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¦ ¦ mu aaaOeamsl Irbilliy,Hli-k HIIW ll-lrb, llill.iunnr-. IIVll i,.,,, ,.ln. liKlliimlion. , mil I.Ivit l'omplaini spwdlly anl iTiiiim.nlly mul Wttb tlM li'ast ix Mn i rr%mm"' ¦I tW nor AM YD I"'1' HITTKKS, Vhtafe ¦ ww „i ,Un-.-tl on iomnrli. l.líor. Klhii. m. I ti llln.i.l. ¦¦ -IIuMilíiiK ti" syatasi mxl üchtn'ymtí b y roa ulwavs i-oiitlnnp worklng ÍN nnv nnii iilt-ht without kling Wnll IIOI'-AMI MAI.T I I BITTKRt uoui Uh. iriimihcn, aad upport tile .-mire tfiMUk. Mnot eH pxpeffe rtwtoffs when , „„¦k. l.ut Ma AND l M.T HITTKKr. il ve lililí'. Hionrl tttd nulll'l'iliuA W NOT i Bi-vi-ragr. bul n ldI Irlni. Rcrnt-mlMT tlM Hume U 1 ¦ mmvmtt of l word. áfc TDánC MARK A """"" of bHlJ i I 1(1. ACH bM KEO l.u.r. Ask lor Vrrr Trlul Bollle. - é 1006-1007 PVVEGETABLE SICILIA Thli tanilírrt iticle i comuounded wltb tbe reatent caru. II a athctt a wondvrful and aatiuftclor M ever. It rwtOTM nry or faded halr to lm youthful color It removes all niptioni, ilchlng and (lai.tlrutl . nd the ecalp by Uh nte becomea white and clean. Hy it touic pruperties It rectores the caplllary lauda to their normal vl;or, preventlng baldnees, nd makiutc the balr grow thlck and xtroDK. As a dri'FñhiK. notbing bus bccn round su eflectual r deslrable. - n ¦ Pr. A A. Hayes, Ptate Aiwayer of Massachusetts ays ol it : "I counlder ít lite bett prrpai nliun for & lutendt-d purpo.-1 BUCKDÍGHAM'S DYE, I oí lli hik i n. Tbie fUant preparatlon mny be relied on to tíaiif,' the colir uf íhv btfard írom í?ray or vny other ndesirable fhadu, to brown or black, at diecretion. t Ís easily njiplled, beinr Ín one preparatlon, and uickly and effectaally prodncee a permanent color, huii wlll nelther rub nor v:i,h ll. MANUFACTURE HY R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H. Huid by all Drngglsts and Dealen In Medicine. 10a0-1073-c6w TUTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 3YNIPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lossof appetitc,Nausea,bowel costive, 1'riii in thellpad.witha dull senaation in the back part, Pain under the shoulderblade. fullnem after eating, with a dilinclination to exertiou of body or inind, Iiritability of temper, IjOw spirit, hot of meinory, with a feeling of havln ne .d BOme duty, weariness, Diziiness, Fluttennit of the H eart. Dot before the êye, Yeilow Skin, lieadache, Hetle; nes at mght, highly colored Urine. IT THESE WAKITINGS ARE UNHÏEDED, SERIOUS DISEASESWILLSOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S prLL8r'PPi11yRrtPtedt ¦ urh canra.iinr loo ¦fTrcti suchschH(g of fceliiiK ' atonih the suftTerer. Tbey InrifiiM' tbe Appellie, nd caute the bHiy 'to Take on Fleah. ihus the srstem is noiirUlltl. vt, ! ly Ukii Toilfr 4 rt Ion "II the ¦HcNtlv Oraran. KeKUlar Nlool repro;¦,,¦: f rice 8 cnt. Si Hurrj Slt-, M.Y. TUTT'S HAIR OYE. ííkay H aik ir Whisk kK.s ohaiiKfd u ()i.iaY BLACK by a Minule al.plUatluu of 11i1Dyii. It iiniiarti á natural color, ai:t InstantaluHiusly. i milt by exprwss ,.u recwit ( fl. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. tltr Tl 'IT'H KIM 41. of Taluabl lr..rMatlo mmè iM-rui iir..ipi. ni i uim mE o. .tiriküw.f ma-m The Leading Tay & Fansy Qoods House OF MICH. When isiting the City of Detroit do not fuil to HEYN'S BAZAAR, Formerlj Rumll House Bazaar, which i now locftted at 9a Woodward avenue, formcr stand of the old ALHAMBRA DOLLAR STORE. These lwo well-known places of public patrónat- have recently been Consolidated under one inunüKcinciit, amí we desire to cali special attentloo to our large aiui wcll selccted line i1" Toys, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Flated Ware, Whitney Cliildren's Carriages, Velocipedes, Ezpress Wagons, &c.( &c. Which we will continue 10 sell at popular priceft. An early cali i respecU'ullv olicjtcd. H, HEYN è BR0„ HEYN'S BAZAAR, 92 WOODWARD AVE., OKTKOIT, MH'H. 1IM4-71 VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR Is a (ure cure for Cough, Colds, Whooping-Cough, and all Lung Diteaset, when taken in eason. People die of comumption implv because of neglect, when the iimcly ute of thi remedjr would have cured them at once. Fifty-one vean of constant un proret the fact that no cough remedjr ha tood the tesl like Down' JE 14 x ir. l'ric 3Lo. 60c and tl .00 par boUla. For 81 Ererywhsra, Dr.Baxter'3 Mandrake Will cure Jaundice, Dyspepiia, Liver ComplainU, Indigestión, and all distase ariting frorn 1 iousnet. Price 25 ets. per bottle. ¦ For Sal ÏTOry whtn. 11 KMiY A. JOHIIOI1! ÁRNICA AND OIL Ilinimenti M'or Jflan and Beast. ¦ The most perfect llntment evei I ¦ compounded. Price 25c and 50c. I For Bal ETi7wher. 0 ¦¦ Jk BV on lont f rtdlt and IL LA Jer teras, IliLDilla r ÊM rllmatr, fr (rom J !¦# hf.rj .nowi hlljht. Ing frosU, and xMIILIONS OF ACRES ¦ rala. for sale lu tha 1 tl ¦% COLDEN BELT A IU IV of Kansas, by tbc b Lf # UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, of a rlcli Soll hu the aun ver shont on, wltb good murketa eaat and west. For DetrHpHve and llluMtrattd Book, trith Xap; Hnt Frer, Addres LAND COMMISSIONER, Kuiu División, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. 1040-58 WISCONSINI Añ 500,000 ACRES Ll 11 LVON TUK UNE OF THB WtaMMaWM KXTKAI. K. R. l''nr rn 1 1 parrlcDlar, blek will b tent rrr, ad dr. i'HAKl.KS 1. COLBY, Tjnl c'ommiiwioucr ' 10SI106U Milwaukee, Wl.


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