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Judge Cooley's Address

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Editor Cocribr. - Monday lat apart by Pret-ident Arthur as a " day of liumiliation and prayer," and tlie various church societus WVM roqucHted to meet in thcir ediliccs and conduct worship appropriate to the occasion. Such :i Wrrlot ral lield ia the Methodist church, undcr the direction of the pMtor, and the lare attendance and eurnestness manifested, as we are informed, was most gratifying. Tlie coinmou council of our city arranged for a meeting of another character, whúli ni held in the Presbyterian church. The building was overcrowded at the conimeneeinent of the oxercises, but the audieuce ffil Iarelv niiniiil ¦ ' " olmm of Judge Cooley's address. The noise and confusión of many persons leuving the room detractcd larely trom the interest of the occasion. But it could scarcely have been different, for the IndUUnctMM of the tpmkmt" voice, and the little enerjry he uto subjift would naturally produce tbat rabolt Since tlie congregation could not hear, they becamu restless, and several liundredá left thc rooui. That irtion of the address that was devott d to PmMwit Garfield, we greatly regret, was marrcdby certain strictures upon iiis public acts, wliich were sadly out of I 'luce ona day of "humiliation and prayer." The criticism of hs letter of acceptance in answer tothecommlttce who informed him of hü noiiiinittioii. us uusatisfactory the statement that Iiis inaugural addre&s was verf dtttppinttttf to his friends, and thc censure upon our inurdered preWent for tlieapK)ntment()f a rni,iic offictr; all this KM cry painful to hear on such an occasion. And altliouli it has been thought that the Judge has not been in harinony with our lanifiitcd chicf maristrate sioce he ap[ointed Stanley Mattlicws to the upreme benuh, ytt it was out of taste, and inight better not have been spoken. Nor was it necessary, when spvaking of the religious society with which President Garliclil was connected, to characteri.e the or;anization, b}' inference, as " bij;oU-,'" a term wliich he and twiee In this connection. BpMking of the pfMfdeat, he add " He was a Clui-tian without beïtiii n bigot." Qcn. Gartield was uttached to his denoinination, no doubt, but becanse other pcople are Étteobod to Uiuir-, are they tlurefore blgots? Is it thereforc true of the Preabyterlan cburoh, In whoae pulpit t li ís tuna ivas iim.i1, or of' otlier great cliurches? Aml b tliis the type of the ('liristlanity of our diiyf We tliou?Iit tbefe WM more ot a CatliwliC pir!l pervadinjf all the sreat dnomilMtkMU Hut even il tlie leunit'] fnêtlUK is of a different opinión, and intercoursc with the x-ple justillo hiiii in oinvictiunstliat bigotry rules auioiiK QkltaÜMH, was it in good taste to makc tren tlie slightest allusion to it on a day set apart for humille, kind umi cliaritiible word!


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News