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Estáte of Jox-pii Uro un. QTATEOKMICUIÜAN, Ata (eelon ofthe Probate Court for the County ol Wahteniiw, holden at the Probate Office, In the cfty oí Ann Arhor, on Mondj. " JWn aay of Bepteat g-hty-OB. "iTe-ení. SS S5SJÍVd8 0 Propale. in the matter of the estáte of Josepb Brown, deceasud. Ddiiirl B. Bruwn, adminisirator of eaid eetatu, comea Into court and representa thathe nuw prepared to render hls final account as such adminla trator. Tbcrcupon il ie ordered, that Wedneeday, the 19th day of October uext, at ten o'clock ín the lorenoon, be aeshfned for examlnlng and allowiiiu eucb account, and t bat the helre at luw uf xaM ) and all otter prrnoim lniereftted in aid estáte, are requlred tu appear at a eentnion of sald court, t hen to be holden at ttie Probate OÖIce, in the cl tv of A nu Arbor, in huid county, and show cause, if any there be, wli v tbe naid account whonld not be allowed. And tt is further ordered, that said admiuistrator givu iiotlceto the persona iutereated in said estáte, of the pendency of -aid account, and the hearing thereof, by causiup a copy of tbis order to be publíshed in The Ann Arhor Courier, a newtpaper printed and circulated In tatd county, three succeesivc weeks prevloai to aaid day ot hearing. (A trui' copy.) W1LLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Judge of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Rerister. 1UU0 I of I, e in nel Foster. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí At a sesfilon of the Probate Court for the County of Waplitenaw, bulden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor,onTburiday,the lölhday of September in the year one thounand eiht bundred and eitfliiyone. Present, William D. liarriman, Judge of Probate. aisedT 6.readrnVanl1frriffi 8LZtF?tTJrï fled, of Isaac N. S. Fuster, pra;lnK that a cercan! VJ" stminent now on flte in thl court piiriortinjí to be the last wlll and testament. of aaid deceaacd, muy beadmitted to probate, and that he majr be appointed exi cutor thenof. Thereupon It Is ordered, tbat Mundcj, the tenth day of October next, at ten o'cloclc in tbe forenoon, he aHHiued tor the hearing of eald petition, and that the deviseeg, legateer and htirs at law of aid dereaaed, and all other persone Interofted in sald estáte, are reqnired to appcar at a sesiion of iald court, tben to be holden at the Probate Oflice, In the city of Ann Arbor, in said connty, and Bhow caue, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be trranted. And it 1 funlier ordered, that said petitioner Kive notlce to the persons iutoreeled in eaid eetate, of tbc pendency of sald petltlon, and the hearing thereot, by cautinp a copy of this order to be publii-hed in theAnu Arbor Couritr, a newppaper printed and circulatlne in sAid county. three succeuive weeke previoutto sald day of hearini?. (A true copy.) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Jndireof Probate WM. O. DOTY. Probate Register. IWH M. S. SMITH Sc CO., Jfuclrr, corner oT Woodward hikI .lirrii Avenue, Detroit, Invite alteiitloii to n ver) lurgc and line eolleetion of ArliNtic Foreigii Ware, flnc Freneh nul Englitili C'lockH, Diamond and olher GeniN, wliieli wcre pcrNonall) keleeted the rcent canon by a meinier of the Iliin in the i:uriteiiii market. Kvery arilele in our ütoek i markcd in plaln llfiire, ut tied priecs. Corresponde nee lli itcd. IS.lITn&i, JEWELERS, DETROIT, MICH. 1054-71 ff New IllustraH ted Price-List BF mF FallandWinterofl881. FreO to wy sddress. Contains full description of all kimt of Roods for personal and family usc. We li-sl directly with the consumer, and sell all froods in any quantity at uhoUtuie price You eau buy better and cheaicr than at home. MONTGOMERY WABD & (0. %i7and 229 Wabash Avenue.Chicago.IlL Ml-fl


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News