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The Series System Of Modern School Books

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The New York Oraphie tlms the expenalve"serie" of school booke forwhich párente aro so severely taxed every few llimitlis: Sh.-irpshaver's hnproved priman-, gcofraphlcal series, tot young Mannen : Tlie first book in this new inethod teacbei the infant learuer that the eartli he or she Uves on tsaaolid ball Incloeéd in space. Were this bal] large etiongb all space would be inclosed by it. It shows alsoconclusively to the infmitilc mimi that it' tlie eartb wa's flat it coukl not he round. This idea is quite enough for the Brgt book in primary geogruphy. Let the child's mlnd be thoroujrhly inibued with Ui ie and the rest will casily follow. Prlce, seventy-Iive cents. First cost, ten cents. Thesecond book of the primary geographical series teaclies the child that all llght and heat (save such as is dereloped froin cook stoves) comes trom the sim. Were the sim not ilhiminated the eailh would ïeinain in ilarknr '1M ..... MDU Hl blIXI IMIIMV l lliC 8O" rics liiitructéd not to mlstake the tnoon for the sui). And here the book cIobos. Prlce, sevciity-live cents. Prollt to the publiülier, forty-five cents; to tlie active meniber of the School Board, ten cents; to the bookseller, ten cents. First cost of the book, ten cents. Tlie third book of the primary geograpuïcal series teaches the child that rivers are made of water. Great care is taken to instill IntO the child's niind the f.ict that rivers are not made or land. The banks only of rivers are of land. No river has banks of water. When the child coraprehends Olla tact it is ready to proceed farther. Price V5 cents. Prolit to the publisher, 4 cents; tothe influential meniber of the School Board. 10 cents; lavored bookseller, 10 cents. First cost, 10 cents. The fifth book of the series teaches the child that an island must always be surrounded by water. If otherwise it can not be an island. Great care is taken to itnbue the child's mind with the fact that an Mand eau not be pcnmuiently eomposed of water. Were the island coinposed of water it would sink, The child is, also, in this book raujrht that most islands are stationary. Pi ees, prcitits and lirst eost as above. inc uxui dook ol Sharpshaver's unparural ciivisions of water. 'J'lms, a soumi ot' water Is not an audible sound. Tbc süape of an ocean is determlned tij the shape of the land around it. The ocean s salt, because it contalm salt in iolntlon. A sea is ;i smaller body of water Ilian au ooean, becausek is not so large. All these facts are well gronndi'd in tbc elnld's niind bel"v the book stops. Prices mul profits as above. 'Hu; leveoth book of the series teaches the infant lcariicr ilie name, and plaoa, of the country it lives in. lt show liim ,.i her concliisivcly that, il' boni elaewbefe, he or she could not be a nativc of the Oireat Kepublic. WhciL the chihl realhsea this it will know it. 'I'lie seventh book closes this set of the leriM. The next sèt (sevt-n in uuinbcr) s devoted to theililferent' men. This set, liowever, does not Include the dilli-i-cnt races of wotnen. That portion of tlie subject is reserved for another series. Tbese Mii.jects bcinj? more mpiicated (man bcing, as we are assurcil, teaitnlly and wonderfnlly in:ide,and woniati beingeven more tearltillv and inore wonderfully made), the books must necessnrily cost more and the protits to the publislier and otlier paitas interested in educational natten must be greater.


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