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Farmers and Medíanles. If you wiafa to aTold irreal dangi roable, besides no small bill of expense, t tliis sea t the year, jrtm hou ld Uke irompt su-ps t keep ttoia your wxuehold. Thesystem shouhl becleansed, liK).l parified, itomacb and boweU regula oil. abd prevent and cnrr dlseases n-Nin rom jrinr malaria. Weknowof nbthiii that uill s ..lcctly and suivly do Electric Bitten, mul it the tri (1 In ft oal i.t ffftv cents a bottle.- Exc-Sold by berbach A Son. Some men dare inncli, tuit it is Ix'omw tbeyaroin tlu-ir pko tlhl#il ¦'¦ i 11 1 y placel ain saté. The l-st Hfthtnlng id tot yovn owq protectlon isjreurown - Emerson. Labor nin;. The deinand of the people tor in i iethod of preparing Kidney-Wort lias inuced the ptoprletors, the well-known wholesale druggUU, Wells, Bicttardson & Co., of Burlington, Vt., to prepare it for ale In liquid form U wi-H H In dry form. t saves all ÜM hlb of preparing, ana as t is eqnally efficiënt il pivferrrd by tany pertoua. KMney-Wort alttmya and verywhere prove rtself a perfeol reniedy. - Búllalo Neus. Bad Drainage. The crimina] carelessneas or wilful nel.-i-t ei liiiildcrs in erectinf nouses with npertect pruambing aml had dnilnatre is a ruitt nl sourae ol disease, and thousn ,re carried off uintially with Malaria or Ypbold fromthis cause. Tlnl, ion [alaria and LWer Pud and Bodj mul Pool latten il core these diaeases. The whole icatniciit lor the one dollar. Por aule by ruggUUi _____ Phyt-ioian claim Hops and Malt Bitters re the best. ll..urV KhUv. The best Salve in the world for ('ut.s, Jruises, Sores, Heers, Salt Uheum, 'etter, Chappcd f land, Chilblains. ('urn-, nd all kinds ol Skin Kruptions, Freckles nd l'iniple. I5e sure you get Hknky's Jarboi.ic Salve, as all others are but uitatious and oounterfeits. Price ü.rj cents. Ur. (ireen's Oxygcnated Bitters s the best reniedy tbr Dyepepsi, Biliouses, Malaria, IndigMtioD, all dwordera of ba tomach, and diseases ui' the blood, [idneys, liver, skin, etc. DURNO'8 CATAKlíll SNUFF cures 11 affectioDK of the mucus uicmbrane of bc head and throat. DR. MO'IT'S LIVEB 1'ILLS are the athartij BMR üaoinaw. Jan. l, 1 Mr. V. H. Mhke: liKiu Siu: - Abontthi' flrst of December wh taken with a very Bever attack ol lii'itniatisni in bol h ol mv knoe. I was ccoinmended to DtJKC'a CAMPHORatkd AiiNiCA. I oan clieerfully recomoend it to every onc trouMed with rheumtisni. M. K. BUAUY. But-kleii's Árnica Siilve. The Bkbt In the world (or Cuts, íruises, Sores, Oleen, Salt Rhetun, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapi'd Hands, Uiiilblains, Corns, and uil Skin Ertfptlons, and postively curas Piles. It guanntced to íve perfect latisfactioD or money refuDded. rice, 25 cents per box. For gaH by Rber)ach & Son. An Establlshed Remedy. DowWs' Elixib las been widely known and uaed is n cough emedy for tifiy rears. No other oough m.'dicine Ims stood the test half tbislength if time. The people stuud by Bat wlnch s good. Dr. Baxtkk's Makdrake Bitters are urely vegatablc - the product of the liills nul valleys. Wakrante. Bun & Iohhson's Umi a anu On. Liniment is Warranted o please all wlio use it. A Cousli, Cold or Sore Throat hould be 8topped. Neglect frequently reults in an Incurable Imng Ditrgtr or Coniiini'ttoH. Brown's Bronchial Thochks 'iv en tuin to ffive relief in Asthma, 3ronclutü, Coiwhs, Catarrh, Conntmptive and Throat Viseases. For thirty years he Troches have been recommended by )hysicians and always give perfect satisfacion. They are not new or untried but ïaving been tested by wide and constant ise for nearly an entire generation, they lave attained well merited rank auiong the 'ew staple remedies of the age. rw&ic Speakers and Singers use them to clear and trengthen the Voice,. Sold at twenty-five cents a box everywhere. 1007-59 X vPR0FESS0R I i Bliïsu Made froni ITofeinjc Acid Phosphato HeroiiiiiirndM by lradlnur phynlrlan. Makt lichter btHrliU, ak-it, et ., mmA 1 hvaltlilsr tliau unliuary UakliiK l'owtlr. In rand. Sold at a r-aonable prfre, The Horgford Almanac aud Cook Ituolt ent free. Rumford Oietnical AVorkw. Providerrp, R.j and tel LakeSt-, Chicago. 1ik-T.i RoP BITTERS (A Medicine, net a. Drink.) CONTAINS nors, Btciii', iam)iikk, I DAMVBUOHi AND TH PVKK8T AM IÏK9T MlDK'ALQv I TIK UK ALL OTUIK lili I IBS. XHEY CUltK All P1feesof thfRtomiich. Bowela, 1 I Llrer, Kldnt'ys, and t'rinary orK'int, NervouBDeiB, Sli ri'li-s'npssfiinl esiHiciftlly Feuialf Luuiplaluu. $IOOO IN COLD. -fl TUI hemfd for ft etwthpy will not oB lirlp, ur iur anytlilnie lmimru or lnjariuu fuuud 111 tin-Ui. Aik yonr drupvUt for Hop Bitten nd try I tin 111 befure yuu ttN.p. Tuke uu otbt-r. I D 1. C. lian absolute and Irresistible care for I DruokeauuM, utte of optum, tubacco ud Darcotu-. ¦ ksMM SlN'D FOB ClKCULAB. sHslM AU ihort irtH bjf JiwjrlsU. I Hop BitUrt Mff. Cd., Rorh#itf, N. Y., A. Tiront.,Onl, I 1055-57 Irstimonial to Mr. Fellowt. WK, thf underslened, Clcrgymen f tho MclhoLifi Clmrch in Nova Scittla, haTllig ued Ihc Kreparttion known Pllnw' Compoaao Synip o ypophofptiKui. prepareil Uy Mr. .laine 1. hclUiwt' Chemltt, tt. John, N. B , or hnvtne kuown care wberetn iii eflecu irerv benAclal, bclleve it is re commendid. Jamt' (1. Hennin(tr, ,Inhii McMurrny, Pres. of Conference. Kx Pre, of ConfereDC Wm. Hart-ci.l, Hthhard W. Wi'ddal. .lulin A. MasMT, Ali'l. W. Nlrli!non .Inhn W. Ho ii', Tranuwlck J(t. Stephen F. Huestl, Rowland Murt John JohmioD. J-The proprietor ha k-tter from vartnus pari of the Dominion, ilic I 'nlii'd State, sai Irom Kn( land. varifyiiiK the -¦rilon" hercln onnlaim i whlch will be hown t hte ofllce, ou application 'Chcy relate to cure of Uieavea of the Iumk" Iliart. Siomach, Ac. FHI,LOWV(Ofll'OIM)SVUll OF HYPOPBOSPHITES SjM-i'dilv and iMTniancntly curnfl ConKfdtlon of th Law'.BroDChltli, 0onompt1on, Hwnni Pnietra Uob. siiurtneB of breath, rulipitatiiin ni Iba Haar Treoiblini; of the Hands and l.iinba, Pbyii-al an Mental Depreuton, Lom of Appt-tn. Lokü of Kncriry Los of Miuiory, and will rapiillv lmprovt the weak ened functlon ahdurKunf ofUie botly, whiuhdepeiK for hmlth uuou mlnntary umi iDvoleatary nervou aciloo. It act with vigor, Kentlenee, and lubtletj owing to the eiquli-ite hruiou ol iia lofndleni aklu to pure blood iUelf. MOM BY AmTKI (aiWTS.


Ann Arbor Courier
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