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The News In The City

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Tuesday mornlng was not a happy one for tlie Inbabitanti of our city. It was not until the arrlvaj of the Detroit dailies, at about 1% o'cliH'k, that the people really knt'w ot the itoalb of President Qarfleld, and whcn the news reached us bcyomi a doubt, it fell like a kncll. The people, although expectiug the eveut atany moinent, still were not wholly prepared for it, and they went about as if stunned and with hearts of gtone, and countenances betokening the keenest sympathy for the murdered ruler. Tliat the gallant flght made by the president had placed hope in the breast of nearly every one, conld be plainly seen by tlie expression of countenance when in(brmed of the result. The struggle was a noble one, against fearful odds, and deserved a better ending. Uut it was not to be. President Garfleld's assassination was so heartless, so causeless, so void of auy motive on the part of the tiend who caused it, that a sickening feeling of loathing and abhorence, niingled with that of sorrow, penueated all classes. Upon the conflrmation of the sail news all the bells of the city were tolled, that in the court being the lirst, soon followed by the bell of every church in the city, also thoae of the high school and university. The sound they gave out was a dreary and sad one to the ears of our people. Soon alter llajrs appeared at half-mast upon the VarioiM Sag staffs surmouuting public and private buildings. Then commenced the aipropriate draping of our buildings with emblems of mouining, and long before mum there was not a yard of black iji1 to 1)(' obtained in the city. The Court house was tastily draped about the entrences; while the draperv in the (.iiiuniin oouncll room was quite elabórate. Aiiioiig the other public buildings were the high school, post office, agricultura! hall, CoritlEK office, armory (Frank Hangsterfer's), the stores of W i nes & Worden, Bach & Abel, Mack & Schmid, Joe T. Jacobs, A. L. Noble, Sheehan & Co., D. F. Schairer, Wm. Wagner, S. Hendrickson & Son, the savings bank, the lst national bank block.Cook's hotel, Hinsey & Seabolt, etc., etc., etc. Some of the draperles being very heavy and deiioting excellent taste. COUNCIL MEETING. At 10:30 o'clock the common counell convened in extra session to take appropriate action upon the occasion. Afterthe emblems of mourning were tastily arranged about the room, the meeting was called to order nearly a full council being present. Ahl Besimer presided in the absence of the mayor. Upon motion of City Attorney Knowlton, the following preamble and resolutlons were adopted, after which the meeting adjourned: Wiikkeas, The great natlonnl calamlty whlch the people bave fora lewmonths boped and prayea inlicht be averted, Iihs at last come upon na in the deatb of our lnto pretildent, James A. Uarñeld, whose long suirerlng ellcltpd the sympathles of both continents. and whose death la t hls day mourued by tbe wliole world, therefore, ReMOlved, Tbat we, tbe comraon couucil of the city of Ann Arbor, recoramend that the citlzens of thln place display f rom thelr business houses Hl embleius of mournlng, and otherwlse duly observe tbe natlon's loss, uutlll the funeral obsequies are closed. Resolved, That upon the day that shall be des-I luated as the funeral day of our late president, I tbe scveral rellglous socletles are reuuested tol linld unión services, and that theclvll authorl-l Ilt's. the military, tbe flre companles, and tbeE several soclelles and orgaulzatlons of thls cltyl are requested lo form In processlon and attendl the funeral services at sucb place as may bel hereafter deslxnated. Resolved. That Mayor John Kapp, Aid. T. J.I Kecch, W. I). Harrlman, Jacob F. Schub aiull Joe T. Tacobs be appolated a commlttee of ar-I laiiKeinents. and tbat represeutatl ves and or-l gunlzatlons of thls city are requeeted to report I to and confer with thls comralttae. THE SCHOOLS. No session of the high school was held I during the day, many of the pupils assUt-l Ing in decorating the building. In the af-l ternoon the graminnr school departinciitï was also excused.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News