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SALË OF DITCH TAX LA MIS. COÜNTV ThKisüKEBS OFFICB, I Aun xrbor, Mlch , Hpt. ", 1KS1. ) Somucb of each of the followtng Wcribed t üirts 01 parcela of land Ituated In-the County .,; w ixhtenaw delinquent forunpald dltchtaxM for tlif year 1KX0. a wlll !¦ Hufflclent lo pay Un' laxen r-t nuil charges luert'on will be sold by tlie Oounty Treasurorof gald County, commetielng on üieflrst Monday Ín October nexl, Ht tlie County Treasurer1 Office Ín Ann Arbor clly, t lh County eat of aid l'ounty, aml continue from day to day (Sundaya excepted) untll the same shall have boen dlsposed of accordlng to law. JACOB K X Al'P, County Treanrr. DITCH TAX- 18K0. 'fon n ',, S(nUh o llangc 7 Sast. i i i i lis i 3 S S 5 8 S. w. K ofs. w. i,, 22 3M tSt 21 $3 63 40 58 24 W. H of e. 4of . e.%. 83 89 3S 31 58 40 41 27 Iburn 2 South o Bange t Satt. 40 aeree of land lyliiK n. of K. 1. s' land. In h. .-. ', oís. e. '4, 12 40 2 30 16 40 2 86 Prof. Horsford's Baklng: Powdcr. M. II. Henry, M. D., tlie celebrated faraily pbyslclan OÍ New York, says: "The use of Prof. Horsford's BaHajg Powder, ottut ailnuralile ineaiiH Cor tlie introJuct ion df a valualile clement intotlie sj-stem, uiih tlie food of etery-day life." Mother! Mothersü Molhersü! Are you disturbed at night and broker oi' your rest by a sick child suffering and crymg with the excruciatiog pain of cuttinir teeth? If so, go at once and pet a bottle of'MRS. WINSLOW'S SÜOTHINQ 8YRUP. It will relieve the poor Httle sufferer immediately - depend upon it; there is no mistnke about it. There ii not a motlier on earih who has ever uset it, who will not (ell you at once that it wil regúlate the bowels, and gWe rest to the mother, and reliet' and health to the child, operating like niagic. It ia perttctly safe to use in all cases, and jileasant to the ta-te, and is the pietoription of one of the oldest and best feintle phy.sicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 couts a bottle. 1007 58 FILES ! FILES!! FILES!!! A Snre Cure Kounil at Last. No One et'l Suffer. A Mire oure Ebt the Blind, Bl4Bdlng, Itob (ngaiul Uleerated Pilr has beea dteeovereí 1 y Dr. WUUÁmi Cn Indian renitdyj.riillfi I)r Williams' ludían Oiiitinent. A singk bos has cui-eU the worst ohroiiic caMSOl J" and 30 staiidiiifr. Noone nt'fd Sllflel five ínínutM atter tpblying tliis wonderfu ootblnK medicine. Lotions, Instnimcnts and Blectoari do more darm than gtxKl Williams' Oiotment absorba the tumors allays the Itching (piirtirularly a night after gettlng warm in bed), acta m a poltioe, gives instant and painless relief and te prepared only for J'iles, itching of lite private parta, and nothlog else. KikI what the Hon. J. M. Cillinl)erry of Cleveland, saya abont Dr. Williams' In dian 1 i 1 e OIntnient; ''1 at. uecl score.of pile carea, but ii afforda m pieatare t4 srt.v that 1 have never l'ound any Hiíiil wliich ravc such iinini-diati'and permanen 'relief M Ur. Williams' Indian Oiiitini-nt." Kor s;ilc by all diuggiats, Of inailud on reoeipt of pnce $1.00. .).S. K. DAVISA CO Wiotoeale Druj;ri.sls, Detroit, Mich., Agcnts. UMW41 Kor sale by 11. .í. Iíkown & Co.


Ann Arbor Courier
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