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Charlotte Republican: Nevada taxcs are ninWy mi t lie f 100. ow is the time to (o west and grow up with the country. Cadillac NTewa; It is belleyed that brlne ; mi} be t'oiiini a few thousand feel beneatfa the Mirlare in this loralily, and tliere is no f,'iKHl reaeon why Cadillac should nol Kason Ittlumber business with aalt at well asother 1 Ii:-' ;" M'"JilgHD. The preserving element Is certalnly neet led ú'pou oni ut m risinií general mi line. Charlotte Republfean: Miss Oraeie MoDonald brought to this offlee, Wedneaday, a pieceof a meteor, wbfcb ras plckedupoa tlie farm of her grandmothur, Mis. M. J. Leland, of Oaklaml county. The meteor When t'oninl was as large as an ordinarv slzed pampkta. The piece sin. un u (a 'i'i'i'1 a carioui formatloo and resemblei iron ore, and is v ry heavv. BaUle Creéis Moon: Bvery fenoe, building and sldewalk in the city seeins to be oorered uith hierotflyphicí iii chalk marta ihai geera to mystiry all and excite general curiosity. The explanation is simple. At the school seat fiictory Are severa] orates of crayon were burned, and smal I boya from allí jiarts of the city filled theirpocxets with chalk. Of course, haviag tbe material, it is imponible tur tlic nnlh lo ri'sist the ieni])tation to decórate every available spot in the city. G. R. Bagle: It is remarked by the eider and wine prese mannfactnfei-, running for governor of Ohio as a prohtbitionitt, that his preatM ara "not Intended" fortbemak Ipg of intoxlcattng drlnks. They can be Ued in that way, bal be really hopea they never are. A temperanoe orator once remarked té Artemoa Vard u the lattor was aboul to take a drink: "Look nol neon ihe ni' when i s red in the cup." "Thai. ain't wine," said Artemug. "That'a old rye." "Il liitelh like a scrpcnl :md stini'cth llkean adder," oontinnsd Ute agitator "Oh no it don'i," retorted Artemua, "If you nut !¦'¦ ¦¦:¦ ¦'¦ -..,r„r !n L" " Oxford (rlobe: Over a ycar nas now passed since 8 most singular and niysteriOOI murder occurred, as it were, witliin our very midst- we refer to the Smilh homicide; and yct. with all the boasted aocuteness of onr officials, the veil has never been raised lïom tlie atrocious act, revealing to 1 the eve o! jusiiec i perpetrator or perpetrators. Is this not a trifle singular? Hut c now, after the' lapse of time, is it possible that what was a complete failure of the accuteness of our ofüclals is now to be ' venled by causes entircly outside. of I selves, and that remorse shall prove the ' greater and inotfi i t-n t poner fu revealing dark mvsti'ries. i I'ontiac Gazette: A poptmaster is times in luck, mul on IConday niornini; ; last neighbor Gerls was one of the lucky ones, in a small way. A rood inany years i ago, wlien Mr. G. was landlorj of the railroad hotel, a traveter "put up" with hito, . had suppcr and lodging, but lef: witliout explanation and without breakfast This , experleuce was nothing new foralandlord, , and was soon forgotten. Last Monday n itranger stopped Mr. G. ou the -urn, . r uuiiium juuiaagoï had BUpper and loilging at your hotel, and . left without pajina bilí- I had no money; how much is il f " 'At that time the bill would have been 80 cents," answered Mr. (.'.. "All right, licre's a dollar to make us square," auswered the stranger. Allegan Journal: Allegan has two hotels managed on the tempeiance plan, one being ot' the fint and the otber oí the aeccond class, and cach is good of its sort. It loiiks a little odd therefore to Bee temperance people from about the country, and somc within tlie town. patronize tlie placea where liqitor is sold, wlien they could be served as well at tlie saine prioc at hotels wbere the trallic ia rum and damne.d souls is not carrled on. We know a '-worthy eilief" of Good Templara who always, wlien he comes to town, goes to a hotel which is oneoftlie worst drani-shops in the viliage, Thcre seems no satiefactory reaaon for this inconsistent action, and there is room for reform among tibe reformers, Big Rapids Cnrrent: There s a great demand for teachers in tliis count y, and many iiiMiiiries liaving been made at this otnrie since we annouTlceu mat we would assist teacbera and districts all we could, it would be wel! for those who are authorized to ie ich in this cotinty and who deerfré to secure schools, to hand in their naraeBM once. Only 21 persons have been graoted certilicates by the county examluers and but few of tlie old towosliip snpërlntendent'i cntlflcatet are now in foicc. tlicrefbre, il is soiiK-what donbtfiil about thcre being enougli teachers for the schools ot the county. This state orflïingé wil] hare a teiuK'iiry [o cali back in ihc ranks somc "1 the alilcsl teachers ot tonner ycars, who retired hccansi' ol the 1'eduction ot' Wagea cauaed by the corapetitlon of inferior and incompetent teacliers, and the inevitable rcsult of the new system will lie to elévate the Standard of our coinnion schools. Tli ree Kivers Tribune: 'J'he c.litorsand publishers of the congressional district met al (rand Haven. Sept. 7tl, and organized hs a "l'iltli congrea&ional district press association." Kvery county in the district was represented. Don J. HenOerson of the Allegan Journal waschoseu preshlent The followilig toplM weiv reterre.l to thé excciitivc comniitlee to report on at a -peeial meeting held at (rand llapids, Sept. 28: 1. Advanee payment of snbsuriptiong ¦ ¦2. Advertising rates, legal, commercial and medical-! :. i'he la wol libel; 4. Obliimlion of eandidates PoroffloetO Ilie pren: 5. lieeiinstnielion of tlie flate pnw as.sociatlon ; 6. Ornhlzatlon o{ a department of loatructlon in journaüte), to be establlghed in Michigan Univcrsity or some other school of the state. 'J'he iifth district has setageod ezarople. it ia the dnty o the editora and publlshersof the fourtfa to take alikeaction. Wheresiiall the first meeting bef .Mason Dein.icrat : The iiieonsisteiicv and untairness ot railroad (raighi catesis quite plainly shown hy the followlng Iliustrauon : s. Baithblomew, tl i gyman " inforins nthat ItOOStohlm 3lT per'ear f rom Detroit to JackSMl and it eosts $.1 more to get upto oi l!a City; butUoats ÏJ1..V) moreget it to Mason." Or in other words, the railroad compatiy seems wllting te pav $16.60 for the privilege of drawliiff a car loan oí treignt Inmi Hmm tu LaaringorBay City, and all ever .-ame rpad. Al any polnt where there conipe. ti. ni the frelghl rates are rensonable búí where there tsáo otber roadtbe ratee' are exhorWUmt. Mr. Bartholomew ibtpped i car-load ol buggle right tbrongb t his city to Lansing, making nía frelght bilí i lessthan KouH liare been had tlie car been lelt hete: licihin liircd lliem drnwn baok to .M:is,m hv itMins ;iiul saved 1(1 by the tranaaction. Feuton rndependent: The pant few daya Ikivc i'ccali-il criiiifs OOmmltted u nur iniilst ihat mu w(_-ll eauae i lie cfhMk f every depent cftizen blüsb. Cor bIuubs ovar t ]¦ olty m wiiidi he Uves, :iihI cvciv vlrUious father uu luother to pause and ask ulial iré Un ili-tciiccs that, :irc imw tlirown Mronndtfaelr leved ooei wbttlierlhy an aufflclenl tg goard tbem eflactually frora tin' wduoer and the ritlian thal prowl nigbt and i]-.y n oor Btreets, The marn quectlou la, muII we pecmlt iucIi enemioe of the publlo virtitc to go onwtilpped ol public sentiment? símil thy be (tlven social posiiion which ti,, .y have forfelted 'o ti isclvcs iiy iln'ir lloentloaa praotíea, or abalj thcy M plaicil as Ihcy drscrvr to be, on a le,vw witli their Wetlms umi paramours, and togethrr wltli them be tnrust out oi' the society tf those who live wlthln tb golden ebaln of obasttty. What hope - tfaete lor ih.. sati'ty ui the rising ocnetaüoii, t sueii thinnare togouiireBukw]? Sodom of old failed to arrest the spreadiiiK cbntagion, and tfow Hes imder g lake Of liqiiiil hiiinstone. mijrlil to proAt by the xaatple.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News