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Frame still pushes her power in North África. Slie does not propose to take a step backwards, plot as the other powers niay to counteract and overlhrow her hold upon that country. Blonde females have petitioned Mr. Pull. mun not to upholster hls ciirs witli rrimson ftiiy more, as tlie color is so trylng to their complexión. llrunettes petition for more crlmson. So Pulhuan is puzzled. The asaassiu Guiteau says he has f'ull r„itl, ti,-,i ti... ,„...;...- r- ¦¦'" ¦'i-eoru lilm a fair trial. Certainly they will. Hul is a fair trial what he really desires? lic didn't accord his victim any chance lor defence. A secret service olllcer professes to be able to teil where the remaina of A. T. Stcward can be fouud. Wcll, if he can do t and will not do it voluntarily, he ought to be arrested and kept in conli nement until he divulges. The attacks and llander, and the general display of mouth and eheek by the physioians of the country over the presidenta case is certainly dista-teful to the mass of the people. They should al! have the ftood sene to simt op. To the great credit of the Irish people it is said that not oneof that nationality is to be fouuil ameng the Mormons. Altbough Moimon missionaries have endeavoied to induce them to entérate aml doLt u.oir polygamoi doctrine, they have preferred poverty to such a lite. An Illinois paper asserted that "theie is onejackass in our state legislature," and bcfore noou of the day on which the item was published the editor received a note from every meinber of the house, including thu speaker, telling him to retract or look out for a libel snit, eaeh memher regardiug it as n personal hit. Mr. J. ij. Leiseuring, of Altoona, Pa., i colleeting the editorial of all the kwdlBg papers of the world upon the death of 'President Garfield, which he proposea to issue in book f orín, together witli a brief sketch of his life. As every paper in the country considers itself a "leading" journal, the proposed book will have to be of mammoth proportions to contain tliem all. The tlowers usedat the funeral obequiet of President Garlield OompriMd two car wJs. Anion; the lloral gift was One from Ijueen v iriorut. me mmns "nc wrought into varioiis represeutUiin. There wcre pillows with initials, cmwus, crosses, hurp.s, wliite dove, wreathes, etc., etc. It Is said to have been the gMUtdwl floral display ever seen in tliis country. On the lirst Tuesday in November New York state holds an election, and the conventions which are at present being held are sometimes quite full of life. The offlcers U be elected are a secretary of state, a coinptroller, a state treasurer, an attorney general, a state engiueerand surveyor, and an associate judge of the court of ppfials. Therc are also to be ehosen cougres-incn to fill vacancles In the 9th, 11 th, 22d and 27th districts, éstate leBaton aml 198 umnblymen. Upon ouj tirst page will be found a description of a portion of the inhabitants of the island of Haytl, at one time one of the most produetive of the West India grunp. The story now told of the decline of its people is almost too horrible for elvlliztd beings to believe. The islaud should be taken in charge by 90111c of the civilitil nations; the barbarous '"Voudou" worshippers auuihilated, and a stable form of (tovernnient given the unhappy people of that island. It is now tliou'ht that after President Arthur has had time to arranjre matter and things satisfactorily at the national capitol, he will accept the resignation of a portion, atlea9t, of the present cabinet, and surround himself with advisers with w hom he is in sympathy. In fact Secretary MacVenj:h and Postmaster General James both insist upon such a course in their Individual cases. Mr. Mi'.cVeagh thinks that (Jen. Arthur's administration can not besun -cful with a cabinet in aiiy way out of sym pathy with him. Men's clothing costsmore than women'. The Xcw York Coininercial Adverli.-er suys that the value of the former inanufaetured In New York is 00,000,000 per year, and the value of the latter oiily f20,0O0,(X. While corsets, boOflktatl and other articles of allejfed female aniount to only $685,313, men's furnishing goods reach the extravagant flgan of $3,3üh, lei'. To offset the $5,040,802 siiiandered by women upon artificial Mowers, foathers, etc., the $18,237,088 thrown away by men upon dgUI alone, not to whisper the modest suuis that are chewed and swallowed i:i the shape of tobáceo, gin, beer and whisky, may be inentioned incidentally. The Ohio state election t his tal I, has been robbed of much bitterness and iiei'iciu'-s by the death of President Garfiekl, aml the deep feeling of the panda tliereat. In lact, were it not for au oecasional refereuce to tlie subject by Ohio journals, the masses of peopk would not knuw that such anevei.t was down upon the politica! inogram at all, yet it is to take place next Tuesday. If the people of Ohio would only all turn out and vote, thls coming election would be a free expression of their political prefereuces, unbiased or uninlluenced by 01 fljrurers or wir puliera. Tliere woalil be no doubt to the renult of such in eleclion, with all the people voliug. A -insular accident occurred to u Cunada Soutliern R. R. slet-ping car laat Monilay evening, at half past 8 o'clock, as it was beinir carried across the Detroit rivcr Kt Trenton, on one of the 1 irge ferry bout .4. The bella ol the lailed tOKupond, and in consequence the siilp ru lato 'lie dock ftill drive. 'i"Ii Btarted the sleejnnjj cir "St. Clair," which juni mul tlirougli the Chaitt at the end of the boat and luiiihled into thi! river. Two passenger MMflfcM would have gone also, but for the oonpÜBg lireakinji. One end of one going down as it was. It laaaH no lives were lost, the car tioatiii;; ujwn its side suffleiently long to allow thi' puwngen lO make their exit. A foitunate warning to this class of terry boats. A New Zealand correspondent of one of the Enjrlish printing trude Jouraalt ooplains that types cast in the (Jnited Statei are fast supersedint; those of Kujrlish make and styles in Australia. New Zealand, and in fiiCt ill the slmds constiliitin;r l'olynesia. The journal in question eoininents on thiï announcement in a rat her dolefül veln and then admita that so far as job and fancy stj'les oi tvpis are oonoerued the complaint wlH apply to England itself, as well as to !in lootk lea aotonle It says it is constantly in reccipt of siecimens of priuting from all the principal estalüshment3 in the Inited Kingdom, and thiit nearly every card and circular reeeived shows that It is printed in part f not wliolly with t ol Aniericaii muniitaeture. The postmaster ganan] is about to make I 'liaiiíre m rnc money-orncr wjwtmm r Ma country. In (ilace ol the okl red-tape nu thod the sccretarv proposes to substitute an eniiived blank of two denoiuinations, ruaaiog up to $.50 and $5.00. l'poTi tlicw blank numeráis are printed in columns, and the amount of order is piniched out. If the order h for $3.75, a three is punched out of the first column and scven out of the second, and a flve out of the third. A purehaser will preMDt bis money, jret his order, or as many ol thcm as he pleaaes for payinent. They are to be good for three months from issue, and payahle to the person to whoin they are endorsed. In this vaya larga ¦urliijr.wiU be made und the buniness mnch sitnplified - Ex. A fond ba beep ,-taricd for lbo purpose of erectinij a monument to the meniory of Gen. üarlield. Sueh a nioveineut is apropriale, but it is to be hoped that the handling of the Itiuds may be by men in whom the utmost coiiliilenee is placed. Tliere has usiially been too ïnucli money notaccounted for in these funds. Mr. J. W. Finney, of Detroit, makesthe Bjllowth BUggésUoilS in the N'ew Vork Tribune: "In view of the popular regard for the late' President Garlield would it not be well and fitting that the people be afforded an opportunity of .'-.Miiiiuiiiiug Hl a inonuinunt to he raised over his gfaT9, M 'The l'eople's Memorial?' Boxet Dftight be placed in all postoltices or in soine other pnblic places in each city and village, where the peojilecould deposit ¦BOB larga or small sums as they miht de-ire. The aggragafca WéuW be frreat. Five cents from eacli inhaljitaut would amount to about $2,500,000. The editor ol the ('oldwaler Hepublican t the colic, just as bad as one or two other papers over the work of the intpeetinfr coinmitlec that selccted the military eompa:iics tOr the Vorktown celebration. Thia editor oonstlltltet hiniself an authority on military uSain and wades into the committee unmei cifully. He says the Coldwater eompany is an older and better company tlian the Ionia, and he knows it, being a good udge of military matters, himself. He alsu acenses llic eomiuitti'c of niakin' uu the giste i" i',n. insDccting tlio aompknlOft, etc, etc. JV me wujmtu uoDauj umlerslood that they would have to baai tliecondeniiiaüonofdisuppointedaspirants, they were undoubtedly suffleiently prepared for sucli screeds to withstand theui. Lots of jicople in this world get coneeitexi and pulled up, and when they get pricked and the wind let out It hurts, of course, the same as a biLster smarts, w hen you let the water out.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News