearts they rudely press ; I And in their awful presence. like a dreara, l.ifc'i fondesthopes will vanish into nolhingncss. I A nation weeps 1 lts tear-drops start 1 Has man eer gazed upon a brander cene - I Where myriad hearts beat like ome heart, And throb together in their sorrow keen ? I The loving mother and the patiënt wife. God Mrengthen in thia trying hour 1 I W hen hope depatts and drear seems life. And dark clouds o'er their p.ithway lower. I He was our friend- each feels his loss - A nation's sadness is our sadness too; I And sorrow steals with silent flight across The boundless foaming waste of oceans blue. The student, scholar, patriot, statesinan -hel F rom poverty to grandeur dtd he rise, By his firm will and firrner arm to be "' brightest star in all tlns natiun's skies. TIlUS liVOd Ctic ricru. - UiU tk. JI..1I And thui, to-day, we meet to pour Our tears together side by side Into his grave( - and all is o'er. Uut fnithful tnemory with her tender hand Will guard the flowers that we have planted there, Till they by loving zephers gently fanned Will sanctify our sorrows and her care. Frank L. Osbokns. Ann Arbor, Sept. ao, Si. The Deubel Bros., of Ypsilanti, purchased the Scio Mills yesterday, of Mrs. K. Costello. _ Kev. Samuel Clemente, of this city, has been placed upon lite list of superannuated preachers. The official serial stories running in so imiiiy of our exchanges just at present, seem ratlier figure-ative. Prof. F. C. Irish, of this city, will open a dancing school in Jackson on Oct. 4th, with extretnely favorable prospecta. Chris. T. Donnelly has received the appointinent of delivery agent for the American express company in this city. The annual rentiug of pews in the Methodist church will take place on Mond:iy evening of next week, Sept. 26th. Commencing next Monday, Sept. 2üth, the postofflee will close at 7:30 p. ui., astead of 8 o'clock as during the suminer. The new sidewalk in front of the Bnclioz block and the residence adjoiuing on the south, is enough to uiake a cat laugh. The Gregory house is again being prepared for re-opening, and it is agaiu said Wra. II. Lewis will be the landlord Mrs. Amelia Hayes of Detroit has coinmenced sult for f25,000 damages, for alleged malpracüce, against Dr. Donald Maclean, of this city. W. A. Btinting has been given the ixsitlon of night operator at the M. C. 11. R. depot. He has been in the Geddes office for some time. A bilí has been filed la the clerk's office ly Grace T. Holmes, praying for a divorce f rom Chas. E. Holmes, on the ground of cruelty, neglect, etc. Last Tiiurtd&y niglit Miss Rosa McCourt, for 35 years a resident of this place, died at her home on N. Main street, at the advanced age of 84 years. Last Monday Hon. A. J. Sawyer received a telegram from Corning, N. Y., stating that his sister, Mrs. Sarah Sinith was lying dangerously ill from paralysis. A young lad named Len Powell, feil out of a tree last Sunday while out in the woods, and broke his right arm Dr. Sniith set it for Mm and he is now doiog well. Our farmers will do well to remember that at the coming S3d annual fair the Washtenaw county agricultural and horticultural society, offers $30,000 in premiums. Isn't it worlh while to compete for some of them. The southeastern Michigan bee keepcr"s association will meet at the court house on the 6th of October, the week of the county fair, at 9 o'clock a. m. Other meetings inay be held during the week if desired. frof. Steere will attend. Mr. James Murphy, who has addressed ¦the reform club meetings in Ypsilanti und iDixboro, the past two Sundays, will talk B the subject of temperance in the reform Hclub rooms, in this city, Sunday afternoon next, commencing at 3 o'clock sharp. I . It seems that a sidewalk suit against our city istalked of. Mi's. Nellie Bailey, of this city, was seriously injured the other day, it is asserted, by falling through a hole in a sidewalk lying in front of a lot owned by Mrs. Lucy W. S. Morgan, in the fifth ward. The pulpit of the Unitarian church will le ooenpUd for the next two Sundays (Sept. 2óth, and Oct. 2nd,) by the Iiev. H. II. Barber, of Boston, editor of the Unitarian Review, in exchange with Hev. Mr. S.inilerlaml. Services morning and evening. An exchange hits the nail or the head, thus: "When the press of this country will do one-half the gratuitous advertising fora widowed seamstress that it will for an iminoral actress, a start will be made toward burnishing up the jewel of consistency." Since the trains liave commenced running regularly north of this city, they have provedofgreat convenience to the lower Itown people. As there is a depot in the 5th ward, people can ride over and do their Ihoppjfl, and ridc back again, thereby saving a long walk. Just before Ilev. Dan I{. Shire left Saline for the annual conference, his horee got tired of living and shuffled off this "mortal coil." Directly after that .vent represenUtve from the Lodi reform club called pon hhn and left $30, as a present from that organization. I .. D. James telegraphgthat lio aiul Bootli will put up a new building I' nccessaiy to retain the pmtofflce, :nul Manly i Hamlltun agree to duplícate the Lansing offloe ií It will be any induccment ti) the government. A new postofflce will be the outcome, any way. And now John Morgan, who was arrested on a charge of till-tapping, placed in jail, escaped with three other prisoners, was caught, brought back, and a reward of' $10.00 paid for his return, has been diseharged. The question is, was the fcllovv worlh the reward? Next Friday evenlng, at 7:30, there will be held at the court house, a meeting lo niake Mrangemeati for the sanitary convention to be lield in tliis city under tlie aiispices of the state board of health soine time next winter. All interested in the sanitary condition of the city are invited. Dr. 8. B. Parsous has purchased the lot corner of Fifth and Washington streets, ott' the old Grenville homestead, for $2,000, and has moved the office which he has occupied so long at the corner of Huron and Fifth streets, upon the same. We believe he intends the erection of a residence next season. Adjutant-Qeneral Kobertson has issued ¦O order for all the conipanieschosen to atti'iul the Yorktown Centennial eclubration, to asseuible at Jacksou on the 13th prox This is done that the companies may all be in readiuess to go on the loth, and alüo that they may have au opportumty of drilling together. The members of Company Aaru (JtlTlIUg every night, and inteud to at least prove themselves equal to the best. Capt. Manly tells na that thls company is the only one in the state which has strictly kept up its orgauizatiou and met every drill night as reqolred by law. l'erhaps this f;iet luis also weighed a little in its favor. Col. John L. Burleigh is to appear bef ore a Washtenaw county audience for tlie lust time, at Vp.silunti, next Wednesday evening, the 2Sth ihst., in his favorite role, Othello, the Moor of Venice. Undoubtedlv mauy of our citizens will go down to hear him. lie is meeting with good suco-ss thronghout the state, and very kind criticisms. The amount of buuuty added to the high school yard by the new stoue walk in front, and the tearing down of the old high fence, which hid the beauty of the place, is very great. One wonld hardly believe it made sueli a difference. It seerus too bad that the school board didn't feel rich enough to continue the stone walk on the north and M..II! Il il". it lona to fhft ftU tl" " Tlie next regular meeting of the Waslitenaw county medical society will be hukl at Ayres' hotel, in the village of Milan, on Weduesday, Sept. 29th, 1881, at 10 o'cloek a. m. As this will be the first meeting of the society ever held in Milan, it is hoped every member will endeavor to be presen) and assist in making this one of the most interesting and prontable meetings ever held. _______ Next Thursday, the 29th inst., at two o'cloek p. in.. Is the date and time rlxed for the dedication of the new house of worship just completed by the Baptist society of this city. Dr. 8. A. Graves, of Grand Rapids, who was the pastor of this society over thirty years ago is announced for an address, and it is also hoped to secure the Rev. Dr. John II. Gregory, whom many of our citizens will reinember, for the evening's discourse. JL' - ¦ 0 9 Miss Julia A. King, for the last fouryears superintendent of the Charlotte schools. umi previous to that preceptress of' the Flint high school, has been appointeO preceptre8s of the normal school at Ypsilanti, in place of Miss Ruth Hoppin, resigned. Miss King is one of the best educators in the state, and in securing her services the state has chosen wisely and weü. If there is a lit successor in the state to Miss Hoppin, Miss King is undoubtedly that one. Thought we had punclured all the wind UájgB that had nlled themselves up on the Evening News man's gas, but here is one we missed some way, from tlie Mt. Clemens Monitor: The Korlbeofthe Ann Arbor Coübikr 1s hltterly revlled bynis brother editora for acceptiug and ackuowleugliiK a utrlng of sim rtsh . These fellows evldently doa't kuow how i" prepare aun flBh. They labor under the Impresston that tbe acales Bhould be removed and the remalnder cooked. Not so: the remalnder Hhould be removed aud acales cooked. These are by far tlir must lusclous part of Ibe gun ilsli, and whi-ii partioiled for a munth and Irieil in asafietlda, make a ilisli nt for- an editor. All places of business sliould be closed on Monday next. There should be a general observance of the day. We regret that any procession is to form or that any great outside demonstraron is to be made, for the follow ing reason, that all whocom in the procession will not be able to get into the church bs it will be filled an hour before services commenee. If tlie weather is pleasant a platform should be built in front of the court house so that all can see and hear. Last Mouday the Detroit, Hillsdale & Southwestern R. R. passed into the hands of the Michigan Southern & Lake Shore R. R., or in other words, into the control of Mr. Vanderbilt. If Mr. V. should choose to buy up the Eel River & 111. R. R., and then build a short line from Milun to Trenton, to connect with the Canada Southern R. R., it mightpossibly hurt Detroit a little. Such a line would cover considerable of the territory reached by the Detroit & Butler branch of the Wabash. We are indebted to the eastein Michigan agriouHural and mechanical society foj a complimentary ticket to their teuth annual fair to be held in the city of Ypsilanti, on the 28th, 29th and 30th Inst., next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, As our Ypsilanti friendsalwaysget up a line exhibition, it will be worth while for any of our people interested in such things to go down and see it. Ann Arbor oughttosend down a good sized delegation, and then in turn the Vpsilanti people should seud a delegation up here, and by so exchangingcourtesiesthe people of Waslitenaw county niiglit. possibly, find out how strong they really were - united - as they ougiit to be. The work of the M. E. Conference at Port Huron, as far as it eflects appointmeiits in this county is summed up as follows : Rev. Wm. J. Campbell, formerly of Dex ter, ia made presiding eider of the district; Rev. John Alabastcr is returned to Ann Arbor; Rev. Wm. George, Dexter ; Rev. I. N. Elwood, Ypsilanti; Rev. H. C. Northrop, Chelsea; Rev. Mr. Stank, Dixboro; Rev. J. C. Wortley, Saline; Rev. Mr. Tiercé, Sharon ; Rnv. Mr. Conibs, Manchester ; Rev. D. W. Gibberson, Lima ; Rev. Aaron R. Laiug, Milan and Oakville Rev. B. H. Hedger, Salem and Northfield ; Rev. Thos. Seelye, Augusta ; Whitmorc Lake and Hamburg to be supplied. The Toledo and Ann Arbor R. R. Co. have concluded to lócate their depot on a lot of ground between William and Jefferson streets, directly west of the residence of 8. Wood, the old W. ij. Maynard hoinestend. The location is not convenient. The hill ascending to Main street from this location, either upon William or JefferMn streets is so very tleép that vehicles can not, with any safety, be dnven over it, and those driving to or from the depot will have to go on Liberty and Uien south on Second street. It is far away from the business locality also, and nearly a mile from the M. C. R. R. depot. A location between Ann and Huron streets would have been far preferable, and niuch more pleasing to the people patronizing the road. A mild wiuter is predicted by meteoroliïMs. the excesslve heat of this smnncr is attributed to the incrciise of solar adiation, and tliut inórense is due to vioent distui-bamvs in the sun's cromosphere, w here spots of magnitude, following a jcriod of quicscence, legaii to show themselves in May and have continued sinee, lt - argued that the temperatura in arctic aütudes is, and will continue to be, above average, and that coinparatively mild CUTrents of air will le wafted down npon us luriug the winter months. But what are wc lo look forward to in the sunamer of I8sj il the return of the "spot pcrioil" now levelops so muoh solar cnergy ? Thecouniy is now so parchad and brown that it ustlfiee the Advent nionomaniaes in the ex))ectation that it wlll be burned up In November. " Ye local" recelved a lettel f rom a f riend of nis youth a few days since In which oocured this sentence : "I often get the blues unnecessarlly, and borrow trouble about nothlng. You have your dhlldren to tafel up your tinio, whilc 1 have 'hobbies.'" There is one of the best bermons in the fewest words, we have ever heard. Of eonrse we understand that it is not fashionable to have 'families', now-a-days, but neverthclc8S, those who do have thein, fullill the laws of God and nature. The road is sotnetinies hanl, and the days often dark, tor the Qareutc, yet there is Bomethng to continually sustain and clieer. Children have boiuid together more families, kept more men froui trouble of variaus kinds, and been the real cause of more heroic exertions on the father'i part especially, than any other one thiug on earth. hiow otteu liu l men, when tempted to err, stopped, and thought of their children, and vowed never tu do a thfng to bring disfrace upon them ? This love for the helpless little human beiiijTs placed in our keeping, has eaused the salvution of mauy a man, and secured the happinegs of manv a wornan. The marnier in which the Uexter Leader man brinjrs us to task for the way we chose to punctuate our sentences, remlnds us of a young man who once upon a time, loaght i teacher's certifícate. Upon K0'" before tlie township school inspectors, who at that time examined the candidates foiteachers' positions, almost the firstquestion asked him was : " Into how many principal parts is linglish graiumar dividid ï' The answer came promptly : "four," "What are they v" asksthe pedagogie interlocutor. 'Or'-tho-jíraf'-fy, et'-y-mo-lo'-gy, swine'tax,an] pro-so'dy," answers the candidate, (giving the accent on the syllablcs as indic alcd.) The answer had the merit of being correct, (wlien eorrantlv iocdied) but the pionuiieiiition was so villainous that the inspeetors refused to give him a certifícate. What the Leader man says may be all rlght enough. but the Dracticeof hisown preaehing is so unusual that bis criticism falls harmless. For instance, this is a literal extract from the article uientioned, where he endeavors to instruct us liow to write cotv rectly : "Kemember that none is a contritï diction for no one, and so In the singular nuniber, and you ought not to gay 'None of us are perfect.' ' We tookthe liberty of italicising one word. Comment would be entirely superfluous. "None of us m perfei l :'" 11a ! ha ! How funny ! Lest this Mem be npt phjperiy punctuated, according to the above individual's notion, weappend a ñuniber of punctuation and commercial niaiks, ,'illowing him the privilege of arrangmj; them to snit himself. !?:'!,.", " ; 1 - f - V 'i S ! ' $ "' % I