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WHO ,. 3m3L3csrPrjvpjT - - CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R Y Is The Creat Connecting Link between the East and the West ! It maln line rum trom OhlraRO to Coanell SlrtiHnq Cantor lleeplnir purpose, and l'alacr BI uit UMsliill throuirh Jollel. Ottawa, La Salie, Mnimo Cara (r atuiu purposes ouly oin-otlier Oeiiavo Molftie R'-V lülaml. liarennoit. West .,1 ,.,,, l'ala, -e i'j Is SMoKINO IllwiH 'l'owa('lt Mareiwo llrooklyn.Orlnriell, SALOON where in eau Ml)oy Juur "BirU" l'm Mñii.ri (theeapital of luwn. Stuart, Atluat II hours of the ily. tlcauil wlth branches from Kureau Magnlnceiit lm,, m vlgrs vn the Ju'nitlon lo l'eorla; Wilton Juni-tlnn to Museaand Missouri rivrsat all ik.Ii.i tliis line Wanhlngtou Kaïrllelii Klilon, Belknap. line, and transfers are mYoldíd i Cuuiii-ii HlufTa. Centrovlllti Prlnrfiton. Trentn. Oallatln. CraeKansas City. Leavenwarth a: inron I.eaenKrth. Acehlson, iid Kansaa CMy, nrrtlims tirlnir maili' t rnlon I. Waililiutlinl"SI"iirniy. Oskl..osa. anti Tln prliiciHl IC. K. ¦muiiclli.rn of Tlllf K'okukto Kariiilngtim. lliMiaparte, HenUii rret Throucli I.lnc Hre a flliw : tomV'ort IniU'iiciiilfiit Kloon, otiumwa At ( HlCAdi). wlih all üivniniiig Hutu lor the Illti 0kalouM.I"lla. Monnw.aiiil DMMolues; East and South. 1! hun tn Keosaiuiua; Newton t.. Monroo: Dei At Emulkwímid. with th L.S. M.S.. andK. Mo'lne to Ii.dlanola and Wlntortet; Atlantic to Ft. V. .( ( R (irliwohl aixl Audubon; and Arocato IUiUii At Wa.hhIKUTuN IIi.iiíiith, wltta F.. C. 4St. and Canon. Tliln ! poültlvfly thi only RailL. R. R. njul liu-li uwn. aiij up..ral thruuli Uiie Ai i. SALLt. With 111. Cnt. R. R. f 'nri'iciiö i'iotl" Stite ,.( At PKOitiA.wlth P. 1' J.-.r. I). 4 E.. I. B. J. ïhrouitli EiprMI'aiieliíír Train, wlth PullW,; III. Mld.; and T. I', i W IÍU. niatirali-r:aisatlai'lil.areninearhwavdally At RiKI Isl.AM). wlth "Mllwauki-and Rock l.elwruii UHICAAO anil Hroria. Kamsa Citt. Iiland Short l.lnc," aml Rock Iti'd .k l"eo. Ko . Cot.'KOll Itu'Kr. Lkavknworth and At Davkwport. wlth tht navenport utvlalon RON ThnuirhcariarlaoiuiilK'tweenMllwaU.M.4M. 1-, K. K „„..,_ k"r 'and KrisM City Tla the " Mllwauk aud At Wrst 1.1 wllh the B. O. R N.B.K. Bock lslaiHl Short Line." At HmmiOLi, wlth Central lowa R. R. Th "Oreat Rock lland" Is maitnlncrnMy At Iks Moinks.wIIIi I. M F, I) R . R. eaiilued. Itsroail 1I uxinply perfect, and lu aiCouncil BLrrps. wlth Uulon raciftc RR. trrk 's lald wlth teel rails. At Omaha, wlth B. Mo. R. K.R. (In Nl.) Whatwlll pleaeyou most wlll be the pleasure At (Nii.oibus JtNCTloM.nlth H.C.R.4X R. 1 of enJoylTiB jour meaK whilp p.iln over the AtOT-rmwA. wlth Crntral lowa R R. ., beautlful prainesoi Illinois nd Iowa. in oneof 8U L. 4 Pac. and C. B aml Q. R . Rtls. our niagnlncent Dtnlng Oars tht rooui.a[iy all At Kkokvk, wlth Tol., l'eo. 4 ar. ; W A OJBt. Throurn F.Tprem Tralns. You ift an entlre Louis A I'ac.. and St. I. Koo N. W. K. Rds. meal aïfru'Xl as Issf rvcd In auy Drst-elais hotel. At Camkhon. wlth II. KLJ.K. R. foreieniy-tivercnts. AtATCHiao, wlth,Tciieka & SantaFr; Aimramtiiie the fact that a ma)orlty of the Aten. 4 Neb.. audCen. Br. U. P. R Ba people prcfnr separate aparlinirits for dUTorent At Lkavkkworth, wlth Union fac. and Kan. Iiurio8i.i (aiul thn mimeiise paslenecr business Cent. R. Rds. of thlsllne warrantlii It). we are pleanetl At Kaükas CITY, wlth all line for the west nuunce that thls Comttany mus 'uJlman I'til.tce and Southwest. II II Si .1 N l'AI.ACK (MUS are run throiiKh to PKOUIA. IK8 HlllM.s COliml i Hl-lVrs KANSAS CITY. ATCHIM.V IKATKNWOHTH. Tlcketa vla thls Line, known u tlie ' Urut Koek Ialatul Koute, are old by ¦II 'l'li'kt-t Asenta In the lulled State and Canada. For Information nut obtslnable at your home ofttce, uldre, R. K. CABLE, E. T. .TOItlV, Vk Ptld..l uJ Ciml kUiiapt. Q.otí Tlck.l ud l'J-iicAuü,l'ai 1IIB7-H2


Ann Arbor Courier
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