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False Economy

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There is a v:ist ntount nf false economy in business, and it has fonnd lts way to the bomes of ISUjr of oor farmers. True etonoiny, not parsimony, is the basis of success, and tbis is m true in the farmer1! occupation as in any other. The farmer wli objecte to glvlng Mis son a liberal educatlon on the grouDU tbs) he is golng to be "nothin; luit a farmer," la putting into practice a most nnwise and iujudicious principie of economy. Snch an oncuill not bny books, or tak,' papers, wliicli rlghtly perUBed, IVOuld If lve hiiu ;reat ussistunce in iiis work, slmply becanse hetbinkt he " can not attbrd them." His poor farniingtools are "good enoiigh for liiin," though on every hand he wttneme the rapldlty and thoroughneea of the work by Improred machTnery In the lmnds of tnily económica! laiincrs - ecoDomleal becanae the; ehooae nnthoda by uhicii theycando thelrwork moat (piickly and, at the same time, inol effloiently. The "economie" farmer wlshei to make inoney, so he sells olí' entile those cropa wliicli, retnrned in part to his soii In the hape of manure would make his land inuch more prodnetive, fortetting llmt tfae oll needa a certain amount of lbod In order to produce. He (IIcjMMet Of bil best calves and colts becanse "betag nicer they will brlng a better prloe," and he retains the poor olleasts tor breeders - a siire step toward Ignomlnioua fallare In ttock-keaplng. The time is come hen onr best fanncis ure Mttlng loose from these inlsleading principies, and are tuking broader views of things, and wlien thi falae oconomy should be inperaeded by the truc.- Uural New Yorker. Thk EtATIU COW OF Nova SOOTIA.-It happened on a ralhray train in Nova Scolia which wasgoing - well, it uasifl exactly a lightning express. The engtauer histicd "down brakes." "What is thetrouble, Conductor f "COWOO the track," coolly responded the condiictur. The man was sati.-lied. Shortly at'terward "down brak" was whistlcd affaln. "What's the trouble nowV'cried tlie same passender. "Cow On the track," was the reply. "Ureat heavens," said Ilic man, "liaven'l, re i-anglit lip with that cow vet?"


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News