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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Churcli. Rev. S. Haskill, Pastor. Babtatb rntrícea, m'., a. h. andyp. m. Suiul.iy School aftel morning service. Pr:iyer meeting Thursday evcning at i% o'clock. Catholk Cliuroli. Khv. Fatuer Fierle, Pastor. jam MtfCfS A M. HM) MM, io'.j a. m. Vespers, 4 P. m. Sml.i Si'hool, 3 P. M. Con-rreirational Chnrcli. llttv. V. II; Kadkk, Pastor. Sabbittfa services, io1 a. M. and 74 p. v. SuimI.iv School liter mor inii services. 1 Viwi meeting Thursday pveafcig 17' o'clock. Episcopal Chïiri'h. Rev. Wyllvs Hali,, Itector. S;ihl tth Mrvices, io'i a. m . and 71 .; i m. Suiulay School, %% P M. Keligious services Thursday tvcning at 7T o'clock. (jorman Metkotfllt ('Inirch. Rev. C. Tkankir, Pastor. Sabbnth services, ioV$ a, m. and i% r. M. Suniay School, at tune o'clock a. M. lrayer meeting on Wednesday. liiithonm ( Í1111TÍ1. Iïkv. Joan Neumann, Pastor. Sabbath services, 10% a. m. and 7p.m. Sunday School after morning service. Praycr meeting, Thursday evening at 7 V4 o'clock. Mctlwttïist Episcopal Cliurcti. Rev. John Alabaster, Pastor. S:ibbath services, io'i a. h. and 7 VL r. m. Sundav School after morning service. l'i.ivrr mt-ctinif, Thursday evening at 7' o'clock Yoiing l(j"j)lt-'s Mt'tting, Sunday evening 6. Presbytorian riiurch, Rav. Richard H. Steele, D. D , Pastor Sabbath services, io4 A. m. and ?Vé p MSun. 1. iv t¦lool and Bible class alter morning serV ICC . Pimyer meeting, Thursday evening at S oclock. Ytllg l'copk-'s Meeting; Suuámy mrmmtwagé. I11Í f ariiin Churcli. Il t. J. T. SUNDERLAND, Pastor. S.ibb.itb Bervïcus at 104 an( 7 MSunday School at k, Students' Blble Class ;tt 9:15 p. M. Littlicran ('luirrli. Rtv. H. F. Rglser, Pastor. Sybhath services at ioV4 a. m. and 7 P. M. Suodvy Bchool immediately after inornmg service. KciiLTinus services VV'ednesday evening at 7 o'clock. StlJSIN L á RD8. HILLUÜI BIOOS, BUILDER SHOP: COWTIK CHURCH AXD ORLEAXS ST. Ann Arbor. 102I".1) W. II. JACKSOX, IDlEIbTTIsT OFFICE : OVER BACH & ABEL'S. Entrance by First National Bank. 7S2tl WILL1AI HERZ, Ilonec, BtgB, Oruaniental and Fresco Paixter. - u - lVip-rinir, Qlulog, (ilUtn?, and ('alciniinlnt.' and work of fvcry descripción done in the bet tyle, and warranted t give atisTaction. Nlioi. Ho. 4 Wet Hhlngton Mtreet. Ann Arlior, Michigan. tKBtr yf ILLIAM W. NICHOLS, DENTIST1 Hl? HAS KKKiiVKi) TU 11IS MW DENTAL ROOMS OVBB JOK T. JiCOBí' 8TOBE. 5fr'Jtf THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, Michigan, TRANSACTS EEKERAL BASSINS BUSINESS. CAPITAL, $50,000. Organizcd under the General Banking Uw of thls !t!Ue, the atockholdTi are iudlvtdnally Itable ror an idditiona) aoiount equul to the stock held by them, hurchy creallnc a - mirnii toe Fund for the lii-n.-IH of Iti-liOHitoi of $100,000.00. Thrcc per rent. Interest Is aiiowed un uil ddvlnga lypof it of onv dollar and apwarde, accordlugto ttaerulcaurihu Itimk.und lnlcn-sl compouuded fciui-auuunily. Monry to loan au uniucombored rf al estáte aud utber guixl Hocurlty. Üiror-C'hrltlan Mack, W. W. Wlnes, K. A. BeaJ Wllllam Deubil, u illlam D. Harrlman Daniel ülscock, and Wlllard B. Smlth OSam: (HR18TIAN Mack, Pres. W. W. Wihu, Vlce-Pre Cha. K. Hiícock, Caíhler. ¦ra GET THE IÍEST Fire Insurance JW 42,000,000 lp Security lield for the protection of the Iolicy holders. CHRISTIAN MACK Reprecenti the foUowing lirst-class compa "es, of which one, the iEtna, has alone paM $.5.5,000,000 lire losses in sixty years: ui",' o?,11""0"1 t 7,400,000.00 E".pwud.ipMi :::::.r.:::::.: 5:K 'ZT ïmiTicau Y 2.8O0,(JUU.U0 unaon Anrance Curuoratluu 15,800,000.00 orth l'omiHn llambur,; JU.OOO.oO ii.derwritereAKencyNïY;;::;;::;:;;;;;;:; i'eoo.'oooioo Loues liherally uijustcd and piomptly paid. 1 olUAe Imed tt th lowest mtcsof premium. '"¦¦il7;t CHBISTIAX MACK. PBBDÖNÏÜHBBRYABD JAMES T0LBERT, Prop., Manutacturcr aüd Dealer In SAGINAW ANfi-SAWIID LUMBER, LATH AND SHINQLES. Al-SO AUKNT KOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND 8ELLS FIKK I1RICK. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KKKCH. S„t. febl, All klnd8 of prlntlng aud job work wlll bo at cheaper r.te. tLan at any otber hou.e.


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