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Herald: The frame rcsklenoe of Justirc bebman is now completad. A rui atloat tliat beforo Ilic snow flies, the 'Sqiiire Wil] t.ike unto himself a "frou."' Herald: Hev. Mr. Northrop, of Xortliville, is the successor of Kiv. Mr. Hudsnn at the M. E. church. He will oecupy the pulpit next Sumlay. Wf biil Kev. Mr. Hudson and family aa affectionate farewell, and uisn tin-m Bdocees, bealtb and bappincss. They go in Morenci, Lenawee Oo. lic will neciipy the pulpit at tMai [''m mt Sabbath. Chip Basket.- The village marshal has been "KOOpiog in" the "drunks." John Allyn lias aocepted a posltlon on the road a.s brakesnian, and haa fftven uj) dttcying. i. JI. 'J'uttle is nnw travelinir on tbc road Klling elotfaec wringers. The Herald offloa li sometiines ligbted with "electrlc sinilcs f rom a bevy of' beautiful 3-oung ladles" - quite beaming we shoukï say. Tlie decline in the price of wheat lias cffectcü the amount marketed considerably. Mr. Frencli lias jrone to New York. Geo. P. Glazier gave hlftrtondf a cali last week. Mrs. A. Purand spent a few days in A 11 11 Arbor last week. MANCIIESTKR. The farmers and men-lmnts of tbis vicinity are talkins up a "district fair," tbc Mist exblbition'to be given next year, at thla place. At St. Mary'a church Sunday before last, $17 11 money was raised for the forest Bra MiHrnrs, without any previoug notice being given. 'J'he last issue of tlie Enterprise completetl lts 16th volume, all of these yeari it bas been under the manaeemenl óf Wr M 1). Blosser. The amount donatcd by tbc Maiichcstcr ])eople for theforest lirfsiillcrcis, in moae] and clothes, will amount to $700, it 11 thought. Of this amount $l7.47 in cash Enterprise: Tlie question is asKcci, iw,. 9 Combs- the new Metluidist preacherP" We can't answer it. He Is a Kranger in these parta, but the peoj)le af thiaoominunity needed a combinir, and thêy ill probably find bini out before lonr. Enterprise: The school board (lid not cbnsider Mrs. Fonntaln legally elected and elected A. K. Gage to iill the vacanoy ; Mr. Gage refused to accept, and O. D. Mofdoff waielected, at the last meeting of the board, to lili the vacancy. The ollicers of the board are as follows : Moderator, Ilon. J. D. Corey; director, S. II. Perklns, Esq. ; assessor, J. D. Van Duyn, Ksq.; tinance comnntlee, M. O. Case, Dr. A. C'onklin and Ü. D, Mordoflf. Manchester people are soniewhat fearful thatthe transfer of the D. II. & N'wn. H. Iï. to the Vanderbilt interest will result detrimentally to the place, and lo away witli competitions in freights, etc. Severa] changas have already been made. Freight for Detroit and (rand Tnmk JnnctTon only will now be received at the D. All depot, tor all other pointe at the Lake Shore aepot. a. u. Perkins iius been ret&mea aa clerk. One of the passenger trains, it la sald, will be taken off, and there will be only one train a day eacli way, whlch will carry mail and exprrss. IVin. ( 'anill', superintendent of the Lansing división also takes charge of this división. Chip Hasket.- A. F. Freeman has returned trom "up the lakes." L. I). 'athins has returned from liis trip to EuropC, lookinj; hale and heartv. Jas. Field lias :011e to northera Michigan, honting. Rm . V. 1'. Matthews. ïormcrlv of thu l'resbyterian church here, has moved to Auburn, Ind., where lie lias accepted a cali. Dr. Bessac has recovcred suuioiently to riée out. The niother of Supervisor Barch was taken quite siek while visiting friends and relativos last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Carr have heen visiting thelr daughter Katein Lansing. Mrs. S. H. l'erkins bas returned from the east. J. II. Klagsley has gfot back from Mnckinac. MILAN. The ]irospect8 for organizing a Pi-eshytcrian society here is veiy encouras-incTn Detroit. Milán & I'eru división of 1 '"¦ W.iliasli it whattheycall it now, in tbis sci'tion. Chip Rasket.- L. A. Wilcox is luiiUHiii; a oen resldence on Ypaüaktl bL Leonard'a Iruit drylng house now runs nightandday. A. J. Braman, betldee improvtng htsregtdence, is to ereet a new ham. The foundation for Wn. Kust. tIv's new house Ie oompleted. Mr. Calila lost a little child from wfcooplng cough recently. Siin : The Milan high school lias reopimd wilh very encouraging prospects - that, is, f making each teacher instruct 150 scholars can be considered encoina}riiijr. Jt would be discouraging to us to teach under such circumstances. We have not beard our teachers grumble in the least, but llicy are doubtless likc most teachers, pntient and endiiiing and do tlielr duty witli energetic as well as benevolent feelingt. Milan needs more room in school building and more teachers. It is not economy to be stlngy with our school. ]{emember, Wlow ril .cus. that the other towna in this vicinIjy offer all the educational advantages in their power and liave fained reatly by 90 doing. SALINE. A new Corporation cistern, being huilt by Chas. Claven, will he 20 feet long M feet wide, 12 feet deep, and liave a capacitv of 50 barrels. Mrs. F. Spears liad somé teetn drawn n few days ago, and t lic following crciiin an artery whioh had been ospOMd broke, and il was only by great (11. ut ihe was saved from bloeding to death. Ohserver: Mrs. A. A. Tuttle, of this place, has just eomplcted a bea spread whlch representa no mail amount of labor. It is kuit of No. 12 cotton, of wbieli it reqalred -"'O1 (irdinary baila, and laoopapoaed of 154 hlocks, each cohtalning 8,6M stitches, making a total of rr;, 1 1 gtltcheS. It will he exhlblted at the oonmtog faln at Ann Arbor aml Ypsilanti. Obscivei : Messrs. Hoyt tt Son, we are pleaseil to learn, have conêluded to re-build their grist mili. Their present plan la to Imild it mi the s.uniï site and about the slze of the old olie, witli Huir run of stone and all the latest improved niacliinery. The engine house will be of' brick, with an iron roof, tiius iiKikin it flre-prooï. They will endeavor to be In running order in BOdays. Owing to the growiag scarcity oftlrn berin t his lèoticm, they il not ra-butld Uu stave tactorv, but wlll dlapote of the machloery and devote thelr en tl re attention to the tnilllng business. Wc are glad they are so pluoky in the matter, and hope they will cneet with wcireiw Chip Hasket.- IJ. P. Duvenport has frouc c;isi on iMisini ss and pleasure. E. V. BatKtl Ims left the post-odice after three yoars' service, and will take a ooune in pharoiucy at the nniversity. Sheiiii Wall;iee expeels to have llis liew block lolllpleted n SOdays. Eichard Tuttleiiemployed in a rallioad offloe at Forgni Pallo, .Mimi., and likes it. Palmer Iliiyner lias Irli te lócate it lome Other place - in the vcst proliably. The School census gtrei this villaje li:7 chililrcn l.etwccn live 'uu', twciity yearsofiijfc- Icn less tlian last year. ' -Mis. Knel .Mills lias reliunctl IYomi Inr visit to Dakota. Útfo. s-i has been Bpendlnjj lew weeks at tlie St . Louis ïninei'al sprints, in tlie hope Dl lieuelillin his ln-ultli.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News